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Chewing the Mantra Cud

Posted by Bob on August 8th, 2010 under Coaching Session, Mantra

I mentioned that most people are puzzled when I point out that the wheel is not, contrary to the usual statement, “since the invention of the wheel,” a common or an early invention. But the comic strip BC is constantly using the wheel among its joke-like primitive people as The sign of the very first thing invented.

BC like all humor depends on what people assume and know about. Everyone here has had the agonizing experience of explaining a joke someone does not understand.

BC shows that the wheel has not only to be cliché but a cliché everyone gets immediately.

Most of us also have had the experience of listening to a language we understand imperfectly. You begin to miss Americans or even freaking limeys when you spend a long time in a foreign language environment.

A lot of people speak English, but no one around you speaks it well enough so you can make puns or any kind of relaxed conversation.

We have a fluency here with the Mantra and Mommy Professor and other concepts that makes it infinitely easier to talk.

This is what I trip over when I mention the “as old as the invention of the wheel” concept, not that I can’t explain it, but the whole point is that everyone takes “since the invention of the wheel” so routinely they laugh at it in BC, but they have to have it explained to them when it is brought out.

The day will come when everyone will laugh at those ridiculous gray stone “classical buildings” in Washington. But we are still at the phase where we have to explain what they already know, that all those “sculptures” and “classical buildings” are based on pure ignorance.

It is heavy work slowly explaining to the DUHH chorus that assimilation is only aimed at the white race. It is heavy work explaining to those who laugh at BC the reason why they laugh at it.

And after you have done all that work, they are not FLUENT at it. It took a long time to get the assumptions we have.

But once you begin to get these across in the age of the Internet, it is amazing what people will think of when the seed is planted. The present effort at genocide takes a lot of explaining, but once it is thought about, even subconsciously, people will realize that it is no more abstract than a concentration camp.

  1. #1 by shari on 08/08/2010 - 9:11 am

    A cartoon shows two blacks leaving Terreblanche’s bunkhouse, carying bloody pangas. One says to the other, “What’s a metaphor?” No, genocide is not an abstraction!!!

  2. #2 by Dave on 08/08/2010 - 9:56 am

    Every effort the bondsman makes to escape his bonds only tightens them and deepens his misery.

    That is why there is no such thing as strategy, only attention to important details and the most important may be seen by those whose misery is great, where an emissary (Robert Whitaker) emerges from the shadows, guardian to a secret storehouse of weapons.

    These are not the weapons the schemers, players, and students of strategy think of, and those that promise the future are blind to them. Also, it is impossible that any student of the martial arts can perceive them. They are blinded by tricks and devices that they worship by various means (such as the over equipped and over trained American police and US military) and they are cats chasing their tails (Wordists).

    The American Constitution failed right out the box, out of which the American Supreme Court tumbled, and the US Capitol became a monument (of architectural garbage) to tyranny and stupidity, the polar opposite of its claims.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 08/08/2010 - 10:32 am

    It has been said by Hunter Wallace that we WNs will be standing around debating our dreams of “One volk one reich” long after the revolution has taken place. And I believe that, because too often people like me who staff the internet rant sites are as dogmatic and bullheaded as any old marxist trope who inflicted himself upon the body politic of yesteryear.

    So events pass me and others by, for ex; Peggy Noonan coined a phrase which while she might be ignorant of its true deeper meaning I do believe will become a touchstone for desperate revolutionairies, “the rise in radicalism of the politically correct.”

    So one day old ranters like me will be standing somewhere listening to a young whipper snapper telling me of the great victories over the anti-whites and the dismemberment of the more garish faux greco-roman architecture of DC, all matter of factly.

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