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Supreme Court “Justice”

Judge Roy Bean's CredentialsThe U.S. Constitution NEVER provided a mandate requiring a law degree prior to being appointed “Supreme Court Justice.” The Articles of Confederation, the precursor to the usurpator that is the Constitution, NEVER even outlined a federal or national judiciary. Most state constitutions do NOT require a law degree to be elected as a Judge. Since the beginning of American history, more than 1 in 3 Supreme Court Justices were appointed despite never having obtained a law degree. However:

ONLY lawyers in fancy, black robes will tell you, “One MUST have a law degree in order to Understand & Interpret legislation.”

ONLY lawyers in fancy, black robes will tell you, “Term limits for Justices are unnecessary.”

ONLY neo-Americans and lawyers will sit there and LISTEN to them without laughing.


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Genetic Morality

Genetic engineering is going to be a hell of a problem. Who will want children who are as ugly and dumb as THEY are?

I have discussed this with “Christians” who have told me that genetic randomness is actually holy.

Actually, the gene pool itself is NOT random. If you take all the talented men and women you can find and make them celibate, that is not random.

So when genetic engineering becomes available, it will be viciously attacked as unnatural, just as the clergy attacked vaccination as unnatural and Jehovah’s Witnesses do not allow blood transfusions.

But children that parents insist on having with no improvements whatsoever are going to have to compete with those whose parents chose to enhance their intelligence.

Even the POPE will probably admit that heredity is important, but the Church has no genetic morality at all.

A “morality” that ignores 20 to 80% of the human makeup is not a morality.

All this can continue only so long as genetic enhancement is theoretical. But having a kid who is mixed blood and looks it cannot compare to one who is Aryan looking.Tomorrow Belongs To Me

As technology progresses, if we can counter the ongoing campaign that white is bad and just make it respectable to WANT whites to survive, that may be enough to trip the anti-white campaign up.

As Horus says, the Mantra is open systems thinking. Everybody else thinks only in terms of PRESENT technology; they still say that if you don’t have big meetings and marches we are not taking power.

They also think the solution is taking over one of the three major TV networks and getting an exclusive on the Morse code key.



“Reality” Versus the Internet

One of our commenters talked about the “real world” as opposed, I suppose, to what we are doing.

He says public meetings take place in this “real world.”

The planet Mercury is a giant slice of “reality.” If someone could beam a message to Mercury he would reach a huge section of “reality.”

No one doubts that Mercury is real. But if you were rich and spent a lot of your money sending propaganda to Mercury your family might just be able to get you committed.

It would be a little hard to explain to those who spend tens of billions to advertise on the internet that they must be crazy because the internet isn’t “real.”

It hasn’t been that long since public speeches were considered “reality.” Truman won the 1948 election largely by his “whistle stop” campaign making speeches from the back of a train. If he tried that on AmTrak he would still be out there.

Truman got out in the “real world” of his day.

Harding won the 1920 election sitting on his front porch, his “front porch” campaign. Harding's Front Porch

Both elections were real.

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?”

Of course it does. Sound is a vibration. “Imagine the sound of one hand clapping.”

One hand doesn’t clap.

Political reality is human consciousness.

Reality exists independent of human consciousness.

POLITICAL reality does not.



Horus’s Open Systems Thinking

At the convention, after we handed out the Mantra, Horus began by pointing out that “The Mantra is Open Systems thinking.”

This open systems concept of Horus is a delight to me, because I am still figuring it out.

Horus’s open system asks you to think. A closed system demands that you memorize the Correct Answers.

The closed system is Jews and Gentiles, liberals and conservatives and, above all, the idea that the basics will never change.

At the convention, the more conservative approach was taken by those who represented established internet entities like Stormfront and David Duke’s tens of millions of hits. That was the conservative side, versus our radical side in our modern parameter.horus-circle-logo610320G1-2_zpsc0ed7734

But this is what it useful for you to have, that rarest of animals, an old man who REMEMBERS the fundamental changes. As Horus pointed out, thirty years ago the idea that the CONSERVATIVE side of this discussion would be quoting practical experience with the Internet could not have been imagined.


It hasn’t been all that long since there were, now and forever, three television networks and the only “independent thought” was the publicly funded PBS.

That is as dead as network TV.

Open thinking has no trouble with this. Closed thinking cannot deal with changes like that.

Look at all the people who are screaming bloody murder because “the internet is racist.” What they mean is that the internet allows dissent on a scale that was not dreamed of in the days of network TV.

In fact, they moan the exact same words that every totalitarian has whined when the regime falls: “Anybody can just say ANYTHING”

We used to see the network anchors get together and moan about how people who were not Professional Newsmen were able to get attention. In fact, the best way to prove that a system is run by thugs is to listen to them when it falls.

Their motto is always, “Now just anybody can say just anything.” It was understood that this didn’t mean just anybody could say just anything, as Mommy Professor moans today. Mommy Professor and Stalin will allow anyone the freedom to say anything he OUGHT to be allowed to say.

So did Adolf.

They just had a closed system of freedom of speech.

So Horus’s open systems concept is alien to today’s America but would have been perfectly understood those who left America’s future to future Americans.



Sunday, the Day of Rest, When I Get to Talk Trash

Despite our discipline, the Old Man would like to enjoy the privilege of every now and then, for one day, of breaking ranks and telling you telling you irrelevant stuff for fun.

Until about 1960, the maps showed two only two states that were legally dry, Oklahoma and Mississippi. In Oklahoma this was straightforward: alcoholic drinks were prohibited with all the earnestness and success that the policy had been pursued under Prohibition.

But if you moved from the Dry State of Oklahoma to the Dry State of Mississippi, you would have been terribly confused.

You see, the reason Mississippi was officially dry was because the Baptists and others wanted their state to have prohibition. And they had it: Mississippi banned the making, transportation and sale of all alcoholic beverages, with prescribed penalties, throughout the state.
End of Prohibition in Mississippi
Now come the complications, which delight me as a political scientist. The twenty first amendment which abolished the Prohibition in the eighteenth amendment has an interesting — to me — addition. It specifically gives over power over policy with regard to alcohol to the states.

As a result, passenger trains in interstate transportation, which were specifically under the interstate commerce clause under Federal jurisdiction, had to be close the Club Car when they passed from wet Louisiana to dry Mississippi. I do not know whether a truck carrying bourbon from Tennessee to the thirsty New Orleans market really had to go around Mississippi.

Another ingenious addition to the Mississippi dry law was just plain fun. The only person who could ENFORCE the dry law was the county sheriff.

So on the map, Mississippi looked like the Only Deep South Bible Belt Holdout Against Demon Rum.

Inside the state it looked a lot like local option.

A LOT of local option. Unlike other local option states, the State of Mississippi did not have a single law with respect to alcohol. Biloxi elected a sheriff who made the place so wet it embarrassed New Orleans, where mixed drinks were served in supermarkets.

If liquor does not exist, how can you regulate it?

But the crowning touch is yet to come. The beer and liquor tax is fundamental to state financing. But there could be no taxation of something that was totally outlawed. So, I kid you not, Mississippi established a Black Market Commission. Any item sold on the Black Market was subject to taxation.

The Black Market Tax, unlike Prohibition, was enforced by the state government. So if you bought liquor in a store it had to have the Black Market Commission stamps, and of course Federal stamps, on it.

But there was no real regulation. I fondly remember going to a liquor store and buying a half pint of clear alcohol whose only label was, “Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Route 3, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.” It was written by hand and stuck on the bottle, along with the stamps and nothing else.

I just enjoyed telling you this.

Maybe we could get a moral out of it and not spoil the fun. We COULD tax illegal drugs.

Alcohol is a drug, and Mississippi taxed it.
