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Expose White Genocide Room on Paltalk

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    time for freedom

    Hi folks,

    I believe that the next level of engagement with the viewing public is to have our own Paltalk room up all day and night so that our people–and anyone for that matter–can stop in and say whatever is on their minds. Hope you all stop by and leave comments and whatnot.
    I put a new chat room on Paltalk called Expose White Genocide in the same section that we have the Fight White Genocide room.
    I have made an mp3 recording of me reciting the mantra and continually broadcast it to the Expose White Genocide chat room. The problem is that I don’t know how it sounds. Could one of you please go to that chat room and let me know how my recording sounds.


    Mike M

    I hear nothing.

    time for freedom

    HI Mike…I was there for the earlier part of the day and I played two of Horus’s podcasts. I had about 5 people attend, but I’m going to have to go to work so I can’t keep it going for the rest of today. i’ll do it again tomorrow for a couple other podcasts. Hope to see you there

    Benjamin Newells

    Hi time for freedom,

    That is a really good idea. Though I don’t agree that you should have Horus’ podcasts playing (if you’re referring to his FTW ones). They’re about politics and are rarely relevant to the mantra and White Genocide. I’m pretty sure that’s a given.

    I was glad to see you using the line that goes like “you don’t even deny White Genocide… everything you say tries to justify it”. It was really effective 🙂

    time for freedom

    Hey there Benjemin,

    Horus is on point with respect to White Genocide and the mantra. I have listened to all of those podcasts repeatedly and he’s all about White Genocide and the Mantra.

    The ‘justifying’ argument is not a new one for me Benjemin. I was trying to come at this issue from a slightly different angle however. If you listen to the earlier paltalks you’ll hear me use it repeatedly and I have since I first heard Horus use it in one of his FTWR podcasts when Bob first wrote about it. I have come up with a new meme that works very well on Paltalk discussions.

    Now, I’m assuming that you were there at the last paltalk Benjemin? Did you have anything to say on the mic? WE can always use more participants.


    time for freedom

    Broadcasting starts at 9am pst

    Benjamin Newells

    Yeah I know it wouldn’t have been new to you. But it occurred to me that my post might have spurred you to use it. Just wishful thinking on my part really.

    I actually think some of the Horus interviews where he talks about White Genocide would actually be more appropriate than FTW. Maybe you could mix it up – just a suggestion.

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