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How to debate someone arguing about the definition of genocide

Home Forums BUGS SWARM How to debate someone arguing about the definition of genocide

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  • #32243

    Someone on youtube is attacking our interpretation of the UN genocide conventions.

    How to respond to this ?


    Genocide is the deliberate & systematic destruction of a racial group in whole or in part,  the methods used to accomplished the goal of genocide matters very little, it’s the goal that matters.


    One way that I personally respond to the people who keep saying it isnt genocide is the following

    “If it isnt genocide, why do you keep making excuse after excuse to justify forcing white children into a program which deliberately singles out their race for destruction?  If it’s not genocide, then stop making it Genocide by being complicit in the systematic destruction of a racial group”

    Daniel Genseric

    …with common sense

    Remember the audience and you will be just fine because we are not there to convince anti-whites. We are there to destroy them with the Mantra.

    Daniel Genseric

    Would it be genocide in your world if I said some RACE problem would be solved when MILLIONS of non-Chinese… (Africans, Mexicans, etc…)?

    Do you support ALL genocide? Or is genocide a crime until it happens to whites?


    Yep, and don’t forget to point out that genocide does not require shooting anyone.  Mass immigration and forced assimilation are genocide.   Welcome aboard if you are new, by the way.

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