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Mayor Don Ness of Duluth, Minn. advocates for anti-white billboards displayed all across Duluth.

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Mayor Don Ness of Duluth, Minn. advocates for anti-white billboards displayed all across Duluth.

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  • #16962

    What does Israel have to do with anything?


    Gavin, nothing…

    But they really hate that term. 😉

    My rant was about the group owner calling a non-WN a White Supremacist. So, I brought up how we get called WS, anti-Semitic, birther, etc… but we can’t say ‘boo!’.

    But, they hear Israel-Firsters, and the whining is national news.

    And… they kicked me.

    Funny, because I actually have PMs full of nothing but than yous from the owners.


    Posting Jew is far worse than not posting at all.
    It is a great way to keep minds off of OUR genocide.
    With friends like this …

    Henry Davenport

    I PM’d this to Mjodr on SF:

    Aw, Jeez!

    I wish Bob and Gavin had been busy elsewhere when you showed up! Our social skills there with newcomers could use a little tuning up IMO, to say the least. We work hard to get new bugsters, and then treat a newcomer as if he were an experienced bugster and should know the ropes…how nuts is that!

    But I argued with Bob about something yesterday on the site so I didn’t post today my feeling about how you were “greeted.”

    Hey, I’m about as thin-skinned as people come, but I’ve gotten used to the customs there, which are actually very friendly despite us being corrective of each other.

    If you’re drawn to our approach, I hope you’ll not be put off. You’ll find a lot of friendly help there, actually.

    Thanks again for helping me out the other day. I feel bad if it may have inspired you to step into an ambush!


    I may post this on that thread.


    Lol Bob, nobody posted ‘Jew’.

    And Israel-Firster was only a single term in a rant that lasted through several comments in defense of a man being called a White Supremacist. No one else came the the poor guy’s assistance, so I did.

    Sometimes people need to have the facts, before they jump to conclusions.

    I like you, Bob. We have met before… but that was rude. I am not a newbie to activism in the least. 🙂


    Harumphty, I understand completely, but as a 33 yo that has been doing activism for a while… successfully… I do tend to get sick of people that think they know more.

    I am always learning, and always evolving my activism. But, I also don’t tend to stick around when people without the facts make rude comments. I figured I would join up here, but mayhap it was a waste of time.

    Good luck bugsters. I support you, but I am outta here.

    Henry Davenport

    Hi Mjodr. When we swarm we try to stick to the term “anti-White” to cover all and sundry persons whose activities are in furtherance of White Genocide. We are trying to do for the terms “anti-White” and “White Genocide” what the anti-Whites have done for the R-word: hammer those terms into every White mind until whenever a White hears any comment on racial matters, he views that comment in the light of “anti-White” and “White Genocide” instead of in the light of “racist.”

    We can accomplish that by relentlessly using that term alone.


    For the record, the only reason I brought up that term was it was making a point about name-calling and how white supremacist, anti-Semite and birther should be treated no different than Israel-firster. If that term is bad, they all should be.

    But, what do I know. I’ve only helped a great many of my folk, and through my sacrifice in that group… I converted at least 2 people to WN.

    Henry Davenport

    Mjodr, you sound like good bugster material to me…I’m not going to give up on you! Especially now that I know you can post through!

    Feu Denfer


    Here at BUGS we fight the genocide against our people by talking about the genocide against our people.

    Bugs is not a place to post ideas. Bugs is a place to report results from tested ideas.


    Feu, i didn’t post any ideas. I posted what I did on my own. I didn’t join here until after. I always supported bugs, I’ve posted things on news sites on behalf of Harumphty. But, I’ve always done things my way. And my way was always about bringing up the genocide of our people. But, I also do other things, like defend a White man that is being slandered. A lot of bugsters joined that group. None tried to defend the man.


    Nah Harumphty. I’ll just stick with my own activism, online and in the PLE. Too many people here like to talk down to others. Say hi on FB or SF anytime though. If you need anything else posted, just let me know.

    Henry Davenport

    We goofed, guys. We need to be alert to when someone is a newcomer.

    Henry Davenport

    otoh, I wonder if the outcome might have been different if I hadn’t gotten involved at all. I need to stick to my resolve to not post on these threads at all for awhile except the working thread.


    We are a rough crowd. Egos get no protection here. It’s not for everyone.

    BUGS is for developing and training pro-White activists. It’s not a general pro-White discussion board.

    Henry Davenport

    For the love of Jesus, you can’t expect people to show up here and abide by our customs before they even know what our customs are! I’m not going to pull punches…Bob treated Mjodr rudely and that’s all there is to it as far as I’m concerned.


    It is really a shame that more people don’t undestand the power of the mantra and Bob’s talking points. I really do believe the mantra is the most effective tool we have at the moment.
    The conversations going on, on this forum are beginng to sound like Stormfront common drama. That isn’t what we are here for….we are here to swarm, make points, and find out what works for our cause. Let us get back to the point at hand…the anti-White messages advocated by Mayor Ness of Duluth, Minn., please. We are not accomplishing much with arguing with each other.

    Daniel Genseric

    Bob has written VOLUMES about the Jeeeeewwwwwssss……

    Mjodr is a grown man. And he doesn’t need any of us sticking up for him as if he were a little girl who just skinned her knee after falling from the jungle gym.

    All he needs to know is that if he is willing to read what Bob says with the intent of understanding and fighting white genocide as if his life depended on it, then he has a place to hang his hat.

    The camaraderie is tertiary. We have a JOB to do, people.

    Daniel Genseric


    MORE evidence that Duluth wants to be the shining city on the hill in the upper Midwest: (another opinion / funny they won’t post ours) (and another) (yet another anti-white) (another country heard from) (they are asking for letters as the ‘conversation’ continues on Sunday) (can you say deluge?)

    Maybe it’s time to write Duluth News Tribune:
    Duluth News Tribune
    424 W. First St., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
    Phone: (218) 723-5281

    It’s a shame I couldn’t figure out how to post a comment here. Is it even possible?

    Daniel Genseric

    I have just been informed there will be a pro-white rally in Duluth. First part of March.

    Rest assured, talking points will be on hand and delivered to any of those wanting to hear our message.

    We are going to make them regret those boards.

    anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white

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