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How to deal with this response to the mantra?

Home Forums BUGS SWARM How to deal with this response to the mantra?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #59893
    Jay Bee

    Someone is following BUGSers around posting this reply:

    THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN POSTED ON STORMFRONT: the slogan “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” is a “mantra” used by Swarmfront. Swarmfront, for those who are not aware is a subforum on Stormfront dedicated to the spread of white supremist propaganda on the internet.
    The mentioned slogan is white supremist hate propaganda in it’s purest form. Ignore it.

    Fred Richthofen

    I’ve run into several of those Political Correctness Officer types.

    Maybe someone has a better answer than mine, but I usually laugh at them. They are bringing attention to your comment and therefore helping.

    “A tin foil hat conspiracy theorist
    You’re just upset because people are waking up to the ongoing program of genocide targeting ALL White countries and ONLY White countries.
    It’s becoming obvious that anti-racist really is a code word for anti-White.”


    Just let the anti-White follow you around all around if he wants to. It means it’s working if it requires them THAT much effort to silence us. Eventually the anti-White would give up.


    “Is that how you justify white genocide?”


    “I’m offended that you credit stormfront”

    Daniel Genseric

    Here’s mine.

    So now it’s “White Supremacist” to oppose white genocide?

    Is it Black Supremacist to oppose genocide in Sudan?
    Is it Jewish Supremacist to oppose The Holocaust?
    Is it Asian Supremacist to oppose genocide in Tibet?

    How come white isn’t part of your Rainbow of Diversity.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white



    Anything that opposes White Genocide is HATE!

    Anything that justifies White survival is HATE!

    Anything that harms ANTI-WHITE’S arguments is HATE!

    The ONLY thing that isn’t HATE! is agreement or silence towards the ongoing program of White genocide.

    time for freedom

    HaHaHaHa…Are you kidding me??? This is absolutely hilarious guys. The Anti-White quoted above actually had to state our Mantra to tell his idiot followers to ignore it. That is exactly what Horus talked about in FTWR when he said that enemy had to state our mantra publicly to try and discredit it. HaHaHaHa. He has spread it amongst his anti-White followers, some of whom will now be infected with our mantra: Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White. We couldn’t have done a better job of infiltrating the anti-White circles than he has done for us. What an idiot this anti-White is…They all are. We don’t have to answer his comment. WE have already done our job by the time that we have our enemy spreading our own Mantra for us, especially amongst his anti-White fellows. There’s nothing more for us to say here.

    Great work guys.




    You’re playing an old hamster game, anti-White. That’s just pathetic name-calling.
    Any time Whites speak out in support of our own interests or in protest of White genocide, we are called “supremacist”, “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”, or “racist”. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    (stick to Mantra)

    The Beef

    I’d say “you’re trying to avoid the POINT, by saying the guy making it is a bad-guy”. That isn’t addressing the point I brought up, because you cannot.

    When Anti-Whites like you realize that you cannot address White-Genocide, you cannot Justify conditions that lead to the destruction of our Race, the forced flooding and assimilation of ALL and ONLY White countries… You end up just trying to discredit anyone who talks about it.

    Or do you have a some good rational on how the world will be better off without my people?

    (its now bait for them to justify genocide, point it out when they do =)


    I could use some help here if anyone has a litle bit of time.

    Been going back and forth with this guy getting the mantra and minis out a lot but could use a fresh voice to bolster what I am saying. Not a high priority but it would be nice to get a little swarm going.

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