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I Am not a Race Traitor

Most AMPWs attack the Mantra and throw in a sure-fire answer to it that the other side, they say, could easily use to knock it down. This is humorous to any of us who have actually USED the Mantra, but keep in mind that none of those people have ever seen any debate using the Mantra.

Thus Jared made up a sure-fire argument that would knock the Mantra down in his quick dismissal of it. He said all the other side has to do is say that whites made their own immigration and assimilation policies, and, theoretically, could reverse them in a split second.

Like every other argument the anti-Mantra pro-whites (AMPWs) throw in, that one has been tried in the real world, and we have cut it to pieces. Photobucket

From the get go we know that white traitors are the problem, both the active and passive race traitors.

I am a white man. I am NOT a traitor. This distinction never occurred to Jared because he has never had any reason to think of it. He is too busy with the same old stuff. The same is true of all the other TOOs who throw in a sure-fire answer to the Mantra.

If a country favors a tyrant, as the Democratic Republic of Korea’s population unquestionably does its ruler, does that make telling them that they are living in Hell any less valid?

Whites, like the North Koreans, accept white genocide first of all because it’s the law and they have to live with it.

Jared’s naiveté I can understand.

But NOT BUGSERS’. I have seen comment after comment talking about Jared’s answer referring to “We” and ”Us” as in “We are largely responsible for white genocide.

The “We” they are referring to is white people.

How in the HELL can a BUGSER call anti-white whites “We.”

WE, meaning BUGSERS, have no relationship whatsoever with passive or active traitors to our race!

That is the mistake Jared and TOOs make, but you have not the slightest excuse for it!



Far Leftists are Breaking the Silence

A commenter pointed to
as sickening.

Actually, it is more important to us because both the 300 leftists who are carrying signs declaring their hatred for Germany are clearly reacting to the Mantra!

Before now, no matter how much they obviously hated their race and country, leftists NEVER declared it out in public.

But there s much more. One sign and the march in general declared it was in favor of Genocide!Photobucket


A person advocating genocide in Germany gets an automatic number of years in prison.

Unless he is a leftist. It never even came up.

Does anyone see what this means?

While everybody from PWAMs to liberals are out there declaring that genocide is not n issue, the far left has openly declared for genocide.

There is no question of a question that they can get by with it in the world most Thought Police controlled country. Any other group that even MENTIONS genocide in Germany is facing prosecution.

But the far left, bless their black little souls, is taking us up on it.

And there is only one US I can be talking about. There is only one reason they could possibly be on the streets declaring their hatred of their own people, and that reason is not TOO.

The Silence only works if they don’t have any nut cases who will scream their hatred. As the man said, “Three men can keep a secret. If two of them are dead.”



Established Religion, Including Ours, Rots the Mind

When Christianity was the only religion, all other theologies were declared heresy, except for Jews, of course. But all other religions were heresy.

In our day we have exactly the same phenomenon. All political positions which are not Politically Correct constitute something called “the right.” “The right” includes groups as disparate as the Heresies of the older established religions.

A Buddhist would have laughed at the idea that he was the same as a Shintoist. He would, rightly, consider anyone who said that as a total rube. But when you have an established religion, you are an intellectual hick.

In fact the best way to be sure a people has an established religion is to note that nobody even notices that their language puts everyone who is not Of The Faith into a single category.

This is a recognition of The Faith that is so routine that nobody notices what they’ve done. That is ESTABLISHED.Photobucket

The established religion seldom calls itself “the left.” But everyone understands that all opponents of the established faith constitute something called “the right.”

Everyone who denies God in the name of science is called an atheist. But astrologers were also accused, often correctly, of being atheistic. They considered astrology to be a science. Hence the more dedicated astrologers denied the power of any gods because it was the stars that determined everything.

This was a very serious split in its time, but we can’t even see it, because to those of our present established religion as to every other established religion in history, all who are outside The Faith are the same.

As Zoroastrianism began to admit non-Aryans in its latter declining days, it also lost faith. The Magi became more and more astrologers, the science of the time. So today the Wise Men were considered astrologers, and may well have been.

These distinctions become totally lost in a society that has a really established religion, as we do. The mind actually rots intellectually.

Mantra thinking is really the only thinking that is really outside the whole suffocating and wide spread chokehold of the religion of Political Correctness.



Chicken Bob

My proposal for what to do to anti-whites is paid informers, who will always get a percentage of the money we take from anti-whites and their heirs because of information they give us. So we will have people combing the records for records of every anti-white action.

What is funny to me is this scheme was attacked for being too “soft.” The attacker(s) banged their chests and said that they would hold tribunals and prosecute the bad guys and string them up.

It reminds me of the years when the Mantra was constantly attacked on Stormfront by people who weren’t going to sit around and work in the “unreal world” of computer. They were going out there and take the streets and conquer the worldPhotobucket

Same difference. My objection is not to the violence, my objection is the simple fact that they ain’t going to do a damned thing.

I have been there when my side won. In 1981 everyone who had been doing nothing but attacking liberals and moderates suddenly had the government dumped in their laps. On most things, they were clueless.

One thing that stood out was how fast those who had been screaming for many years on the outside lost their ardor when they got on the inside. The first thing the Reagan top-level appointees did was dump those who were serious.

I was the last person to sign off on Federal civil service staffing before the Director. I wanted to do what every other administration in history did: get our people into the permanent civil service, so when we went out of office we would still have lots of contacts.

I was forbidden to do that. I was forbidden to give anybody on our side information or contacts for getting into those thousands of positions that regularly opened up! I could have put in hundreds who had vet pref alone.

No, Reagan’s Director said, “We are here to clean out the swamp, not to join the alligators.”

Cute. But among other things that assumes is that “we” would leave office with a wholly cleaned out government. As soon as Bush took office in 1989 he got rid of every single Reagan presidential appointee, top to bottom!

So I have observed how cowardly a formerly dedicated group becomes when it actually takes office.

At such a time, everybody who used to be a fanatic is jockeying for position. In the real world, you need a SEPARATE, self-perpetuating means of doing all the stuff you shouted you were going to do.

I’m not soft. I just know what I’m doing.



Jared and Others May Not Understand How Little We Are Asking

Very often people visiting Capitol Hill would smile at me and say with a Shrewd look, “I know that the staff really runs Capitol Hill.”

This is one of those statements that is so dumb I didn’t usually bother to dispute it. It’s what us old country Southerners call “bein’ Shrewd,” which is exactly what Oliver Hardy of Augusta, Georgia meant when he said “There is nothing dumber than a dumb man who thinks he’s smart.”

Capitol Hill is all about power. Every member of each House can tell to millimeter just how much real influence he has over a bill or in a debate by just a few words inserted into the Record or into a bill that most people world not even notice.

In the places I worked, any staffer who even slightly tried to run things would be out on his ass and nobody else would hire him.

To say that staff runs Capitol Hill is exactly like saying, Shrewdly, “The clerks at the bank control all the money.”

What would YOU say if some nut told YOU that?

Banks are ABOUT money. Congress is ABOUT power.

Clerks and managers don’t rule the money. Staff doesn’t quietly seep power from the boss any more than a bank manager secretly sneaks money home each night.

In both cases, there is an accounting and it comes quick.

I believe this a major problem I have with Jared and DD. I am not interested in leading a Movement. I leave that job gratefully to them just as I left the job of getting elected gratefully to the guy in the front office.ashbrook w reagan

When John Ashbrook hired me, he told me that he was busy twenty eight hours a day, and he didn’t have time to sit and do the THINKING he needed to do. So I studied HIS views and did the thinking he had not the time to do.

It may be bit hard to Jared and the Blacks to understand that I am NOT trying to replace anybody in the heavy work load they have to keep their organizations running.

This also is a bit of a reminder to our radio hosts.

I am a STAFFER. What I do is think about how we can win and work very hard to come up with ways to break through, like the term “anti-white.”

I have no wish whatever to dominate someone else’s agenda.

All I ask is that they TRY what we come up with. We are asking very, very little, and if all those cries about how it would ruin them turn out to have merit, do what a congressman does with a staffer’s recommendations if they don’t work: drop ‘em.

But I repeat: Good staff work is a gift, not an imposition.
