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  • #8790

    Maybe not a Mantra posting opportunity but an article of interest to BUGS


    When the establishment, the media, etc. ignore the plight of Whites in Africa, when they ignore 37K White women being raped by Negros every single year, etc., then when one colored is victimized by a White they charge “hate crime”, they – the government, the media, the schools are telling us Whites our families’ safety, dignity and very lives are of less worth than coloreds because mommy professor says “we had it coming for all the bad things we did”, the White race which doesn’t exist, who feed Africa, etc, are the evil of the earth. We’ve all heard and read this countless times from anti-Whites have we not? They are the lowest scum of the earth, and the people who turn their backs on this truth are the SAME scum!


    Can someone recommend reading material regarding the truth about South Africa and Aparthied? It seems to me aparthied was just segregation, not oppression; while “multicultural” South Africa is oppression and suppression of Whites.



    First I got to toot my own horn. Give this a listen.

    You can find tons of good stuff on the net if you use the right search terms. DON’T google apartheid. I became interested in South Africa when I saw the de la Rey video. It got my curiosity up about the Boer Wars. I believe that is a good place to start. I think I found a couple of good documentaries on youtube about the Boer war. You may also want to look up a documentary about Siener van Rensberg. Other search terms.
    Blood River
    Willem Ra
    Voer trekker (not sure I spelled that right)
    Lord kitchner south africa
    South Africa bush war

    Hope that helps.

    Daniel Genseric

    I am currently reading “Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America” by Garry Wills.

    The book covers Lincoln from what I feel is a pro-Southerner perspective. His writing attempts to strike at the heart of how I think Bob and many Southerners might feel about the North and Lincoln.

    He touches on the Athenian and Roman influences in many of the nation-founding documents as well as the manipulation of certain texts by key people in the Lincoln cabinet.

    Most importantly he talks about how Lincoln supplanted some of the key parts of the Constitution with parts of the Declaration of Independence, subsequently perverting the founding fathers original intent. He says that Lincoln and his ilk championed Ideas and Propositions over the people and was a big-government federalist though and through; all opinions of Lincoln which I hold.

    Super intriguing.


    When the establishment, the media, etc. ignore the plight of Whites in Africa, when they ignore 37K White women being raped by Negros every single year, etc., then when one colored is victimized by a White they charge “hate crime”, they – the government, the media, the schools are telling us Whites our families’ safety, dignity and very lives are of less worth than coloreds because mommy professor says “we had it coming for all the bad things we did”, the White race which doesn’t exist, who feed Africa, etc, are the evil of the earth. We’ve all heard and read this countless times from anti-Whites have we not? They are the lowest scum of the earth, and the people who turn their backs on this truth are the SAME scum!

    In the new movie THE HELP, (there’s a review on TOO)— the black maid serves up a PIE MADE OF EXCREMENT for the southern female to eat, (and she loves it, and asks for more!) It is the highlight of the movie!

    This is the entertainment that creates a genocidal situation.

    A minstrel show was bad, bad, bad. But feeding white women EXCREMENT PIES is good.

    The whole audience laughs, b/c they like that show!


    If you want updates on South Africa friend Irene Moray-Greene on facebook. She also provides lots of graphic photos that can be used to counter the cliche lynched Negro photo.


    A particular problem concerning the management of extant populations of European bison is the existence of hybrid herds, especially European × American bison hybrids living in the Caucasus. Two free-living hybrid herds have been established in the Caucasus Mountains, in close proximity to reintroduced free-living herds of the pure blood Lowland-Caucasian line. There are fears that all these animals will crossbreed, creating a mixture of various genotypes. According to Russian authors, the distances between herds are not so great, but the configuration of mountain ridges and valleys make it impossible for contact between them. There are also two small semi-free herds of European and American bison hybrids in Toksove Forest Park (St Petersburg) and the Mordovia Wildlife Reserve (Pucek et al. 2004)


    Sudden contact may lead to an endangered species being subsumed by a higher-population species. “It’s partly a numbers game,” says Whiteley, a conservation geneticist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. If a lonely narwhal encounters nothing but beluga whales during mating season, cross-species sparks may fly. Repeat enough times, and pretty soon you’re left with few pure narwhals. “At the very least [the rarer species] is wasting its reproductive efforts,” Whiteley says. “It’s one more factor in the species’ decline.”


    Genetic mixing and extinctionMain article: Genetic pollution
    Regionally developed ecotypes can be threatened with extinction when new alleles or genes are introduced that alter that ecotype. This is sometimes called genetic mixing.[27] Hybridization and introgression of new genetic material can lead to the replacement of local genotypes if the hybrids are more fit and have breeding advantages over the indigenous ecotype or species. These hybridization events can result from the introduction of non native genotypes by humans or through habitat modification, bringing previously isolated species into contact. Genetic mixing can be especially detrimental for rare species in isolated habitats, ultimately affecting the population to such a degree that none of the originally genetically distinct population remains.[28][29]


    A lot of fish species are today under threat of extinction in the wild and keeping them alive in aquariums is one way of preserving them for the future. This should naturally be combined with powerful environmental projects as well in order to preserve their natural habitats, but in the mean time captive breeding can be used to prevent species from vanishing from the planet. There are already numerous African cichlids that only survive in the hands of dedicated aquarists since they have become completely eradicated from the wild. Against this background, it is easy to see why hybridization can be a problem. If we have a rare African cichlid and allow it to breed with another species, we do not help preserving the rare species.


    Interbreeding between the California Tiger Salamander — which is a native, endangered species — and the invasive Barred Tiger Salamander has produced a swarm of hybrid salamanders that is more likely to survive than either parent species, according to a new study.


    Africanized honey bees, known colloquially as “killer bees,” are hybrids of the African honey bee, A. m. scutellata, with various European honey bees such as the Italian bee A. m. ligustica and A. m. iberiensis. These bees are far more aggressive than the European subspecies. Small swarms of Africanized bees are capable of taking over European honey beehives by invading the hive and establishing their own queen after killing the European queen

    Feu Denfer

    This is a brilliant video on a confrontation with a green peace global warming activist. Now, do we see any familiar patters here?!


    Caucasian Bison extinct even though hybrids still exist. Hybrids of Lowland European x America Bison changing the environment making it harder for European Bison to survive.


    If scientists say there is no such thing as race and race is only skin color, how can scientists discover racial differences in the age of onset of puberty?

    This is a cross sectional study reporting several variables related to sexual development from 17 077 young girls presenting in physicians offices in North Carolina. This is significant in that it presents data from a very large cohort of girls and suggests that there is a sizable subpopulation of girls whose sexual development is accelerated relative to the general population. Further, the data suggest that the relative size of this accelerated population is greater in black girls than in white girls. Dramatic results include the finding that over 7% of 4 year old black girls showed some sign of pubertal development compared to less than 1% for white girls and by 8 years of age these numbers had risen to almost 50% of black girls and almost 15% for white girls.

    Daniel Genseric

    [Julius Malema ‘not anti-white’]

    “White people are our fellow South Africans. We must always assure them that this country also belongs to them the same way it belongs to us. The struggle is not about white genocide,” he said at the OR Tambo Memorial Lecture at the University of Limpopo’s Turfloop campus.

    -Julius Malema

    My feeling is that if you must publicly declare it in the negative, then it is most certainly true in the affirmative. Guilty on both counts.

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