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Sirius XM Call In

Posted by Laura on February 8th, 2019 under

“Sirius XM Call In”.

  1. #1 by White&Normal on 02/08/2019 - 2:25 pm

    I definitely like the idea of calling into THEIR radio programs. I think it’s something we’ll have to do more and more asthey try to shut us down on the internet.

    I don’t think it was as smooth as it could have been but that’s ok. We almost need a set of mini’s and rules for when we’re verbally communicating vs when we’re on Social Media since the dynamics are different

    I definitely like that you guys called in together. There’s something inside our brains that says numbers = correct. They suddenly didn’t have that advantage anymore.

    I also liked that you immediately challenged him on “White Supremacist” but I don’t like HOW you did it. “We’re definitely not White supremacists…” is not something we should be doing.

    On social media I call out all these attacks as “Anti-White Hate Slurs” but I wonder if that’s the best approach for verbal communication.

    Perhaps turn it around on them and ask them why they called you a “white supremacist.” They’ll probably turn it back around on you by asking you if you think whites are superior. At which point you turn it back on them by saying “Do you define anyone who objects to White Genocide as a White Supremacist?” I’ll have to try it verbally myself but I think it should work.

    The part about DEA agents being godly to be able to make brown areas poor was tailgating I think. Also we should avoid carrying over side topics from previous conversations as I doubt their audience even remembers the last conversation.

    The whole “I have more White kids than you!” thing I think needs a quick jab response. Perhaps something along the lines of “How many seconds do I get to add back onto the White Genocide Clock?” Again, I’ll have to try these out myself but in theory they should work.

    I think your responses to “what is a white country/america isn’t a white country” were fine for social media. I don’t think they worked that well for this environment. One issue was that there was a little too much trying to shout over each other (which was understandable since he wouldn’t let you speak without his “permission.” He wanted to go back to the previous 3v1 scenario). Perhaps in those scenarios, pause and talk to each other (on air) about how anti-white he is or about White Genocide before acknowledging his presence again.

    I was disappointed at the end that he cut you guys off since he just asked “What do you think Genocide is?”

    Well those are my criticisms/suggestions. I do think that calling into THEIR programs may be the next step for us.

  2. #2 by Sunlit I. on 02/19/2019 - 3:21 pm

    Thanks for posting this fragment!

    One more step towards a public discussion of White Genocide.

    It was not an equal debate. It never is when one of the opponents controls the time when the other side gets to say something.

    Would it work better if you were making Mantra points while formally answering his questions?

    Doing it verbally and in real time is tough. Good job. I’d like to share my opinion on some aspects:

    – We could tak about the fact that you referred to us as “white supremacists”.
    – Okay.

    We are pro-whites calling for attention to ongoing White Genocide.
    We are pro-whites objecting to White Genocide.
    (Everyone was listening, you could have stated anything you liked)

    I liked how he didn’t seem to be arguing with the fact of White Genocide.
    He claimed that he was not a part of it.
    “Can we all agree that no genocide is okay.”
    “Let’s agree that no genocide is good.”
    (It must be due to some good job on your part during your previous exchanges)

    – I have created a white person. I am responsible for increasing the numbers of the white race.

    One child is below replacement level fertility. Remember one-child policy in China.

    Whites are already predicted to become a minority in the U.S., and they are already a minority on a global scale.

    Will your child find it comfortable to live as a minority in his own country which was founded by his people and where his people used to be a majority?

    Will your child thank his father for helping to create this situation by calling people who object to it now “white supremacists”?

    Reference to Laura’s Australian ancestry is irrelevant because whites are targeted for White Genocide in ALL white countries. You are speaking on behalf of all white countries here.

    And on behalf of all white people in those countries, who are silenced by being jailed, because there is even less free speech there than in the U.S.

    All white countries are being set on their way there, but each one is following at its own pace. South Africa is ahead of everyone. The U.S. seems to be right behind. And the list goes on.

    What differs are the main source of non-white immigrants for each white country, the exact stage of White Genocide each white country is at, and the amount of free speech that remains.

    – Who is a Christian in the room? Who consideres himself Christian?

    Whites are targeted for White Genocide as a racial group – both Christian and atheist whites alike.

    Genocide of religious groups is possible too, but what we observe right now is genocide of a racial, not a religious, group.

    – What is your definition of genocide?

    Too bad something went wrong exactly at that moment.

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