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Funny or Die – Trevor Moore

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    NSA Wiretapping Public Service Announcement

    If 2 minutes and 10 seconds is too unbearably long for you, watch from 1:22 – 1:40.

    As Charlie Sheen would say: “Winning!”


    Hey, it actually featured the mantra! 🙂


    LOL. I’m not sure if he’s trying to get people to say it or if he’s trying to make it look foolish. But it doesn’t matter!. LOL.


    Very nice.


    Cool, let’s hit the comments.

    Henry Davenport

    Holy..I never heard of Trevor Moore, but googling him, apparently his is a fairly major site? And of course the NSA stuff is top news now (and everyone please note that in the news articles about that, often the rapidly-moving White House petition about Snowden is mentioned…I always want to point out what a big deal the White House petition site is becoming, internationally now).

    So a major comic (?) on a major site (?) selected “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” as a standard anti-multicultural refrain?

    That’s HUGE! Some one who knows more than I do about Trevor Moore, please put this where Bob will see it, and describe it so he’ll be sure to watch it…it should make his day!

    Henry Davenport

    Someone here who keeps up with popular culture please tell me how big of a deal Trevor Moore is or isn’t, so I’ll know how impressive or not it’s likely to be if I refer to this event in the comments I make on SF to gather Stalwarts.


    Hilarious! And how nice to see “Anti-racist is code word for anti-White” featured!


    HD, I don’t think Trevor is any big deal. I had never heard of him. The show itself, Funny or Die, is on HBO and is fairly well known (sorta). They have skits from lots of different people.

    This is an obvious attempt to associate Mantra slogans with terrorism or to put it in the “crazy” bin. But what it shows is how much currency the phrase is gaining. They couldn’t use it in a comedy skit if it wasn’t fairly well known.

    And you’ve got the grey goo thing working anyway.


    They say ‘work this into your daily vernacular’ and Anti-racist is code for Anti-White is there.

    That is THE ONLY one in there w/o any of NSA’s Official flag-words.

    Trevor Moore is the front man of WKUK(Whitest Kids U Know) a sketch-comedy group on IFC, a TVchannel available for people with Satellite/DirectTV.

    So is it huge? No. Is it televised? Yes. (and HBO also has it as was mentioned above). Who cares. Work it into your daily vernacular little viewers! 😉

    Plus the Funny-or-die site is a tremendously popular site for college/university students/unemployed-ppl all of which are unfortunately rather large demographics. So chin up about the coverage.


    The clip has around 400k views too, nice.

    Daniel Genseric

    You know what it did, right?

    It made a percentage of the viewers research the phrase because it stuck out in their minds. Velvet revolutionaries are making moves.


    Maybe we have an undercover BUGser working for “funny or die” haha! If those were anti-Whites who put the Mantra into their video, then it proves how stupid anti-Whites really are! Don’t they know they are SPREADING our message! -__-

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