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Emails, tweets, to publicly sinning anti-whites forever after (until they apologize)

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Emails, tweets, to publicly sinning anti-whites forever after (until they apologize)

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  • #102679
    Henry Davenport

    I just emailed this to another bugser:

    I wanted to set up some sort of section in one of our websites where we would keep permanently the names of anti-whites who have publicly supported White Genocide, and start building the idea among pro-whites that this collection of people need to be sent emails, tweets, etc. forever after (until they publicly apologize), that insist that they make a public apology and public promise to never do it again.

    If over time we could make that activity a staple of pro-white behavior, knowledge would spread among anti-whites that there is at least that one consequence to supporting White Genocide. It would be a step. I gave an example of it at the end of my wgp article I linked in today’s blog

    But I just don’t have the energy.

    I think this would be a wonderful thing to do, but I can’t do it. It’s crazy that there’s so few of us.


    Don’t worry. There are more of us than one might expect. Nobody knows what all the work many are quietly doing. I just keeping plugging away with Mantra thinking and ‘practical politics’

    There are more than a few who are doing this.


    That’s important, but I see getting the exposure of The Big Lie as even more important. People need to know that “a race problem”, “diversity”, or “a melting pot” really only means bringing in hundreds of millions of third-worlders into ONLY the white countries and then getting rid of the white population with racial intermarriage. That would never, ever be done to any non-white racial group by singling it out, as that would be called anti-black, eg. or even called out as “racist”.

    Henry Davenport


    I forgot to mention that all the communications involved would be written in our best Mantrifying style 🙂 …the whole project would be to serve the Mantra up in another venue in addition to letting anti-whites know that there is some consequence to being anti-white.

    Venues that deliver Mantra as part of something that is newsworthy in itself are most likely to draw media to our memes.

    A segregationist-from-the-past-who-wants-a-recount-in-2015 (hey, I just wrote some blog’s headline for them…we also need to have a team learning how to use the material in Ryan Holiday’s book when Bob’s campaign gets rolling) running for the U.S. vice presidency is such a venue, University administrators and faculty (let’s aim for the ivy league…as one of our supporters once said, every fart there is reported in the media) being pressed by a “White Supremacist” campaign to renounce their support of “White Genocide” is another, and even just having pro-whites speak out on the website of the president of the United States was so newsworthy that it resulted in a few responses from media (we want ongoing of course…we want “White Genocide” to be the media’s go-to topic on slow news days).

    And in all such venues, the “shock value” (as Bob recently put it on the radio with Gividen and Kelso) of the phrase “White Genocide” just adds to the newsworthiness that may be already present.

    If each of us could just create 10 clones of ourselves, this whole game would be over in 2 years max.

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