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Bob's Reading List

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Bob's Reading List

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #32529
    Daniel Genseric

    This is the place to request suggested reading material from Bob.

    You are strongly encouraged to first obtain a copy of “Why Johnny Can’t Think” by Robert W. Whitaker and his previous work located toward the bottom of the right hand column on any of this blog’s pages.

    BUGSters are welcome to submit their current studies here for review as well. Please remember, Ole Bob is OLD. So, he may or may not get back to you with a reply on the subject matter requested.

    Also, we have LOTS of work to do. So, lets not get too bogged down with reading tomes Bob has long since outgrown.

    Daniel Genseric

    You might like to read “Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words that Remade America” by Garry Wills. He touches on something integral in Bob’s approach to the Civil War and the problem of the social construct that IS Equality. He speaks of proposition nations and ties it together with the Greek classics. Similarly, Wills says Lincoln rewrote the Constitution using a quote from the Declaration of Independence in the GBA. He also talks about the art of brevity, something Bob also champions.

    Truly a good read.


    I saw that Lincoln at Gettysburg book at store but never got it.  It did look like a good example of reworking speeches until they are just right.

    Brevity is truly the sign of a master.  Although, when I am truly trying to figure out a new issue, it is nice to have enough material for my mind to chew on.  It seems like there is a difference between speech making and slogans vs. fully explaining a subject.

    So is this thread for the purpose of asking Bob about books he’s already read and recommends?

    Daniel Genseric



    Great idea for a thread … ty Genseric

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