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Difficult question

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  • #32774

    Hi all,

    I’m new here, I found your site on Utube.

    Firstly I’d just like to give you a bit of my personal background and then I have a question.

    I have been a member of an hardcore, liberal, politically correct, socialist, intellectual/academic forum for 13 years now (yes, I like to dwell in the lion’s den). In that time I’ve pushed my personal agendas of anti islamism and anti multiculturalism. Not the sort of topics welcomed on that site. Over that time I have learned, a. how to avoid banning of my accounts, b. how to avoid deletion of my posts by admins and c. how to use a form of their own political correctness against these people in order to achieve both a. and b. The topics I push are greeted with hostility and abuse but I am able to compose my posts in a manner that I can counter the usual attacks and have learnt the MO of these people and can anticipate their responses and have my counter arguments ready for their expected onslaught. I do have some silent supporters who encourage me via PM and the occasional brave member that will actually post in support of my ideas. Unfortunately they are usually attacked by the rabid dog pack mentality so consequently I am a lone voice.

    Now knowing these people quiet well I know how they will receive the message of white genocide and in general I believe I will be able to handle their attacks regarding the Mantra. However, my questions is, based on knowing exactly how they will attack me, and I have pondered this but can’t come to a satisfactory answer to the inevitable question I will receive being: “OK, how exactly do you propose to attain this utopian white nation you are longing for? Will you have all blacks, Muslims, Asians etc. deported or will you just have them exterminated. (yes, this is their style) So tell us what is your “final solution” to your ever so sad white genocide problem, please enlighten us, what do you propose?

    I’ve pondered this question and so far have not come up with a suitable answer. Has anybody here faced this question and how did you handle it.




    Why should we discuss policy if we’re not even allowed to openly discuss white GENOCIDE?

    Can we discuss white GENOCIDE first without being shouted down as “racists”, violently threatened and attacked, and having our livelihoods taken away?

    Has stopping third world immigration and “assimilation” into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries been as a common a discussion in the mainstream media as “racism”?  What’s the ratio for that?

    What’s the ratio for whites being attacked as “racists” compared to non-whites?

    Does stopping non-white immigration and “assimilation” in EVERY white country require deportation or violence?



    By law, an all-white/white’s-only ANYTHING is forbidden and has been for half a Century now; this has been ENFORCED without exception while the same anti-white governments selectively turn a blind eye to border protection.  And now that pro-whites are fighting to stop the ongoing program of white GENOCIDE, anti-whites are screaming “freedom”?

    Do Asians have a right to remain Asian in the countries their ancestors founded?  If Asian traitors and non-Asians INSISTED on a program of Asian GENOCIDE, would not normal Asians have a right to defend themselves by any means necessary?


    GENOCIDE is worse than any policies YOU anti-whites have in mind to stop it. And after decades of NOTHING but anti-white policies and propaganda, we won’t discuss any policies until after we’re allowed to discuss the ongoing program of white GENOCIDE.


    Had someone told you in 1950 that he wanted to take EVERY white country and ONLY white countries & flood them with hundreds of millions of non-whites and force assimilate them to create a melting pot;   you would have probably told them “sure buddy!  Good luck with that!  Aint gonna happen!”.

    As Scythian pointed out,  what is the purpose of talking about what kind of sammich we want when we can’t even have bread?

    Separation of Church and State – get the religion of political correctness out of government institutions & the media, and then we can start that dialogue.


    Yes, they are good responses but the crowd I’m dealing with will continue this line of questioning and would not accept such replies. I know that I should not engage in answering question but I would really like to know the answer to this question myself as I need to see the end game in this endevour.



    Dick Whitman


    Bob has instructed us to not start discussing that question until the issue of White genocide has been publicly acknowledged and becomes part of the public dialog.

    I realize that answer doesn’t provide much satisfaction so I’ll give you this to take away:

    The level of consideration, sensitivity, and thoughtfulness exhibited by pro-Whites in relation to obtaining the conditions required for our survival and amelioration will be a function of how reasonable, cooperative, and forthcoming the anti-White, globalist elites are in addressing the issue of White genocide.

    Henry Davenport

    If Africa were being flooded with many millions of non-Africans, and Africans were forced by law to integrate with the non-Africans so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence, would you say to any African who protested that genocide of his people,

    “Well, what are you going to do, deport all the non-Africans, or just exterminate them?”

    Insist they answer that question. Don’t let up. The question they asked you reveals that they think White Genocide is perfectly okay, and the question you’re forcing on them is the first step in making that plain.

    It sounds like you’re well set up on that site! Lol! Have a good time, and welcome! 🙂

    Patrick WhiteRabbit

    Hi john,

    I hope this isn’t one of the time wasting threads i mentioned in a recent post of mines.

    The other posters are correct. Why should we debate what the solution is when they are framing the debate in THEIR terms. White and non White leaders will have an open debate about this once the anti-White system has fallen.

    One thing i should add and you could say is this. Once White genocide has been recognized by the “mainstream” anyone who objects to some deportation of non Whites (at least to bring their population levels down to say 5% max) is putting a little discomfort of some non Whites before the genocide of a whole race of people-White people and that is anti-White. Yet again they are promoting a future without White children. ALWAYS bring your point back to the Mantra.

    Daniel Genseric

    Nobody is saying, “The World Will Solve the RACE Problem by bringing in TENS OF MILLIONS of non-Asians into Asia and ONLY into Asia, forcing them to “assimilate”, i.e. intermarry, with all those non-Asians.

    (Nobody is saying, “The World Will Solve the RACE Problem by bringing in TENS OF MILLIONS of non-Africans into Africa and ONLY into Africa, forcing them to “assimilate”, i.e. intermarry, with all those non-Asians.)

    (Nobody is saying, “The World Will Solve the RACE Problem by bringing in TENS OF MILLIONS of non-Mexicans into Mexico and ONLY into Mexico, forcing them to “assimilate”, i.e. intermarry, with all those non-Asians.)

    Nobody would be CONFUSED about how to halt Asian, African, or Mexican genocide. People ONLY become “mystified” when genocide is happening to whites.

    They say they’re “anti-racist”. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white



    Given the nature of the forum you are talking about, I assume they don’t think you’re pro-white or you would have probably already been kicked out. So you don’t have to tell them that you you agree with the mantra (at least initially).

    You could start a thread where you post the full mantra saying it’s “something I’ve seen posted all over the internet, what do people think?” and just let the rest of the members post away.

    The most outspoken ones will no doubt be attacking it, but hopefully some of the audience will realize there is truth to it. Some of the attackers will probably end up alluding to how they support white genocide as “karma” or “White people deserve it”, but it doesn’t really harm the message since they are essentially proving it as correct.

    And remember, you’re not really trying to convince anti-Whites that White people have the right to exist, it’s more about exposing White Genocide to the audience – you might want to listen to Beefcake’s Bootcamp podcasts at whitegenocideproject for some good Mantra tactics. Good luck.



    Thankyou for your advice people.

    I have started my campaign and so far it’s going well. The real sharks are yet to arrive but I’m feeling confident that I’ll handle it OK.

    I have listened to all the podcasts and understand that I am not there to answer questions but to ask questions. I understand that I am the prosecutor and that I have to take control of the discussion. I’ll update as things progress, but so far the thread has had many views by the silent observers which is encouraging.


    Black Swan

    This is one I used yesterday against a “Whites genocided the Indians”  comment

    Why would I acknowledge the “Amerind” genocide when you and other lefties deny the current, ongoing genocide of the White Race?

    After decades of nothing but anti-White policies and propaganda, I won’t discuss any policies until after we Whites are allowed to discuss the ongoing program of White genocide.

    (keep it short and simple — some of these jerks are so brainwashed by bumper sticker slogans they have the attention spans of gnats

    Patrick WhiteRabbit

    Good stuff John. Can you provide a link to the thread so we can watch it develop………no swarming guys.


    Hi patrickwhiterabbit,

    The link is :

    However, you will have to register to the forum to gain access. The attackers have become quite hostile now however,  there have been over a thousand views by non antis, so the message is getting to the silent ones.


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