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New Tactic: Posing as a shocked anti-White on internet forums..

Home Forums BUGS SWARM New Tactic: Posing as a shocked anti-White on internet forums..

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  • #36158
    Patrick WhiteRabbit

    I have been using a new tactic to post the mantra and related videos. I will make a thread and pretend to be a shocked anti-White (usually a non White) who has just encountered a mantra related YT video for the first time. See here for example, please don’t swarm it, i want the link to the video to stay up.;threadListing

    I did this on another couple of forums and the results were mixed.

    Over at i got IP banned within about 20 mins but the thread is still active

    Over at the thread stayed open for a few hours and then was deleted without warning. The conversation was civil and no one was saying anything pro White (apart from my link) and as usual the comments consisted of “who cares” and “that’s racist”

    It’s a tactic worth perusing though. I think the key would be to build up a decent post count over time and then start to post the ‘shock horror look what i saw on the internet’ threads!

    The Beef

    I’ve been doing this too.

    I have not figured out the best way to report Anti-White posting back, being our enemies Troll us and we could get the thread deleted if its seen here.

    I have found that by wearing Anti-White clothing we can even come from the standpoint of “tearing it appart” and saying “the best way to shut these Mantra guys up is to just tell them; YES I support this NON-Violent White Genocide, theres nothing you can do about it! There now go away and cry about it racist scum!“.

    All they need to do is see is “fellow” Anti-Whites “successfully” defending themselves with it.

    They will start using it to defend themselves because they are already EXAUSTED by the swarm.

    This way they think they are winning the battle, but losing the war.

    Over time, those of us who see them posting blatant support of White-Genoicde it in responces to us, let them think they have “won” this way.

    When one of them comes out loudly procaliming they support White-Genocide, simply move on to another thread. Once they say they support it they have done more for us already and we don’t need to show anyone who has the moral highground.

    They are actively talking about the MEME either way.

    Over time as the Anti-Whites catch on what we are doing there, THEN they have PANIC and HAVOC in their own camp. Never sure who is a plant.

    Pro-Whites have dealt with this for YEARS.

    Time for our enemies to feel it too.

    They cannot trust eachother, and become paranoid when the see other Anti-Whites saying other Anti-White things. This really starts to mess with their heads and pretty soon they sounds like US trying to keep each other from saying Anti-White things, since they think it might be us. It just gets SILLY from there on out.



    I’ve thought about posing as an anti white and wishing someone would give racist whites thier own country to live in trailors have sex with thier sisters. Anti-whites believe this is how a white national country would be. Of course I’d pack up my family and move there immediatly. I feel though that we should stay on message. Post the mantra to impose our terminology and find other white rabbits. Anything else would be an inefficent use of time.


    @patrick – I was reading through the bodybuilding thread you posted on. That is an excellent way to turn the conversation to race issues. Instead of hammering threads like that with full on mantra it would be good to just slyly  work it in, maybe even posing as a non-White, like questioning immigration policy to all white countries and only white countries.

    And then even post stuff like: “I have been seeing stuff posted about this sort of thing on the internet lately, like (Insert Mantra) And I have to admit there is some truth to it”


    Anti-whites maybe changing their strategy. See link #1. It appears they  are starting to use the same tactic that is on the link #2, which defining the new anti-white tactic. Which is justify genocide, because white people can not do anything about it anyway.




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