Archive for category Race Matters

Mantra on Youtube

Lord Nelson  writes:

Its Done!

Thanks to Quality Geezer and sys ops, the mantra video is on youtube:

May 30 4:56 PM



I Need Your Help, My New Show Begins Tomorrow at 6 PM EDT

Animated Broadcast Tower

MAY 7, 2005
JOIN US, and be a CHARTER Saturday Listener
6:00 P.M. EDT

Duke WebCast Streaming Radio URL may be pasted into the Play box or clicked here:
If your computer doesn’t automatically begin streaming our program when it is ON THE AIR, or won’t play our recorded programs, you might want to download the latest Winamp 5 free player under the button below.

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 7, 2005 at 6:00 PM, EASTERN Daylight Time, I begin my first Saturday program on the Internet.

David Duke has a show everyday except Saturday, and after he found that I make a good guest, he started asking me to take over a Saturday show.

You can listen to it by going to I forgot to check, but I think you can get it via, too. It will be posted here on the blog. [See links below.]

This should be a hoot. I just learned how to use my headphones and I would say this was off the cuff if I wasn’t wearing a tee shirt.

David is real go-getter and a pro. He had his radio own show in Louisiana for two years, and it outdrew Rush Limbaugh.

They dropped him finally because he couldn’t get any advertisers.

Dave has a very formal intro to his weekly show.

I did a tiny stint a couple of times as a radio announcer back when we used tom-toms, but I am actually a ham radio type. I have had ham license for fifty years. Any hams out there will get the idea when I say my original call sign was K4ACV.

That spells OLD.

For me being on the air is just talking.

There will be no intro, at least for now. I will be talking. If you want to ask me anything, you will have to register on Stormfront or comment here on my blog. I will keep up with both. On the blog just put NFP (Not For Publication) if that is what you want.

Unless you specify otherwise, I will refer to you as “someone who reads my blog asks….”

It would help the blog if you did write me there so I could mention it on the show.

The object of the first show is to get through it. If there are problems, tell me.

You don’t have to be listening to the show to write me questions on the blog.

You may start now if you wish.
.- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .-

For viewing, or posting (if you are a subscribed forum member) to Stormfront CLICK HERE and GO TO the SF Webradio Townhall – on the right in the page count bar, click “Last” for current posting.

Or CLICK HERE which takes you to the last post on Townhall.

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Name Magic

When third world immigrants move into Western countries, we are astonished that those countries begin to become third world countries.

The ruling theory is that there is magic in a name. So if the third world moves in, they are part of the United States of America. So if you are loyal to the United States, you must be just as loyal to them.

Everybody who comes across the border is part of the precious United States of America. So we are not speaking of the same problems the third world has. A third world United States is different from a third world population anywhere else, just as a third world organization called the United Nations is not the same thing as the third world.

I just pointed out that the United Nations is a third world outfit, and the name doesn’t mean a thing, but nobody but Ole Bob has noticed this.

According to all libertarians and all “Christian” spokesmen, when a brown child is adopted in America or a Mexican comes across the border and increases his income ten times, it’s all pure gain. It does make America just a little more like the third world.

If you don’t believe that, Pat Robertson will declare you sinful.

It so happens that all brown countries are third world countries. But if America turns brown, Pat Robertson, respectable conservatives and liberals say our children will live just as well as they ever did.


Because of magic. Name Magic. When third worlders take over the UN, the name of the United Nations Organization is supposed to make things run just as well as they ever did.

If a country has the Name Magic to be called Denmark or the United States or Australia, the fact that it has a third world population makes no difference.

Pat Robertson is willing to bet our children’s future on Name Magic. I can’t find Name Magic in the Bible, but I’ll bet Robertson can find some way to interpret an Old Testament passage that way.

Liberals are Wordists, just as Robertson is a Wordist. A Name is a word, so Name Magic makes sense to them. And they are happy to bet the future on Name Magic.

They are Magicians. Magicians are nutcases, whether they call themselves “Christians” or socialists or “progressives.” They believe this Wordist insanity or they are psychopaths like Robertson.



Guest on Audio Webcast – 2 pm EST


Bob will be a guest on David Duke’s program via Stormfront Townhall webcast live audio again Tuesday, Feb. 1st.

Mr. Morgan says:

Bob Whitaker as an on-air guest comes across as a 10. Great on-air presence. Highly effective in this format.

His wit, charm, and intelligence really come across in this audio format.

I think he would make a perfect co-host for the non-Sunday shows.

They’ll both be studying the short questions and comments between now and tomorrow’s (Feb 1st) live webcast, so that they may address them both in writing with their own posts, and on the air.
Click “Last” of pages to be where online discussion is taking place and/or post questions if you are a forum member.

Listen live during scheduled airtime –
Keep checking….

Listen to recorded Webcast Interview:
Listen to streaming audio for Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Download program – Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Listen to recorded Webcast Interview:
Listen to streaming audio for Monday, January 31, 2005
Download program – Monday, January 31, 2005

Listen to recorded Webcast Interview:
Listen to streaming audio for Sunday, January 30, 2005
Download program – Sunday, January 30, 2005

Listen to recorded Webcast Interview:
Listen to streaming audio for Sunday, January 23, 2005

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Stormfront Audio – 2:30 PM Eastern Time
Click “Last” page to be where discussion is taking place.

Live Radio at:

Archived Tuesday 2/1/05 Hold:

Archived Monday 1/31/05 54 minutes:
Download mp3

Archived Sunday 1/30/05 90 minutes:
Download mp3

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When you have been in a desperately serious fight the way I have for fifty years, you either develop a really weird sense of humor or you go nuts. I get a kick out of laughing at myself.

James Kelso, ever the kind man, told me to back David up in this interview, since it was his first web broadcast, so I thought, “OK, Bob, it’s time to the Elder Statesman.”

The runup to the program was nerve-wracking. Dave had to do his own technical work here. Following James Kelso’s instructions, I jumped in and filled in in Town Hall while David got things straight.

Then I backed him up in the discussion as best I could. It’s HIS program, so I tried to be kind of McMahon to his Johnny Carson.

I was so proud. Pretty soon Ole Dave was leaning back and handling everything like a pro. I decided I must have done a hell of job as the calm Elder Statesman.

Afterwards I was bragging about it, and David just mentioned in passing, in that very kind way people do when Ole Bob is making a fool of himself — again — that he had run a talk show for two years that out-did Rush Limbaugh.

Here I had been trying to be a shepherd to a pro.

A younger man would probably have been embarrassed. I think it was hilarious.

I repeat, in this kind of battle, if you don’t learn to laugh at yourself, you’re dead meat. All that counts is not that I made a great showing, but that David and James asked me to do my part and I did it.

If I get a chance to laugh at myself in the meantime, that’s just a bonus.

One of the main things a guy my age has to offer is called “institutional memory.” I remember the people and events that came before.

In the case of radio, I have a special mine of institutional memory. What went through my mind as I watched David doing the technical work on his computer to get the broadcast on the Internet brought thoughts to my mind that make me want to share with you the sheer awe of it all.

I have held an amateur radio license for over fifty years. I remember assembling my own little Walter Ashe rig and reaching Ohio with my code (it was all in code for me).

Then I did a little radio broadcast in tiny stations and had to “handle my own board.” I came on, the guy before me went home, and the station was just me for hours. The station might reach across and most people had radios.

In Europe as late as 1970 you could go all across the dial and get maybe two or three radio stations. There was only one BBC, one Austrian Radio, and so forth.

So I sat there, watching David “handle his own board,” and I began to realize that more people today have computers than had radios back then. I used to think in terms of reaching Ohio on my ham radio or the next town in the heavily regulated tiny station I was working at.

I started to think about who could hear David. I could not quite realize that there are simply no limits. My whole experience with radio was limits. But Antartica could hear David clear as a bell.

I kept saying to myself, “Bob, there are no limits here.”

If you could put yourself in my place, you would realize that this concept has STILL not really sunken in.
