Archive for category Mantra

Where the Hell ARE You?

I am getting pretty tired, and the SWARM is where I look for encouragement.

We get thousands of hits on the site, but we are lucky to get fifteen or twenty comments in BUGS SWARM.

Where the hell are the REST of you?

Is it true that only one in several hundred of people who read BUGS bothers to actually get out there and do the job?



The BUGS Swarm



Help Me List the Whitakerisms

There is no Wordism called Whitakerism. In fact, what we SHOULD have is the precise opposite.

From a very hard and dedicated lifetime, I have developed some basic truths that bear my marks.

The Mantra is an essence of a Whitakerism:

1) There is not a big word in it.

Except maybe anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

2) It is no absolutely no longer than it has to be.

3) What it expresses is so obvious that nobody sees it.

There may be other characteristics, but  within disability-level ADD, I am not good at listing things.

There are other Wordisms that have Whitakerisms. Wordism is concept that took our a lot of work and came out so simply that an intelligent, rebellious mind cannot believe he didn’t have it all the time.



WORDISM is the fatal error everyone falls into when they talk about Universal Love or Loyalty to Humankind in General. It is more divisive and evil than any fanatical nationalism or racism, because its idea of “Humanity” is forcing all humans into one mold and destroying any mind that isn’t loyal to that particular mold, that set of Words.

WAR CRIME: Losing.

MILITANT OBEDIENCE: This is what motivates the toadies of the grammar school bully.   He becomes part of the mobs on campus who stage a riot if anybody tries to make a speech disagreeing with Mommy Professor.  He then calls himself a Radical and an Independent Thinker.

ONE-RACE DIVERSITY:   Using the surplus population in the third world to commit genocide against the white race.   Immigration and assimilation are demanded for ALL white countries and ONLY for white countries.     One American general declared that American soldiers will fight and die so that “There is no room for any ethnically pure country in Europe.”

ANTI-RACIST: From the definition of “One-Race Diversity” is obvious that anti-racist is a code word for anti-white, as is “Diversity.”

HATE: A Hate Word

WHY WAS THIS  INFORMATION PRODUCED?     For example, education spending is directly influenced by the importance of heredity as against environment, since education if part of the latter.  So professors always declare that IQ tests are discredited.

Only Whitaker would point out that not one of those IQ-discrediting professors would allow, much less want, a single low-IQ person in his classes.

GREED: A word used most by those who are greedy for power.

COMMUNISM: A system that has to kill anybody who tries to escape

HOLOCAUST DENIAL: No one denies the Holocaust.  You are automatically sent to prison for disagreeing with the official NUMBER of Jews the Nazis killed.

THE SILENCE: As Genseric says below, ““The way our enemies signal defeat is by simply not bringing something up again.”   The fall of the Soviet Empire, not for ideological reasons, but because the whole thing was just so goddamn ridiculous, discredits the Leftist Intellectuals and is therefore militantly forgotten.

FREEDOM: Doing what you want to do, despite the right saying it is bad for the children and the left saying it is bad for blacks.







Whitakerisms constitute the exact opposite of a Wordist Whitakerism.

Whitakerisms cut the ground out from under the Buckleys and the Mommy Professors who believe that they have an explanation of human behavior that only exists up there in the ethereal realm of their big words and somehow Special Discussion.

Whitakerisms should encourage you, and me, to grow out of our John Birch or totally Southern backgrounds and study what truth the side we took really represents. Every Southerner should recognize the Siding With the Bully Syndrome in terms like “The Lessons of the Civil War.”

It is human nature that both sides in any conflict are partly right and partly wrong. All Mommy Professor ever does is get “lessons” out of the winning side.

For which the winning side pays him.

I would appreciate BUGSERS to toss in other Whitakerisms developed over our many years.



If You Don’t USE the Mantra You Discredit It

It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic.

The Mantra is repeating back to anti-whites what they say all the time. If everyone took it for granted that every black country — NOT JUST AFRICA — were singled out for immigration, it would not take five minutes for everybody to realize this was an anti-BLACK measure.

Over and over I have given the example that singling out Iceland for immigration is like singling out Haiti along with all black countries. The other half of the island of San Domingo, the Dominican Republic, is already mixed blood, so it would be exempted from the pressure.

When I use the term Jewish Wet Dream I am REPEATING what an endless number of Jews have said to me and in public. They start with “I am Jewish, so…” and then they say that anyone wanting to preserve the white race is an enemy. “Race-mixing,” by which they mean WHITE-mixing, is therefore a Jew’s duty.

So when I point out that, from what THEY say, the ultimate in race-mixing, a blond girl and a black man, is a Jewish Wet Dream. They have said a million times that it represents one of their main goals in life.

Telling people what they just said is a very different form of argument than accusing a group of secret manipulators. It takes a think to “expose” such a Conspiracy. And it is as productive as accusing businessmen of wanting to make a profit.

The Mantra is the total application of the basic rule of Western science, the rule that made it the ONLY real; science on earth, Occam‘s Razor. Occam’s Razor says that you cut away the crap. Occam’s Razor says that you look carefully at the obvious cause of something instead of building a whole new World Philosophy on a whole new theology or philosophy.

Occam’s Razor is the reason we are using the Internet rather than banging on drums.

Commenters run into an endless stream of critics who want to get away from the basic point and talk about a World View. The one great barrier for us is the insistence that the Mantra will “cause trouble,” that the white problem is already being solved by being called the RACE problem.

So why bring it up?

Because you cannot deal with a problem until you have STATED the problem. What we want right now is for the planned extinction of our race to be RECOGNIZED as a PROBLEM.



Chewing the Mantra Cud

I mentioned that most people are puzzled when I point out that the wheel is not, contrary to the usual statement, “since the invention of the wheel,” a common or an early invention. But the comic strip BC is constantly using the wheel among its joke-like primitive people as The sign of the very first thing invented.

BC like all humor depends on what people assume and know about. Everyone here has had the agonizing experience of explaining a joke someone does not understand.

BC shows that the wheel has not only to be cliché but a cliché everyone gets immediately.

Most of us also have had the experience of listening to a language we understand imperfectly. You begin to miss Americans or even freaking limeys when you spend a long time in a foreign language environment.

A lot of people speak English, but no one around you speaks it well enough so you can make puns or any kind of relaxed conversation.

We have a fluency here with the Mantra and Mommy Professor and other concepts that makes it infinitely easier to talk.

This is what I trip over when I mention the “as old as the invention of the wheel” concept, not that I can’t explain it, but the whole point is that everyone takes “since the invention of the wheel” so routinely they laugh at it in BC, but they have to have it explained to them when it is brought out.

The day will come when everyone will laugh at those ridiculous gray stone “classical buildings” in Washington. But we are still at the phase where we have to explain what they already know, that all those “sculptures” and “classical buildings” are based on pure ignorance.

It is heavy work slowly explaining to the DUHH chorus that assimilation is only aimed at the white race. It is heavy work explaining to those who laugh at BC the reason why they laugh at it.

And after you have done all that work, they are not FLUENT at it. It took a long time to get the assumptions we have.

But once you begin to get these across in the age of the Internet, it is amazing what people will think of when the seed is planted. The present effort at genocide takes a lot of explaining, but once it is thought about, even subconsciously, people will realize that it is no more abstract than a concentration camp.
