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Do this simple one-minute exercise to have strong White grandkids!

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Do this simple one-minute exercise to have strong White grandkids!

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  • #98677
    Henry Davenport


    Everyone who initials our monthly White House messages, or does NOT initial them because of email box concerns, you do NOT need to use an email box (in the usual sense of the term) if you use super-fast mailinator.

    Here’s how it works (please try it right now…it shouldn’t take but a minute!):

    Put an initial in each of the two name boxes on a White House message,
    Reverse our nation’s “No Child Left White” policy.

    [That message will expire thirty days from now, but you can always find the current message here]

    Don’t bother with the zip code box, and here’s the cool part: in the box for email address type any short thing you like (I just type a bunch of random keys, e.g. uh48jiiuv) and then type or paste in “” after it.

    Then copy what you’ve entered, “,” click “sign,” and go to the site and paste what you copied into their window and then click on “check it” to check your email box that has been immediately created under that name when the White House email that will be waiting for you arrived…clicking on the link in that email confirms your signature as always.

    Wasn’t that a breeze? And as long as you have the current White House message on your screen along with the site, call the rest of your family to the computer and let them quickly add initials too, no muss no fuss! 😉

    Typing random keys for one’s mailinator name is quick and avoids using a name that’s already taken.

    Henry Davenport

    To all BUGSers:

    Please do that little exercise, it honestly only takes about a minute.

    It’s important, and you will be amazed at how quick and easy it is.

    Benjamin Newells

    HD, how many times can we do this?

    And how many signatures do we need? 150 or 200?

    I signed it.

    Henry Davenport

    “HD, how many times can we do this?”

    What kind of physical shape are you in? lol! 😀

    Just kidding.

    A single person is only supposed to sign once.

    But I’ve known persons to sign for family members whose views they knew who weren’t at home at the time. That’s cheating a bit, but maybe not too badly.

    Since you’re Mormon and have a large family, hopefully you’ll be able to get quite a few signatures.

    Henry Davenport

    We need 150 initials on each White House message each month for the messages to become visible (this month’s single message is visible now, so there’s no need to add more initials.)

    After everyone is impressed with the ease and speed of using mailinator in the little exercise above, hopefully all will use it on the FIRST of each month when our new message is submitted.

    With enough signing power, we can soon organize in the private section for more petitions each month.


    What about each of my personalities? I kid! I kid! 🙂

    Benjamin Newells

    Hahaha 🙂

    Henry Davenport

    From my first comment:

    “…the White House email that will be waiting for you…”

    Reports indicate that about 1 out of every 7 or 8 times, you’ll need to wait a few seconds and then refresh the page (I’m not certain if refreshing is actually necessary) for the White House email to appear.

    Henry Davenport


    This will have been unclear from the above comments, but for reasons that I’ve recently discussed in some detail elsewhere,


    Henry Davenport

    A couple of people have considered my strong declaration unnecessary and have repeated to me that several sigs from the same address might reasonably be from family or from visitors.

    That’s true, but some people will be encouraged to have more than “several” sigs from the same address, and since any multiple sigs at all by a single person violate the site’s terms of participation, I don’t want myself or anyone else to be seen as encouraging any violation of that rule at all.

    The information contained in this article may be helpful to anyone who’s wondering why I’m taking a strong position about something that’s usually so ignored as a site’s “terms of participation”:

    The petition project is a success if we just have one petition a month. But if we’re able to eventually have 20 or 30 a month, or pull some other stunt that makes media report them and repeat our memes for an ongoing period instead of just for a meaningless moment, then instead of being mostly an amusing oddity for the political and news folk who are very aware of our petitions, the project will become an object of greater interest.

    If that day ever arrives, we won’t (or at least I won’t) want to have built our success on a structure that could possibly be used against any of us who are either obviously violating the rule or have made remarks that could be seen as encouraging any violation of the rule at all.

    So my position has to remain what I stated in my preceding comment, that I strongly discourage multiple signings by a single person.

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