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Beating Youtube Spam Marking

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Beating Youtube Spam Marking

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  • #32178
    Secret Squirrel

    If you are being spam marked by YouTube, here are some things to get around it:

    Create a new identity:
    Clear all your cookies using a program called CCleaner or similar. Cookies are used to track you.

    Turn your modem off and back on, until your IP address changes. Look up online how to find out what your IP address is, it is very easy.

    Create a new Google Account, without giving personal details.

    How to make a youtube/google account without a phone number

    Look up a website called ‘fake name generator’.

    There is also a website called ‘guerrilla mail’ that creates fake, but temporary email accounts.

    Do not log back in to your old Google accounts, or they will connect the two.
    Change your mini-mantras around, so you are not detected by Youtube’s software.

    If you are still having problems with a clean account, you are being spam marked by stalkers, or it is Youtube trying to slow BUGSers down. If that is the case, don’t post public Youtube links, or shift your focus to other fronts.

    As for TOR, Youtube will not let you post using it, as they want to track you for commercial reasons. TOR is good only for checking if your comments are being spam marked. If Youtbe is blocking you, they will try and hide it from you.

    I have also found that if I don’t use Youtube for a few days, my account starts working again. So you may not want to do the above and shift your efforts elsewhere while you wait.



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