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Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra

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    Benjamin Newells

    The article on doesn’t contradict anything I’ve said since they are defining “race” differently to me. They define “race” as (1): A unique genotype. I define “race” as (2): A handful of unique genotypes which are very similar to each other. Showing that Jews have a unique genotype, as has done, makes them a “race” according to definition (1). But when we pro-whites use the term White race, we’re not using definition (1). We’re using definition (2): a “handful of unique genotypes which are very similar to each other”. We’re referring to the various unique European groups. There’s nothing controversial here. We don’t argue that Russians have the same exact genotype as Irish because they don’t. But their genotypes are so similar that we consider them a family. Jews fall roughly within the European cluster. To me, “non-white” groups are groups that are strikingly different to Europeans, i.e., Mongoloids and Negroids. And although the makeup of Middle Easterners is mostly Caucasoid (some groups such as Saudi Arabians have significant portions of Negroid whereas others don’t), they’re still very different to Europeans, so I don’t consider them White either. So if Jews fall roughly within the European cluster, or just outside of it, then I don’t see any good reason to fervently call them “non-white”.

    Sure, it’s up to us to include them or not and we can do that if we want. But I think it’s silly to act as if I am so sure that they are non-whites when White European is such a broad category it could easily include Jews given their strikingly similarities to south Europeans.

    And I’m saying all this simply to establish that I think Jews should be considered biologically White, nothing more. Telling me that Bob thinks that we can’t ally with Jews does not contradict the fact that Jews are biologically White. So you might be wondering why I’ve gone through all this trouble just to say “I think Jews are biologically White”: I just think it’s the correct position to take. And WmWhite, I admit it was probably wrong to say “go to stormfront to say that” because either you or TFF said we should be able to exclude who we want out of the definition of White.

    Time for Freedom, I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to say. I can feel we’re on different levels here and I feel if I respond to you right now we’ll just be talking past one another since we’re probably using different definitions about things.


    It wouldn’t matter what makes a White person if we, Whites, weren’t targeted for genocide.

    When anti-Whites stop identifying and targeting the countries, businesses, etc. that are too White, then trying to destroy us, they won’t need to ask “What is a White person?”

    What is a White person? That’s the person they, anti-Whites, want to destroy.

    Secret Squirrel

    WR says:
    “What is a White person? That’s the person they, anti-Whites, want to destroy.”


    Daniel Genseric

    Tim Wise would read this N&J tailgating thread and laff and laff and laff at the last half of it, as it debates his ancestry and fuels and justifies his narrative.

    No anti-whites will get a free pass Jew and Gentile alike. They will, however, all be held accountable and punished equally if found guilty. Those unfortunate anti-white souls will lose their most beloved and prized-possession. Not their lives, but their MONEY.

    So, sell some more books and schedule those speaking engagements, Timmy. We’ll be settling for your dividends and assets – all of them.


    My thinking on the matter is

    (1) Whites are from Europe. Jews are from Israel. Israel is not in Europe.
    (2) Jews themselves don’t think of themselves as White, except when it’s convenient to do so.

    That’s why, given (1) and (2) I would say that Jews are not White, although they are obviously Caucasian. Of course, many Jews have considerable White admixture, but, because of the loyalty factor, they should be excluded as being counted as White as well.

    Benjamin, you’ve never explained to us why you chose a blatantly Jewish name as your online persona. Care to explain that to us?


    Uh-oh, I smell a mole!!!

    Time for Freedom,
    WretchedWhiteRabbit, and
    Secret Squirrel … I not only agree with your assessments but believe them to be absolutely BUGS correct.

    Benjamin, I believe: “thou does protest too much.”


    The NON-white, anti-white Tim Wise is at it again.

    Champlain College (a predominantly white liberal college in Burlington VT), is lead by a black “Diversity Officer,” into the realm of how White Genocide will fix the race problem in America.

    Tim Wise a horrible NON-white, anti-white has spoken in all 50 states and on more than 800 colleges and high school campuses with little to no resistance from the white people this (anti-white Non-white) wishes to destroy.

    Tim Wise is the antithesis of “AntiRacist Hitler;” which is why that video is so powerful.

    When we do final free ourselves from the anti-white genocidal maniacs, we must be sure that our new countries Leaders are NOT from this (self-chosen tribe) or any other anti-white group (PERIOD)

    j p

    I don’t think Jews are white, even though many look identical to white people. Being white is about more than appearance, it’s about cultural identification. It’s not just about genes either, because certain Ashkenazi Jews might even have a higher percentage of European blood than some Greeks and Italians. The Ashkenazi Jews with the most European genes may be 80% European, and the Italians or Greeks with the least European genes may be 60-70% European. But I would embrace those Greeks and Italians as white any day before I would embrace those Ashkenazi Jews as white.

    That being said, here’s the more relevant question. What should we BUGSers say when asked about whether or not Jews are white?

    j p

    Also yes, Tim Wise would never call Zambia, for instance, a “so-called black country”. He would call it a black country. Good observation.


    JP asks a good question:

    “What should we BUGSers say when asked about whether or not Jews are white?”

    My response is:
    Are asians from China white?
    Are blacks from Africa now white?
    Should mestizos from Mexico now also be considered white?

    The answer is of course NO.
    And we should NEVER allow any other non-white group (i.e. jews) to COOP and tailgate our fight against White Genocide.

    Our Mantra’s purpose is to end White Genocide …not end white genocide AND remember the holocaust, or stop white genocide AND end racism.

    To all cryptos and marranos posing here as Bugsters who believe they can add the holocaust or black rights or (fill in the blank) to the Mantra, then you need to go back to your buddies at the ADL and B’nai B’rith and tell them you failed.



    COOP should be CO-OPT: defined as– (to divert to or use in a role different from the usual or original one.)

    Benjamin Newells

    I don’t think Jews are white, even though many look identical to white people. Being white is about more than appearance, it’s about cultural identification. It’s not just about genes either, because certain Ashkenazi Jews might even have a higher percentage of European blood than some Greeks and Italians. The Ashkenazi Jews with the most European genes may be 80% European, and the Italians or Greeks with the least European genes may be 60-70% European. But I would embrace those Greeks and Italians as white any day before I would embrace those Ashkenazi Jews as white.

    That being said, here’s the more relevant question. What should we BUGSers say when asked about whether or not Jews are white?

    That being said, here’s the more relevant question. What should we BUGSers say when asked about whether or not Jews are white?

    Give me the genetic definition of a European. God, if you just looked at the autosomal DNA testing you’d find that your 100% European thing doesn’t even exist. All Europeans are a mixture of 4 Caucasoid groups. Their main group is the North European Caucasoid group which constitutes between 40-70% of their gene pool (lowest in Greeks, highest in Lithuanians). The rest of the components are also Caucasoid ones (one which peaks in Georgia, the other peaks somewhere else in the Middle East). Unless you want to say that that North European group (responsible for giving blue eyes/blonde hair) is the very definition of “White”, then you’re going to have to start saying something like “Lithuanians are 70% White, Greeks are about 45% White and the rest are something in between”.

    But somehow you’re going to interpret this as me saying “Europeans don’t exist”. No I’m not saying that: I’m saying that today’s Europeans are a very homogenous group that were created by a number of Caucasoid groups mixing two thousand years ago and beyond.

    I wasn’t even ever concerned about this “Are Jews White?” question. The reason I was bothered is because “Tim Wise is a non-White” sounds like any other News & Jews rant. I’m tired of News & Jews rants. Wnwhite, I’m not sure why you need to keep repeating “Tim Wise is a non-white” over and over. You can believe that if you want and I know I did the wrong thing by telling you to go to sf over it. But does every f post of yours have to be “Tim Wise is a non-white”? Why? No one else does that here. What are you trying to prove?


    Your definition is exactly the type used by anti-whites trying to prove that White people don’t exist.

    The fact that your pseudo scientific babble has been refuted by other studies doesn’t seem to bother a judeophile like yourself.

    Answer Carloman’s question.
    And answer my question: Why are you trying to co-opt the Mantra for the tribe?

    We are here to fight against white genocide, not have you change the definition of white people to suit your own anti-white agenda!



    Non-white is used in the MANTRA. You may want to review that document since it is the basis of this site and of our mission.

    “Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

    Benjamin Newells

    You repeating to yourself that genetics is pseudo-science doesn’t help your argument. Do you even HAVE an argument?

    You don’t have a definition of White people to begin with.

    Benjamin Newells

    I’ve posted the mantra every day (some occasional days off) for nearly a year now and I have this guy who shows up after a year of NON-ACTIVITY telling me I’m anti-white. Really?

    And no silly, Europeans being a mixture of 4 Caucasoid groups does not change the definition of White: It makes it more precise.

    You’re not really that retarded are you?


    “Wm White”

    Jacob is also a Christian patriarch, so careful where you go with biblically based smears.


    To clarify my question, I was referring to the name “Levi,” not to the name “Benjamin.” There are many White people named Benjamin, but Levi is ONLY a Jewish name.


    Benjamin, I never said genetics was pseudo science, you got it wrong yet again. I gave you two reports that contradicted your OPINION that jews are the same as white people.
    To clarify …your interpretation of one study that you did not cite IS pseudo science at its worst, since it does what every anti-white tries to do and that is spout the garbage that we are all the human race and that white people are not a unique race.

    Read the Mantra.


    Benjamin or Levi, you have lied again. I have posted many times over the last three years under this name and another.

    You do not get a prize on this site for posting the most nor are you given authority over others because you posted more than someone else. That is just silly childish rot.

    Again, name calling is the last resort of anti-whites who’ve been found out or beaten, so please continue to expose yourself.

    Now answer Carloman’s question.

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