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Bob Reports on the State of the BUGS went from theme to theme, but it was a search for the weapon my people needed. It took ten yeas, but we settled on the message that “assimilation” is not “mixing the races,” it is the destruction of ONE race — OURS.

It is a great truth, but it is also a foothold, BECAUSE it is an UNDENIABLE truth: anti-racism is entirely ant-white.

Very, very few people have any memory except that which is remembered in the press. So our victory has already been forgotten as others press on. But that is the second Bob Lesson you should learn from BOB:

Listen to the Silence.

They are screaming bloody murder at our Mantra attack, but there are those on our side who are already attacking it as a giant conspiracy.

I told you before that our tiny Populist Forum, three people and no bank account, was described in the Communist Daily World as a “heavily financed, giant organization” because we were in there representing actual workers, something the Commies hadn’t done in decades.

In fact, there are a number of examples where my efforts were described as a “conspiracy.”

What is particularly humorous about these descriptions of my “conspiracies“ were, as now, being screamed at the time I was as much isolated from the “leadership” to which all the loyalty and money went as I was until Don Black’s brilliant interview.

In the case of getting Reagan into the White House, my Don Black was William Rusher, the first publisher of National Review.

When the Republican Party was as anti space as the Democrats, I was on the staff of John Ashbrook, and he, on my word, got the weekend we needed desperately and we beat the destruction of the Hubble Telescope and the Jupiter Orbital Probe, then in their fledgling stages, four to one on the House Floor.

And in each case, my victories went down the Memory Hole. But I wasn’t after the memory, I was after the reality. The USSR is down and the Hubble Telescope is up

Good people are urging me to improve BUGS. Like everything else I do, the search for a purpose and the purpose achieved has gone down the Memory Hole.

BUGS begat White Rabbit, hundreds of YouTubes of enormous quality and, once again, I get the reward of watching anti-whites foam at the mouth.

If BUGS goes down and leaves confusion behind, you simply haven’t been listening.

The whole point of BUGS is not BUGS, it is YOU.

All my life I have left the other side devastated and blaming it all on some Lobbies or Republicans, who had less than nothing to do with it. They were my main opposition.

That is because of the whole way my warfare is prosecuted.

The very existence of BUGS now is as your cheerleader and more advice from Bob which you are free to reject.

White Rabbit has taken over our message, and I am awed by him.

But I have no plans for BUGS. You can join the White Rabbit if you want to donate. If Don keeps it up, you may have a leader there. It is their job to be sure they have HEIRS and that their purpose does not simply end up being money raising.

Keep up the contacts you make in BUGS.

FORM a friggin conspiracy, we could USE one.

I have given you, not only free but at a little expense to myself, advice that has been priceless throughout my life.

If you don’t appreciate it, don’t feel bad. The human feces I have trampled over for over fifty years STILL talk about my accomplishments with a rage that warms my black little heart.

And they LITERALLY never knew what hit ‘em.



Don’t Make This Mistake

I read this on Youtube a minute ago, “To build a multiracial society in Europe.”

The person who wrote it wasn’t a Bugser, but I want to make sure no Bugsers make this mistake.

Bob has already pointed out that all this “love” and “mixing the races” leads to the end of only ONE race.

A child could tell you that if you put two groups of people together they’re going to mix, unless they have segregation.

Anti-Whites aren’t looking to build a multiracial or multicultural anything.

All this multicult-multirace stuff is aimed at only White countries; no prizes for guessing who lives there.



Avoid The Quicksand.

Forgive the lecturing tone of this piece;  I wrote this as a reminder to MYSELF.  I don’t see experienced BUGsters doing what I describe; but it might help new people coming aboard to understand the mission.


Why are the Anti-Whites attempting to commit genocide against my people?  What is the motivation of Anti-Whites?  Is it hate?  Is it some pathology or some unknown genetic trait that scientists haven’t yet discovered?  I would like to suggest an approach to this question when doing Mantra work:




Why do I need to understand why someone is committing genocide against my race?  What’s really important is that it is happening.  Everyone knows genocide is evil.  There can be a hundred motives for an Anti-White:  hate, greed, and things we won’t ever understand.  Illuminati, Jewish grudges or the Royal family.  But getting off into the swamp of “root causes” is a strategy for getting stuck in quicksand; especially when doing Mantra work.


There will come a time, after our victory is in progress, when it may be useful to focus on what makes Anti-Whites tick, because endless speculation about the psychology of an Anti-White would make a fine series of university courses someday.  I would like to see degrees granted in White Genocide Studies.   But that is in the future when we will be trying to keep the Anti-White program of genocide forever dead, much like the plan Bob has for assuring there is money to be made by getting reparations for White Genocide and going after the pocketbooks of the grand-descendants of Anti-Whites.


We are not there yet.  When doing Mantra work, it is far more effective to avoid speculation about Anti-White motives.  You can ask an Anti-White things like, “Why are you justifying genocide?”, but let him wrestle with that question, not you.  Every answer you give becomes a potential distraction – it becomes something the other side can argue about rather than facing the ongoing program of White Genocide.



Mental Evolutions Begins with Basics

We’ve got ’em screaming!

One commenter quoted an anti-white saying “[Bob is] a senile old fanatic telling them exactly what to say.”

I also remember a thousand times WE used to complain about how THEY repeated the same things.

I also noted that all that time, THEY won.

Nobody is going to say, “Gee you pro-whites are doing GOOD.”

Do you remember the first basic course you had in anything? Every single time it was repetitive, it was BORING.

And you couldn’t get started any other way.

From doing the ABC’s in Kindergarten to being a writer is a long trip. You don’t invent until you have BEEN there. This is true of everything.

There is always a lot to unlearn. So it’s ein, zwei,drei, und so weiter, on and on and on. Your teacher can not tell you exactly when to start doing it in your head.

What the teacher DOES batter into your head is that you can’t make mathematics up.

My message has been “It is BROKE, so let’s FIX it.”

But first we have to get over what was BROKE. We’ve been LOSING. Our leaders have been attacked on respectability and have therefore desperately reacted to show they’re SMART.

The only alternative to all the errors we have been making is starting back at the very basic, for which I produced the Mantra. This is very hard for a child who loves to shout “ZILLIONS!!!” but it is the only way to the real world.

This is not about making a Name Leader Impressive. This is about effectiveness. You’ll never get to Calculus if you don’t start sighing and repeating the basics AGAIN.

Yes, the time comes when you begin to do the math in your head, when you can loosen up on exact repetition.

But that is after the repetition is down pat, then you know how to proceed from there.

You have to get out there and TRY the 1, 2, 3 basics. Evolution will happen, IS happening, while you all go out there and TRY them out. And again and again you need others to remind you not to yell “Zillions” and what, exactly, it is you are trying to do.

This is all being done in our Swarm.

If you’re not in the Swarm you’re part of the problem.

We are evolving, starting with REPEATED basics.



Keep It Up!

My comments on comments on Horus’ article and its repeat have gotten long enough to make into at least an article in itself.

Horus says that Little BUGsers are shooting up all over the place and are beginning to eat their creator.

If he means that the way I take it, it is the outcome I have dreamed of since 1998.

It means I do not need to preside over getting our ideas out. You grab ’em and run with ’em.

It makes me very, very happy just to sit and watch you go at it.

In one set of comments, a commenter tried to make it clear that they really ARE out to get us, little tiny BUGSer and our runaway concepts. He put together the efforts that have been made and by whom to show that they are mobilizing specifically against the BUGS’ teams at a large scale professional level.

And they never mention BUGS.

The commenter was probably a bit irritated at how others did not realize how important this is.

I know the feeling.

I have told you dozens of timers how I was instrumental in bringing the USSR down and the Space Telescope up and such things. These are either wildly huge claims or you wonder why others got the attention.

Now you see the fight I have been in for decades.

The enemy knows damned well how good I am at this. Our side, like respectable conservatives, are clueless about that.

I also had no idea how much the petition to Putin has thrown the other side. Well, to put first things first, I had no idea it had taken off at all. When I proposed it we got a few comments about it so I went on to other ideas.

But I see now that people are grabbing our good ideas and running with them.

Normally when I have had a suggestion over the last half century, several people might say, “Why doesn’t somebody…,” so I fed my stuff very professionally through my articles read in politically professional circles and made sure they weren’t tainted with my name, so they came out in national columns a few months later.

It is a new and wonderful feeling, after decades of finding ways to sneak intelligent ideas past conservatives to find people grabbing my stuff and running with it.

Shoot ‘em, six gun!
