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Marine Le Pen SAYS "anti-white"

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Marine Le Pen SAYS "anti-white"

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    Daniel Genseric

    Last Wednesday, in a program organized by LPC, Le Monde, AFP and France Info, Marine Le Pen attacked the justice minister…

    Marine Le Pen ASKS FOR A LAW against anti-white racism…“Anti-white racism against the native French is causing havoc”….

    Le Pen expressed her disappointment that her opponents “did not take the measures needed to fight this new kind of racism,” and she insisted on the need for a law “against anti-white racism”.


    The dam is crumbling! Watch out for falling chunks of concrete, rabbits!

    Daniel Genseric

    She MEANS it….

    Bob, we are being watched. And in the best, way, POSSIBLE…

    “France’s far right leader Marine Le Pen will consider suing Madonna if she uses a video depicting the Front National president with a swastika on her face during performances in France.”


    MAKE THEM PAY – does that $ound familiar?

    i am picking up ALL KINDS of chatter on a brand new channel….I am getting reports from rabbits who wish to remain anonymous…They are READING Bob, but not reporting…

    Henry Davenport

    Bliss…! 🙂


    Like I said yesterday when I reported Ed Milliband saying the British Labour party had got immigration wrong; I can see the glue in this anti-White system is coming unstuck.

    They are pushing the system forward like they always have done but Whites are now starting to push back.

    There were posters on the Daily Telegraph website speaking in a way that was accepted and I was struggling to work out if they were BUGsers or not. There were Whites talking with Mantra logic, like it was everyday language – and it was being accepted as everyday language in the conversations.

    We don’t know in Le Penn is being fed with ideas straight off this site or from our postings but whatever wall the echo has bounced off we know where the sound originated from.

    Daniel Genseric


    You guessed ‘er Chester. Hard work pays off. Makes me kinda giddy.

    Daniel Genseric

    You’ve all more than earned the right to indulge in the fruits of your own labor:

    From the gates of vienna link above:

    “People live in fear,” she (Marine Le Pen) added, citing people who wrote her messages such as “I was systematically attacked because of being white, because I’m French, and they insult us with graffiti on walls.”

    Fear-based societies always fail. Always.

    Daniel Genseric

    Those who have used “anti-white” on T.V.

    Marine Le Pen
    Smiley O’Reilly
    Dick Morris


    Excellent development. It looks like the term Anti-White will be the first to go mainstream, before term White Genocide. That makes sense. You first have to convince people there are such things as Anti-Whites, before you get them to believe in White Genocide.

    And notice how politicians and other media “leaders” are willing to pick up our terms and arguments once they are aware of them. They have a sixth sense for what is in the air and what they can exploit. We in turn, can exploit them!

    Peter Whiterabbit

    “Anti-white racism” is just another way of saying, “that is just racism against whites” or “that’s reverse racism against whites”. You lose the power of the term antiwhite on its own. It sounds much better when you say, “you are antiwhite” or “that is antiwhite.” Allowing them to use “racism” is giving their terminology more power. Don’t be fooled.




    I saw this article today and thought it would be appropriate to mention it in this thread:

    From the article:

    “Anti-white racism” is big news in France. But while concern over the real or perceived bigotry faced by white people was previously limited to the National Front, a statement from Jean-Francois Cope, the secretary general of Sarkozy’s UMP party has ushered this buzz-phrase into the mainstream.”

    The article goes on to say that in his forthcoming book, Copé “…declares he is willing to ‘break taboos’ and to denounce the growing ‘anti-white racism’.”



    My previous post had been awaiting moderation for a couple of hours prior to White Dude mentioning the same story (from a different article) in the “Where Did You Post The Mantra Today? II” thread.  I then saw that White Dude asked for his post to be cancelled, as Jean-François Copé is Jewish.  As I am new here, I just wanted to clarify that I was not aware that Copé is Jewish; I just saw the terminology and posted the link.

    That being said, while the above information would be used in evaluating Copé’s personal/political motives, is it not still a good thing that the term is being thrown around and furthered in French political discourse?  To put it another way, would Bugsters view this as a “practical politics” “terminological win”, whether or not they trusted Copé?  At the least, would it qualify as grey goo?


    Those who have used “anti-white” on T.V.

    Marine Le Pen
    Smiley O’Reilly
    Dick Morris

    Those who have used the Mantra in public:

    Manuel Canduela (Democracia Nacional)


    Glenn Beck has also said “Anti-White”, he was using it to refer to a government dossier about obama’s father.

    Sometimes it’s interesting to go to and do a search for the term “anti-white” (in quotations).   Usually it will bring up posts from Genseric because he is a machine when it comes to posting the mantra on articles…. but sometimes you will find a blogger or journalist using the term too 🙂


    check out this one for example …. HUFFINGTON POST That is a guy from the HUFFINGTON POST talking about another blogger who said

    Some Romney backers are not even bothering to try to cloak the racial-resentment strategy. Right-wing blogger John Hawkins flat-out declared this week, “Barack Obama Is an Anti-White Racist.”

    That’s what i like to see


    Peter Cottontail

    My previous post had been awaiting moderation for a couple of hours prior to White Dude mentioning the same story (from a different article) in the “Where Did You Post The Mantra Today? II” thread.  I then saw that White Dude asked for his post to be cancelled, as Jean-François Copé is Jewish.  As I am new here, I just wanted to clarify that I was not aware that Copé is Jewish; I just saw the terminology and posted the link.

    That being said, while the above information would be used in evaluating Copé’s personal/political motives, is it not still a good thing that the term is being thrown around and furthered in French political discourse?  To put it another way, would Bugsters view this as a “practical politics” “terminological win”, whether or not they trusted Copé?  At the least, would it qualify as grey goo?



    The video below (in French, with English subtitles) mentions “an explosion of anti-white racism” (quoted subtitle) at the 1:41 mark.

    “A Declaration of War”, by Génération Identitaire .

    There are also, to me, a couple other “Bugs-ish” aspects to it.  At the 18 second mark, he mentions a “total failure of coexistence, and forced mixing of the races.”  I remember a discussion on here that dealt with “mixing”, “blending”, etc.  I don’t remember the final consensus of opinion, and I realize they don’t stress that only white people are forced to “mix”…  but nevertheless, given the context of the entire video, I think anyone watching it, whether they agree with it or despise it, will realize they are implicitly talking about the white race (or ethnic French) being forced to mix with other races.  I don’t think any viewer will believe they have issues with Somalis marrying Pakistanis.

    Also, I like the “white and normal” vibe of the video.  No cartoonish characters or buffoonery.  I think the editing, number of people involved, and background music are phenomenal.  My tastes might be off, but I think stuff in this general genre is excellent propaganda.  Has anyone ever been in contact with this group, sent them the Mantra, suggested they make a Mantra video along the same lines/theme, etc.?


    I have contacted their group on facebook.

    I sent them a link to the French Mantra on Horus’s site.  I sent them a link to  “How Whites Took Over America” and told them that if they wanted to overdub it in French, I would edit/upload it for them.  Perhaps Matte would be willing to help out if they wanted to do it.

    I also gave them a link to and said if they wanted to translate the arguments into French, some of us on the swarm will use the translations on french youtube videos/articles.




    oh yeah, I sent the mantra to 600 French National Assembly members in April of this year


    More stuff from France:

    Man in court over anti-white racism charges

    Same story, different link:

    The first link uses “anti-white racism” in both the headline and the body, the second only uses it in the body.  I left the Full Mantra at each link.  It isn’t worth posting on, as there was only one other comment there between the two of them.

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