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Replies to Anti-Whites Jan 2013

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Replies to Anti-Whites Jan 2013

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  • #35278

    The definition of genocide under international law is VERY clear and the anti-whites are CLEARLY in violation of it. When an anti-white denies that what they are doing is genocide simply quote the definition of genocide under international law and explain the violation, I use this blurb:

    “Another ignorant anti-white trying to justify genocide by lying about it’s definition.

    According to the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

    Genocide means the elimination of an ethnic or racial group by any of the following means:

    ( a ) Killing members of the group;
    ( b ) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    ( c ) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    ( d ) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    ( e ) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Flooding our countries with non-whites, force integrating our communities, encouraging us to blend ourselves out of existence and attacking anyone who opposes these things are imposing conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of my race.

    Why are you denying genocide?”

    A)Whites have been killed because of immigration policy.

    B)Whites have been seriously physically harmed by immigration policy,and we have suffered serious mental harm from all the anti-white propaganda.

    And section D applies as well,importing known fast-breeding populations of non-whites into our countries is a deliberate policy of demographic replacement and intended to reduce the white birthrate.

    White Genocide through force-assimilation. I basically reply in the same manner…it works because they are now on the defensive and have to deny that they are complicitous in an attempt to Genocide White children throught programs of massvie non-White immigration; forced racial integration perpetrated upon White kids; and finally the demand for racial assimilation of White people and OUR kids into the non-White peoples. WE and THEY know that they simply can’t with total conviction deny this. We have them.

    “Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out.”

    Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983)


    I have a response that works well in response to “there are no mass killings of Whites” AND “well, it still has to be deliberate; immigration is just natural”

    The political decision to open the floodgates to non-White immigration (w/ out a popular vote) WAS deliberate. The political decision to force integrate White neighborhoods was deliberate. The political decision to put out PSAs that encourage interracial coupling was deliberate.

    Don’t kid yourself. It doesn’t have to be immediate killing to be genocide under the law. It only need be INTENT that there be fewer Whites coupled with an ACT

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    Genocide is genocide,whether accomplished by bullets,mustard gas,or mass immigration and social engineering.”


    “That sounds an awful lot like what rabid anti-Whites LOVE to say about my people and our children. That sounds an awful lot like White genocide denial. YOU are not denying this genocide is taking place, are you? You’re not a White genocide denier, are you? Do White children get to exist in your World? Do White countries reserve the same right to maintain ethnic autonomy that African, Asian, or Mestizo countries do? The people who reserve these rights for EVERYONE but White children and EVERY country except White countries INSIST they are anti-racist. What they really are is anti-White.

    Even a blind 5 year old child can see that anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”


    White Minority USA
    White Minority Canada
    White Minority UK
    White Minority Germany
    White Minority France
    White Minority Australia
    White Minority New Zealand
    etc for all White countries.
    For White countries that are not yet multicultural, tell them to Google immigration requests from the UN.

    Then tell them to Google Black/Asian minority for their countries.

    If you go down the stats road, you are giving the anti-Whites a chance to debate the validity of the stats. What they cannot argue with is the fact, they Demand all White countries turn Brown. If they deny it, ask them, “Which White countries, are allowed to remain White?”


    ·         Nobody is flooding Africa with MILLIONS of non-Africans and DEMANDING “Name me ONE prominent person pushing this geNOcide, otherwise it’s NOT happening.”

    Nobody is flooding China with MILLIONS of non-Chinese and DEMANDING “Name me ONE prominent person pushing this geNOcide, otherwise it’s NOT happening.”
    Nobody is flooding Mexico with MILLIONS of non-Mestizos and DEMANDING “Name me ONE prominent person pushing this geNOcide, otherwise it’s NOT happening.”
    They only say this when it comes to every White country. ONLY White children are left struggling over what to do about this Morality and DIEversity. Those who DEMAND massive third world immigration and assimilation for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
    Anti-racism is a code-word for anti-white.

    The genetic evidence is the majority of the genetics of White Britons came into the islands between 15 000 and 7500 years ago with a big top up 6500 years ago. Any of the others Romans, Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Jutes blah blah have been trivial.

    So most of the average White Briton’s genes have been knocking around the British Isles for a minimum of 7500 years.

    Oxford University research data has shown by 2066 the White Britons will be a minority. In 1966 White Britons were 99% of the population. In 2066 they will be 49% (or less) unless something is done to stop this.
    This is proper researched data from experts.

    In 100 years half the Whites in UK will have disappeared due to the policies of their traitorous governments.
    The process will not stop at 49%.

    What would you tell the White children of Briton in 2066? Write them a message now. There is no White genocide. You are imagining the actions of your past leaders and elites caused you to be a minority in your own country. That your birth right that your ancestors fought and died for has been given away. You are imagining it all. Let’s hear it. White children of the future will need your comforting words.

    This is happening in all White countries and only White countries. This is genocide.

    9 out of 10 do not reply and my comment sits there for everyone else to see. I have told people this and they get angry. Anger is a good emotion it overcomes fear.
    The best I have had is “it is only an estimate.”

    They estimated the minority date for Whites in Briton in 2000. They said it would be 2100. I realise it is only an estimate, I realise it is more likely than not going to be before 2066.
    ·         Nobody is saying that Africans in Africa will ever be a minority.


    Nobody is saying that Asians in Asia will ever be a minority.

    Because they won’t

    So why are people saying White Britons will be a minority in Britain in 2066?
    And saying White Swedes will be a minority in Sweden in 2025?
    That’s because there’s massive non-White immigration in all White countries and only White countries.

    That’s because there’s a programme of White genocide.

    They say it’s anti-racist but it’s simply anti-White.
    Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White


    In 50 years there will be NO majority White countries on earth. Yet Africa has over 50 nations that will stay African. Asia will stay Asian. It is White countries and ONLY White countries that are being flooded with non-Whites and it is EVERY single White country.
    When the Chinese try to force assimilate Tibet, it is rightly called genocide. Genocide does not require lining people up and killing them.
    If Africa was undergoing forced assimilation and massive immigration of non-blacks to the point that every single African country would be non-black by midcentury – well we would know what was going on; we would know it was genocide.
    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    Only in WHITE countries do we hear SCREAMS for Diversity until white children are an historical novelty.
    Only in WHITE countries do TENS OF MILLIONS of third world immigrants descend upon our borders.

    In EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries are we expected to intermarry with those immigrants and are we guaranteed to suffer personal and communal socioeconomic disaster lest we protest this genocide.

    They say they are anti-racist while they worship at the altar of white genocide. They keep proving that what they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white


    My response to the ‘but what about all the non-Whites born here who blah,blah blah….’ type question. ‘im a black man, and speak perfect english, lived here all my life. so tell me what country should I be in?’Why is it up to White people to solve your problems,are you a believer in ‘White Supremacy’ ?It’s a ‘White Supremist’ position to expect White people to solve the problems of Black people,it is patronising and assumes Blacks have no capacity to solve their own problemsI merely expose arguements that lead to Genocide of White people
    Anti-racism is a codeword for Anti-White
    All nations are created by immigration.
    All nations are destroyed by immigration. You are justifying genocide
    “When Whites move to non-White countries en masse ‘anti-racists’ call it colonialism.

    When non-Whites move to White countries en masse ‘anti-racists’ call it progress/diversity/multiculturalism/etc.

    ‘Anti-racists’ demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.

    These ‘anti-racists’ are in fact demanding White genocide.

    But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.”


    We don`t need to prove the grass is green and the sky is blue.Everyone knows it`s only white countries targeted. If any white country refused non-white immigration and “assimilation” it would be branded as a “racist” pariah state by the anti-white Western regime.


    i`ve just done a debunking of True Pooka`s “debunking the mantra” video on a forum I`m active on and thought it might come in handy for someone else:

    True Pooka: “No,everybody does not say the RACE problem will be solved by mass immigration and “assimilation” just for white countries”

    He “forgets” that he and his anti-white cult members are claiming that any white person who opposes mass immigration and “assimilation” is a “racist”,therefore they are stating that the “racism problem”(i.e the RACE problem) is the problem of people opposing those policies,so the continued implementation of said policies implicitly is the proffered “solution” to the “problem”.

    He “forgets” that all the respectable “mainstream” politicians,all the respectable “mainstream” media,and all of the “mainstream” academic institutions are populated by members of his anti-white cult,hence “EVERYBODY says…”.

    True Pooka:”Give me actual quotes of 5 politicians who say we must “assimilate” with non-whites”

    He knows damn well that any white politician who said we DON`T have to “assimilate” i.e being a “racist” would instantly be branded as a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and would be hounded out of office faster than a rabbit gets F***ed.
    According to this brand of logic,just because Comrade Stalin never said in public:”I have ordered the deaths of millions in the gulags” it never happened.
    True Pooka:”Actually there are significant differences in population densities between those countries”(Holland+Belgium/Japa­n+>Thailand<–SHOULD BE TAIWAN lolololololol)”
    Considering that Holland+Belgium/Tapa­n+Taiwan are:
    1.All relatively small countries as countries go
    2.All have relatively high population densities as countries go
    3.Only the two white countries are having mass immigration and “assimilation” forced on them in the name of so-called “anti-racism”
    We can see this is a bogus statistical strawman he has used to totally avoid the point of that part of the mantra-that even high population density does not change the fact that white countries have to accept mass immigration and “assimilation”.
    True Pooka: “You hold Japan up as a success for not imposing mass immigration” and “Because of Japan`s strict immigration policy and the fact they are ageing they are in deep trouble because they will be short of workers”
    The fool does`nt seem to realize this proves the point of the mantra.The Japanese or any other population that has no exterior pressure(such as continual mass immigration) will be able to self-regulate it`s population all by it`s own.
    The oldsters die off and there are fewer youngsters who have more land and resources to share between them(just like the black death in Europe made the survivors better off),it`s called natural demographic equilibrium.
    So the result will be white countries that have mass immigration and “assimilation” imposed on them=whites will be demographically replaced by design i.e GENOCIDE,but Japan that does NOT have mass immigration and “assimilation” =STAYS JAPANESE i.e NO GENOCIDE.
    True Pooka:”White people are choosing not to have kids because of comfort and lifestyle therefore there is no genocide”
    Even if true that whites are not having kids because they`re “so rich/can`t be bothered” and not because their wages and living standards have been constantly reduced by mass immigration,that is irrelevant because the mantra is talking about the genocidal negative population effect of the imposition of mass immigration and “assimilation”.
    True Pooka responding to the question of what would he think if what was being done to white countries was being done to black countries :”That`s a “what if” question so i don`t have to answer it”
    Yep,that`s what the joker claims,just like all the other anti-whites who refuse to answer the simple logical question that exposes their anti-white double standards.
    True Pooka:””genocide happens becasue policy is put forward that has a negative impact on a group”
    Everyone agrees that white people will be minorities in their own countries,so how can this liar claim that`s not a “policy is put forward that has a negative impact on a group” for white people?
    “When we say ‘All white countries’ we will be picked up on this and asked for evidence.

    Lord Nelson offered this as a response in that circumstance:

    “You Anti-Whites can provide all the evidence yourselfs by telling us which European countries you believe have a right to stay White? (Good Luck!)”


    “Stop parroting the Boasian egalitarian nonsense and THINK for YOURSELF. You do realise Boas had a agendas? One was to make dumb dumbs like you feel better for themselves by saying we are all the same. You fell for it LOL That’s hilarious?! Are you 12?! Race is real, race is VERY real. Meanwhile back on planet earth……………..if race isn’t real how can a geneticist tell the race of a murder victim from a scrap of bones or stand of hair left at a crime scene?
    Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, nobody wants to live where people with brown or black skin live and millions annually risk their lives to live among the people with white skin. Race is real and it matters so much that our race is on the chopping block…


    “to be a forensic pathologist, you have to do two things:
    1) deduce the race of a victim from the tiniest rotting remains, and
    2) Join all the other Recognized Experts in denying that race exists.”


    Anti-racists” say that we white people can not be proud of what our race has done because we as individuals did not do it.

    But then again the same “anti-racists” say we are supposed to be guilty as a group for racism, slavery, colonization, discrimination and so on.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
    All of this “race is a social construct” nonsense is used only in white nations to facilitate massive non-white immigration and forced assimilation in every white nation and only in white nations. It is genocide.

    Equality has NOTHING to do with White genocide. It’s just a feeble attempt by a criminal anti-White trying to justify White genocide. Nothing more.


    if there is no such thing as race, there is no such thing as genocide. A murderer on death row will swear he is innocent of murder if there is no body. How are the two different? Both are equally delusional. Would you give up on prosecuting a murderer because he is delusional?


    “Well, the problem is that many Whites have told me it also doesn’t matter if Asians or blacks don’t exist just to win their argument and prove they’re completely anti-racist.”

    Well, anyone who says this, IS a genocidal megalomaniacal criminal; to say “it doesn’t matter if a group exists” is the first step to a genocide. Tell them it doesn’t matter if they exist. Tell them you are going to take everything they own and give it to some poor family in Africa, and that they can expect that family to be moving into their house next week, and they must accept this “diversity” b/c it doesn’t matter if they exist.


    Anti-whites know very well that race exists, and what race is. The reason they deny the existence of the White race is because they are justifying White genocide. Why else would they INSIST on conditions of life they know will result in the destruction of my race?


    This is the LEGAL REQUIREMENT by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to collect and present RACIAL DATA when conducting a Clinical Trial for a new drug. One of the paragraphs gives all the scientific papers that shows RACE DOES EXIST!!


    As we all know race is also recognised by International Law in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948, Article 2


    Many serial killers dehumanize their victims as a way to convince themselves that they are not actually committing murder. Similarly, people who support white genocide dehumanize our race by claiming there is no such thing as race.

    Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.



    Do blacks have to “compete” against hundreds of millions of non-blacks for their own women in their own countries while their governments and their media FORCE the multiCULTural “market place” down their throats?
    Do orientals have to “complete” against hundreds of millions of non-orientals for their own women in their own countries while their governments and media FORCE the multiCULTural “market place” down their throats?
    It ain’t the “dating game”, IT IS GENOCIDE!
    You’d never say that Tibetans or the American Indians were out of line for objecting to the miscegenation that is destroying their gene pool. You only say that to Whites in White countries, and call them “racist” for so objecting. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White, and anti-White is pro White genocide.


    My response to the “two people falling in love is not genocide” argument.

    No of course not. That would be blaming the victim. It would be like blaming the man with terminal lung cancer for buying cigarettes and subsidizing big tobacco’s advertising campaigns.


    People will smoke tobacco, but before White countries were flooded with tobacco and Whites were taught that tobacco was good for them they didn’t smoke at all.
    Mantra response: EVERYONE, when selecting a mate, has certain preferences that they limit themselves to, and tend to fall in love within those limits. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar, or has no care for his children.

    But only WHITES are called “racist” when they add race to the criteria. Blacks are ALLOWED to prefer Blacks, Asians are ALLOWED to prefer Asians, but Whites are called “racist” when we prefer Whites.

    That’s the same as saying that we should not marry other Whites, and when you say that, you’re pushing genocide.

    Of course, when I point this out, I’m called “racist.”

    That’s why I say anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    stalin committed genocide in the name of “the people,” I suppose commiting genocide in the name of “love” is the next step after that”


    Anti-white, you don’t care about my “freedom to choose” with whom I live, work, study, worship, and socialize.  You don’t care about “freedom to  choose”.  You’re just bringing that up to justify genocide because you think the world will be a better place whenever there’s no more racism because “everybody’s brown.”

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


    “Because of history ” does not justify white genocide.

    “For the economy” does not justify white genocide.

    “Low birth rates”, does not justify white genocide.
    “We all bleed red!” does not justify white genocide.
    “We are all human!” does not justify white genocide.
    “Race is just a social construct!” does not justify white genocide.
    “We are all from Africa!” does not justify white genocide
    Battered white syndrome exists only in the minds of those affected , NOT IN OURS YOU BTTER STICK UP FOR YOUR PEOPLE.
    White is capitalized, because its a proper noun. It refers to the race of White people
    Slavery – Wow! You must really hate Blacks, they still have slaves.


    @StockleyDan So what. White people are here and we have a right to exist. We have a right to our own countries. It really doesn’t matter when we diverged from the African population. All of that is justification for blending White people out of existence. Take your hate and your genocide and go to South Africa. They are actually killing White people there. That should make you happy

    you’re justifying the genocidal elimination of my people, White People, by your ridiculous argument. I’ve told you what a White county is: any country you insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of non-white immigrants to and also demands that White people “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with them. Even a simpleton should be able to understand that!


    Yes, America is definitely a White country.
    The US was created solely by White people. Until just a few decades ago she was 90% White.
    The Constitution dedicates America to “ Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR Posterity.”
    That was White people writing those words, so they meant White people`s Posterity, not the non-White global herd of “New Citizens” you anti-Whites have foisted on us.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    pos·ter·i·ty   /pɒˈstɛrɪti/ Show Spelled[po-ster-i-tee] Show IPA
    1. succeeding or future generations collectively: Judgment of this age must be left to posterity.
    2. all descendants of one person: His fortune was gradually dissipated by his posterity.
    All of the men that wrote and signed the constitution were White men. Who do you think they were talking about? Look man, people aren’t coming to America to live in teepees or wigwams, they are coming to live in what White people built and where White people live. ONLY Whites are DEMANDED to accept their own GENOCIDE in the name of anti-racism. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White!


    Ask questions and don’t let up until they respond. You could have used more ridicule…”so you are telling us that the founding fathers who did not allow non-whites to become citizens felt that America should one day become brown??? What are they teaching you kids in grade school these days?”


    Sir John A Macdonald wanted to preserve the “aryan character” of Canada. The FIRST law past by Australia was the white australia policy. The american constitution says “…For ourselves and our posterity…” How can they argue these are not white countries when the very people who MADE these countries defined them as such? Those same people admit Europe is for whites and still demand massive non-white immigration and “assimilation.” It sounds like they are trying to get rid of white people. It’s genocide. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.




    Nobody talks about “Chinese privilege” in China. Nobody talks about “Haitian privilege” in Haiti. Nobody talks about “Japanese privilege” in Japan. Nobody talks about “Somalian privilege” in Somalia. Antiracists talk about “white privilege” in white nations, ONLY white nations. They say they are antiracist. What they are is antiwhite. Antiracist is a code word for antiwhite.


    Do they mean the white privilege of giving away our countries, the white privilege of being called racist if identifying with your own group, or is it the white privilege of being the only race compensating other races for historical wrongdoings performed by every race?


    No one is flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans and saying, “What’s with all this Black Privilege?”

    J M C

    @Mandela, this is an OUTSTANDINGLY valuable resource, thank you for taking the time to formulate and post these points. I will be studying and re-wording these truths to make them my own.

    I would make only ONE major adjustment. One of your points stated we are being ‘encouraged’ to intermarry with non-Whites. I think using the word ‘encouraged’ is pulling our punches. I’m no longer in the mood to be ‘gentle’ or ‘soft’ towards these vicious, warped, rabid murderers of my race. I want to punch them right in the mouth with the hard truth of their crimes. I want them spitting out bloody teeth with a wet spot spreading in the crotch of their pants by the time I am done with them (is there an anti-White lurking here who wants to try and take my words out of context? Just try it. See how you get owned as a result. You people are not only genocidal FREAKS, you are LIARS from the word go and we will prove it to the world.)

    ANYHOW, Mandela, I would remove the word ‘encouraged’ to intermarry and replace it with any of these terms which I feel are much more accurate descriptions of what’s being done: pressured, indoctrinated, brainwashed, pushed.


    @jmcaul, thanks – very kind of you to say so. I will make the change you request next time I update this thread. I read thru the 800+ posts from the debate style thread and from that made up the above list under headings, so these replies are not my own. I love smashing anti-Whites when they argue after I lay down a mini-Mantra, that is why this list is useful.

    Mark WN


    Had some decent success by paraphrasing, then giving an example.  For example:

    International law: Genocide is ANY CONDITION (violent or NON-VIOLENT) that leads to the destruction/disappearance (full or PARTIAL) of a race (policies of mass 3rd world immigration & govt forced integration in ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES)

    Bodily & mental harm (white flight from staggering violence, rapes, murders, destroyed neighborhoods & schools)

    Genocide is not just guns, bombs, sudden violence

    Genocide can also be accomplished via social engineering, and has been for DECADES in white countries

    also —

    U don’t even understand the definition of genocide, per international law

    When assimilation was imposed on Amerindians & Aboriginals, people screamed “genocide!”

    A while back, Aboriginal leader Mick Dobson even said: “assimilation is genocide”

    All the so-called “anti-racists” went into convulsions & agreed with him (yes, yes, evil whites…)

    So when assimilation is imposed on ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES, how is it now suddenly NOT genocide?


    I also then give them the Beefcake approach with Q’s:

    Do you deny, according to international law, ANY condition (violent or NON-VIOLENT) imposed on a race leading to its destruction (full or PARTIAL) is genocide?

    Do you deny an INDISPUTABLE pattern of ONLY forcibly integrating white schools, clubs, neighborhoods, cities, countries with non-whites?

    Does this INDISPUTABLE pattern of ONLY white countries seem “deliberate” to you?

    Do you deny these policies lead to an eventual blending away & disappearance of white people?

    Mark WN

    White guilt re past White misdeeds

    I realize we need to avoid tailgating, but I have had some success with refuting the entire barrage of white guilt accusations with (also adding in Bob’s gem from other day) –

    You are still not denying white genocide, you are justifying it

    Africans VIOLENTLY enslaved tens of millions of their own race, then PEACEFULLY sold them to other races

    MILLIONS of whites slaughtered, conquered & colonized by Huns, Turks, Moors, Mongols – for CENTURIES

    Not only Arabs, Asians have quite a history of colonization & roughing people up

    So why aren’t Asian, African, Arab countries flooded with 3rd world immigration & govt FORCED / SUBSIDIZED integration?


    Now matter the reply, be dismissive and simply continue to hammer on them –

    White guilt talking points; like a trained seal

    You are STILL justifying genocide.  History is cruel; nobody has a patent on “nice”

    Rival Indian tribes already slaughtering each other before Europeans arrived

    Arabs enslaved > 1,000,000 whites on Barbary Coast, over -TWICE- the amount of blacks enslaved in US

    So tell me, why are Arab, Asian, African countries NEVER pressured to accept millions of 3rd worlders and to celebrate so-called “diversity”?


    As long as keeping non-white misdeeds to A FEW SENTENCES prefaced by either “You are still not denying white genocide, you are justifying it”

    (or)  “White guilt talking points; like a trained seal. You are still justifying genocide.  History is cruel; nobody has a patent on “nice”…

    …you can avoid tailgating

    (Noticed that Gar5 had some non-white misdeeds in his repository which is my reason for experimenting with)  Anti-whites really seem to get annoyed one sentence zingers of historical bad things done by non-whites

    By all means, any constructive criticism is appreciated !

    The Beef

    “Nobody is forcing anyone to Interrmary”

    Either one alone or both of these combined work:

    Anti-Whites insist Whites must not be allowed to have anywhere exclusive for our race, they enforce and impose conditions that lead to those interracial marriages intended to destroy our race.

    Nobody is insisting that ALL Black countries and ONLY Black countries need to be prevented from having anything exclusive to themselves in order to impose conditions which lead to intermarriages intended to destroy Blacks as a race and then telling them “nobody is forcing you to intermarry”.

    Telling us that intermarriage isn’t being forced is trying to conceal the fact that what leads to it IS being FORCED.


    The Beef

    I’ve refined that a little more in the thread on it… figured should c&p here too. I’d edit the above if I could.

    “Nobody is forcing anyone to Interrmary”


    Anti-Whites insist Whites cannot be allowed anywhere exclusive for our race, and they enforce conditions which lead to interracial marriages intended to destroy our race.

    Nobody is insisting that Blacks need to be prevented from having anything exclusive in order to inflict conditions which lead to intermarriages intended to destroy Blacks as a race and then telling them “nobody is forcing you to intermarry”.

    Saying that intermarriage isn’t being forced is trying to conceal the fact that the conditions which lead to it ARE being FORCED.


    Thanks Mark and Beefcake. I will remake this topic in a few months and put your replies in the updated version under the correct heading. Good material!


    Rarace mixers are parasites feeding on White communities
    Parasites kill their host if their host has no defence

    Anti-Whites allow no defence against Race mixing parasites
    1.    (Miscegenation) — The Final Solution to the White Problem.
    2.    “Nobody is forcing anyone to Interrmary”

    Anti-Whites insist Whites cannot be allowed anywhere exclusive for our race, and they enforce conditions which lead to interracial marriages intended to destroy our race.

    Nobody is insisting that Blacks need to be prevented from having anything exclusive in order to inflict conditions which lead to intermarriages intended to destroy Blacks as a race and then telling them “nobody is forcing you to intermarry”.

    Saying that intermarriage isn’t being forced is trying to conceal the fact that the conditions which lead to it ARE being FORCED.
    Anti-Whites don’t have to force intermarriage because the conditions that lead to intermarriage are being forced”
    1.    Assimilation and forced integration….. How they do it:
    School busing
    Open enrollment
    White privilege
    White flight
    Affirmative action
    Equal opportunity employment
    Diversity and Tolerance workshops
    o    Section 8 Housing
    Head Start
    Title 1
    Sub-prime mortgages
    1.    You use this word free as if it applies to us whites. We’re so free that forced busing was used to ASSIMILATE our children with non-whites. We’re so free that they wrote housing laws to prevent us from living together. We’re so free that anti-whites wrote labor laws preventing us from hiring our own people.
    Tell me, do you always try and justify genocide or just when the victims are white children? Just how sick are you?
    1.    Did I miss the vote that asked White people if they wanted their countries constantly flooded with 3rd world immigration? FORCED desegregation/integration isn’t forced? Affirmative Action isn’t forced? OUTLAWING a ‘Whites-only’ ANYTHING isn’t forced? The ongoing program of White GENOCIDE is ENFORCED LAW! and now YOU anti-whites are going to justify GENOCIDE by saying “oh, you can’t stop two people from falling in love”? Segregation by ENFORCED LAW is a small price to pay to save a GREAT RACE, no?
    You are saying that this whole program of immigration and assimilation and chasing down every white on earth who wants to live in a white community is just for True Love?”

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