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Johnny Racist

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    We have officially started our next animation series. Johnny Racist is geared up to be a series of shorts. There are some noticeable difference in this one compared to our others. Feel free to sound off

    thanks to all those that helped bring this to life

    Mike M

    Shared it on This is Europa and ARIACWFAW. I’m planing on translating it in french for the french ARIACWFAW.

    I find it a bit weird in the beginning, but I felt it’s very accurate in the end 🙂


    Make the anti-whites look foolish.


    Mike M,

    Non English speaking audiences may find the intro different or weird. It is an intro to a series. Can’t do an intro with an INTRO. Made this one short. The first minute and half had to be there to avoid most of it in future episodes. I want to jump into more action. But for the audience, and for this type of action, they need an intro. Plus there are certain things that will make more sense in future episodes in regards to the intro. It will take a couple weeks to a month to get real feedback. The distribution started over a holiday weekend. Which is not a problem. I am happy just to have it out. But that always means a delayed reaction in regards to views and feedback.

    With that being said. I have given Ole Bob credits in this one. I stole his ending from the Political Corrector. Political Corrector was a watershed moment. When I read that script by Bob light bulbs went off. I had been dealing with this concept “Johnny Racist” for quite some time. But I was having challenges with this Political Correctness Officer. There is nothing exciting about our enemy. They are inhuman. They always repeat the typical phrases. They are very programmed and brutal. They are perfect robots. Perfectly evil.

    Basically, Johnny Racist is a platform/tool to ridicule AntiWhites. More importantly it is a platform longterm to contrast our type of thinking at BUGS (Mantra thought or as I have been saying Open System thinking) with that of our enemies. And this is important for the long term (at least for me). The University represents a closed system.


    And one follow up. Ted the White Rabbit did a great job helping to write the script. Since he is very familiar with American College life and the trends afoot with Political Correctness. He has proved to be a perfect sounding board for the script. And even coming up with little typical phrases like “how vibrant” etc

    Mike M

    Cheers Mike M!

    I will be replying to you on the other thread as well. I did not realize you responded. Sorry.

    I responded to someone saying they were a bugser over there. Also, the author who thought AntiRacist Hitler was tad bit disrespectful.

    “Wrong. Bob Whitaker has talked about everything under the sun on his blog. AntiWhite’s write me once a week about Bob’s use of the word Nigger on the blog some years ago. Bob has talked about Protestants, Catholics, Jews and pissed them all off at one time or another. If you go back actually read the blog you will come across Bob tearing down all kinds of different parties for supporting White Genocide (among other things). If he could not do so or refused to do so. He would be ineffective at Propaganda. He could never have been able to write the Mantra and the niffty little lines that our enemy sweats over. Why should anything be off limits? From a propaganda standpoint …IT cannot be off limits. But that does not mean any of those parties or topics are including in the Mantra. I mean he does not have the Catholic Church in the Mantra. Does he? But he has talked about that institution being complicit. It seems like you cannot differentiate between the message, staying on message and propaganda.

    I do not cover a broad range like Bob’s Blog BUGS. I have a simple rule for our stuff at White Rabbit Radio. Anyone ….and I mean ANYONE or Anything used to justify White Genocide is a target. And the challenge is there are so many. Basically, we focused on the Big targets. Hitler is NOT off limits. If Anti-Whites are using Hitler to justify White Genocide. That is a target. Every day we see Zionists (Jews mostly on tv but a lot Christian Evangelicals as well) say America was a horrible place until after 1950. They are basically saying America was a horrible place UNTIL White Genocide became a policy. Sorry, that is NOT off limits.”


    Saw the video and loved it. Thanks Horus. Can’t wait for the next episode.

    Yankee Rebel

    I like the new video,too. The use of a robot for a PCO (Political Correctness Officer) was a great idea. I’m looking forward to the next episode. Keep up the good work!

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