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How to Reach Millions of People Every Day

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  • #53066

    Focus ALL Swarming to these videos


    More specifically – THESE videos

    Undoubtedly i’ve been causing serious damage to anti-whites by getting my comment up to the top of these videos, but comments only stay up to the top for a couple minutes since the comments come in so fast..

    but if ALL swarm attention was being put on currently VIRAL videos – we’d be mainstream in no time at all.


    Very interesting. I wonder if it is more effective to hit videos that don’t get new comments every few seconds, like maybe every few minutes instead?

    Anyway, that is a useful list of videos to hit everyday.


    Jason – i like what you guys are doing with the music and things like that – it is an awesome strategy, you get songs with 7 million views that get a few thousand hits a day but the comments arent moving rapidly, so the views add up QUICKLY.

    Ultimately that strategy might be the best.

    The strategy I’m talking about is different, but it has the potential to reach a lot of people VERY quickly. It requires a concentrated effort though, which might be difficult to get people on board.

    I wanted to PM you and a couple other bugsers to see if you guys are aware of certain tactics that i’ve been using. I don’t want anti-whites to read these tactics, so i wanted to keep it in PM… I know sysop said PMs are open, but i’m not sure if my account is enabled for that or something, i dont see the feature


    LL, well the strategy I am using is pretty much a non-strategy. I decided to just hit everything that moved when I had the time. LOL.

    I don’t know how the PM thing works here. I would be nice to share private messages that Anti-Whites can’t see.


    I’ve been hitting mostly ONLY youtube homepage/popular/trending videos, but like Jason, I’ve wondered the following:

    Very interesting. I wonder if it is more effective to hit videos that don’t get new comments every few seconds, like maybe every few minutes instead?

    It would definitely take coordination. I’m not vetted enough on here I don’t think (I had almost 6 months of little/no activity and I just started posting again), but I think if a group of BUGSers who trusted each other tried doing that, it might work.

    The problem is that you’d need _a lot_ of people up-voting the comments for them to stay up. And then as there is more visibility, more people will likely down-vote them (which is no reason not to do it). Plus, I have a feeling google/youtube has an algorithm that prevents the same group of people continually up-voting each others comments. On the other hand, who knows when we reach that threshold. All that said, we have to TRY it, right? Assuming makes an ass out you and me πŸ˜‰ And I’m sure we’d get somewhere in the process. Maybe even MILD success on popular videos like that would be effective (e.g. part of our conversation showing on the first page).

    Henry Davenport

    “Jason – i like what you guys are doing with the music and things like that – it is an awesome strategy, you get songs with 7 million views that get a few thousand hits a day but the comments arent moving rapidly, so the views add up QUICKLY.”

    Ah, that’s the combo! Lots of viewers but not so many commenters!

    I don’t want to spend time looking for those, so I just hit pretty much whatever video I come across as Jason says he does, but when I hit one that meets that double criteria, it could be helpful if there were a special thread here for all of us to record those as we come across them, so that we can all use the links on that thread.

    Linux, you may be the best strategist with this kind of thing…if you think so, why don’t you start such a thread and put your general links above in your first comment, and then if you have other links later you want everyone to see, you could also edit them into your first comment later.

    Just suggestions; almost all of you probably know more than I do about this kind of thing.


    Commenting on OLDER viral videos is a happy medium that an individual Bugser can do. They still get massive views but the commenting has slowed to a crawl

    I know that i use youtube to search for movie trailers that are new on DVD.
    These videos get a lot of hits but the comments are slow.

    For example a movie trailer like this is getting around 100k views a day, but the comments are very slow.


    LL, in the where did you post the mantra topic, if I see someone saying their comment is at the top and needs some more up votes then I make that a high priority.


    Hey can you please help me (for the lack of a better word) convert his guy, he’s a former marine and REALLY wants to spread the word about our genocide. The problem is that he doesn’t know about the Mantra and our terminology. If we can swarm his videos every time he releases them or even private message him that will be great. He has a lot of potential, I can see him getting big in the future.


    once PMs are functional on this site – i will be PMng many of you with a video on tactics that i’m using @mandela

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