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Scandinavian where did you post the mantra today

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  • #35339
    Media Krig

    Kanintass asked if we should have a Scandinavian version of where did you post the mantra today, and since no decision has been taken, I thought we should just give it a try.

    I don’t think we need to say if we posted it in pro-white media, but I could need some support when I am posting in main stream media, so I reckon others have the same problem.

    There is a tradition that you can post in any Scandinavian language in all the Scandinavian media, so Swedes can post in Norwegian or Danish media, and visa versa. I have also noted that because Scandinavians always thinks that the grass is greener in the other Scandinavian countries, a Swede posting in Norway can have a bigger impact than a Norwegian.

    An example of what a Swede can say; Not a gencide you say? I moved to Norway after having been run out of my town, because all the jobs went to immigrants, etc, and then some mantra stuff

    Some MSM accept English comments as well, and you could use Google translate to read what the article is about.

    The problem when you post in the Norwegian MSM is that it is easy to get banned, if you just spurt out the mantra, as they will say you are spamming or derailing the discussion. From my experience you can get away with a lot more if you manage to bait some anti-white, and then draw the discussion in a mantra direction.

    Anyway this is from Norway’s biggest morning paper

    My current Disqus incarnation is to_ravner, but I don’t think it will last long, because I will change it when one of the big sites ban me.


    Media Krig

    I am not banned yet, but Aftenposten and Dagbladet are starting to delete pure mantra posts.

    I have started to post at some think tanks, where seems to be the most responsive. It’s a website I know are read by respectable economic liberal and conservative politicians and journalists, but is not generally read by the masses.

    I have also trolled, but they often just delete what you have written before anybody has the chance to see it.

    I think I will be posting directly on political parties websites next, so to better play the game of Tordenskjold’s soldiers, where you pretend you are many, when you in reality are very few.

    Explanation for foreigners:

    Going to friendly websites like and asking for help, also seems to kind of work.


    Har rapporterat de flesta i den engelska tråden men det skadar så klart inte med lite sammordning! Har märkt att engelska kommentarer sällan får någon större respons. Antagligen kopplar vi det till spam och reklam. Kan också bero på att det är uppenbart att avsändaren inte ens vet vad filmen handlar om…


    Liker att du följde upp min idé =) tänkte ta tag i det själv men tänkte fylla upp ett litet länkarkiv först så att jag hade något att komma med men du han visst före 😉


    Du glömde länka till dina trådar!

    Media Krig

    I left them out intentionally, as I did not want somebody just posting the mantra in English.

    If you go to you will find them, as everything that smells of multiculture is places for discussing the genocide of white people.

    Here is one thread were I posted quite a lot.

    Media Krig

    I got a mail from the admin at, that told me I would get banned if I posted anything else on white genocide.

    I naturally posted the mail on my blog, and asked readers to troll them with genocide posts, and got a permaban in return.

    So if anybody wants troll them, be my guest, but please post something ready made, so you don’t waste time composing something that will be deleted. He also kept the banning private, so that the readers should not understand that they are censoring the subject.

    The admin on minervanett is on a salary, so cleaning up the comment fields costs money, and it also raises awareness that white genocide is censored there, when they see non-racist genocide posts disappearing.

    I am still posting at and, but the turnover on the articles are so fast, that there is little use in posting them here.

    Feu Denfer


    Immigration is not genocide. It is “aiming for the destruction of a group” that is the crime.

    Taken to the extreme:

    Chewing gum is genocide if the intention behind it is to destroy a people.

    Killing millions with nuclear weapons is not genocide if the intention is only motivated economically and not by the destruction of any specific groups of people.



    A bit off topic but I can recommend this pro white facebook group for our scandinavian bugsters:

    Krossa Antivitismen

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