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  • #92751

    I find that if I display a knowledge of reggae music, it smashes any preconceived ideas anti-Whites had of me.

    I don’t know about anybody else on here, but I feel I am been stereotyped as some kind of inbred, bearded, dungarees-wearing Hillbilly Jim character, who spends his spare time sexually abusing farm animals, and raping fat blokes from the city, that are lost in the woods.

    Anyway I find if I quote a famous inspiring lyric from a reggae tune, which is relevant to what I am saying, it baffles the anti-White. I have used this tactic about 5 times now and haven’t had a comeback yet.

    E.g., pay heed anti-White to the words of a great man and learn.

    “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds”

    Robert Nesta Marley

    Your opinions required on this one please. How can it be improved?

    Reggae superstar Antony B in his tune “Black Coffee” (no sugar no cream) sang of his love for the women of his race, the Black race.
    He decried his opposition to Black and White mixed race relationships.

    Anthony B advocates retaining the purity of the Black race, and is rightly labeled as a “Progressive Black Man” and a “Positive Role Model” for the Black community in doing so.

    But if a white musician were to sing of his love for women of his race, and of his opposition to mixed race relationships, he would be shunned by record labels and the media, and branded as anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!

    This is because there are conditions of Genocide by Assimilation in place, in EVERY White country and ONLY in White countries, and those whom benefit the most from this White GeNOcide, will do everything they can to keep White people oblivious of their fate.

    These conditions have been implemented by EVERY White leader and it’s the birth rate of White babies that are suffering as a result.

    My people have recently attained some knowledge, which could be key to the future existence of my race.
    Please memorize the following and pass it on to as many as possible.

    Diversity is a codeword for WhiteGeNOside!

    Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White!

    Thank you. I will check back tomorrow for replies.


    You pointed out a double-standard and kept the topic on White Genocide. That’s a great start. To determine it’s effectiveness you should try using it and see how the Anti-Whites react to it. What do the Anti-Whites say? And what do the Anti-Whites not say?

    Whatever you do when responding back to the Anti-White, don’t let Reggae music become the topic of discussion. Keep the topic on White Genocide. If they avoid discussing White Genocide, ask them why they’re avoiding it.

    Mike M

    I think Bob Marley’s quote is indeed very accurate.


    On the topic of stereotyping. I like to remind the anti-white that stereotyping people is WRONG and they know they shouldn’t be doing it. I’ve yet to have one really fight me on that point, the best was a weak accusation that I was stereotyping non-whites but that was easily smashed.

    Ex: Stereotyping people is WRONG and you know it. tsk tsk tsk
    Ex: You know stereotyping people is WRONG, so why are you doing it?


    Along those lines I have used this youtube clip of Muhammad Ali and his views on race. Powerful stuff from an anti-White hero.


    Yes I have experienced stereotypes as well. Funny thing is I’m from nyc. They are accusing me of being a deliverance style Individual that would rape some1 like myself. That is ALL they have they attempt to portray you as the anti white media would. People actually see through the bullshit now and for alot of the anti whites it’s becoming apparent that this type of portrayal doesn’t really work anymore. That’s the beauty of the Internet they can’t control it and it exposes them butt naked.

    It’s kind of hard to win an argument when the other side is muzzled and hand cuffed.

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