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A3P Presidential Candidate Merlin Miller Live on Paltalk Oct. 4th 830 pm EST

Home Forums BUGS SWARM A3P Presidential Candidate Merlin Miller Live on Paltalk Oct. 4th 830 pm EST

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  • #30799
    J Locke

    It would be nice to see more Bugsters on Paltalk discussing things.


    Please invite your friends and don’t miss a live online video-chat presentation and discussion with 2012 A3P Presidential Candidate Merlin Miller. This event is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 4th at 830pm EST. It’s advisable to log on at least 10 minutes in advance to familiarize yourself with the Paltalk platform.

    The direct link to the room is: Paltalk Express – Free chat rooms, instant messaging and webcam chat Access to the room will be by Password which will be circulated prior to the event. To have a Presidential candidate running on a platform that is supportive of the white gentile majority of the U.S.A. is a landmark event. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from Mr. Miller and network with like-minded supporters.


    Please note, during MM’s presentation there will be limited discussion. You can text your questions to the moderator who will then ask the question of Mr. Miller.
    On evenings when MM is not making a formal presentation, the room will be open for free open discussion, networking with peers, etc.
    Respectful language is expected at all times. This is an R-rated room to avoid certain strict restrictions on a G-rated room but R-rating does not mean disrespectful and foul language is invited.

    Download Paltalk here


    It was nice getting to chat with other bugsters on paltalk earlier this evening.

    I will try to get there Thursday night to hear Merlin Miller

    J Locke

    We should be posting info about MM on comments sections and forums to get the word out. Is anyone willing to write a short page explaining who MM is and why people should vote for him? Include mantra points. We could then post it all over.

    This has info about MM:

    J Locke

    I used:

    In the 1960’s and 1970s without a vote or discussion allowed, White countries opened their

    borders to massive non-White immigration.

    Then we were told to “assimilate”.

    Now those same governments and media are telling us that by the year 2040, there won’t be a single   White

    majority nation left on the planet, and that this is a “good thing.”

    U.S. veteran Merlin Miller is running for president under the American Third Position (A3P) party

    to end this Genocide.

    A3P is on the ballot for president in three states- Tennessee, New Jersey, and Colorado, and has

    write-in status in several other states.

    Merlin’s campaign platform includes:

    -Securing our borders if necessary with our military.

    -Ending all overseas wars of aggression and bringing our troops home, developing a strong

    national military.

    -Repealing the 17th amendment returning the senate to state control.

    -Demanding a balanced budget amendment from congress.

    -Canceling Obamacare and developing a ten pages or less national Insurance healthcare policy to
    cut costs and improve service and coverage including tort reform.

    -Repealing of NDAA that violates the Posse Comitatus act of 1887 and allows indefinite
    incarceration, torture, and the killing of American citizens based on the president’s word.

    -Eliminating “Free Trade” policies replacing same with “Fair Trade” Policies, America first


    Merlin Miller is the breath of fresh air for Americans that think for themselves. Each vote cast

    for Merlin will help to grow the American Third Position and make future success more possible.

    Please be sure to vote Merlin Miller for president in the 2012 election, our only chance.


    Daniel Genseric

    Waiting on PW…

    Waiting on Facebook too

    Daniel Genseric
    Daniel Genseric

    If you would like to ask him something, I will re-post it. Better hurry up though.

    J Locke

    The complete chat event is posted here. Merlin begins speaking at 9:30

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