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    This is funny


    It’s not an ”attempt” people are just moving to primarily white nations, whites suck anyway, as a white male, I couldn’t care less what skin color people are, all the whites can die out and it won’t matter worth two shits, I don’t associate myself as Irish, White, Heterosexual, Atheist, or American. Just human.
    ubertuber3d 41 minutes ago

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    In your opinion whites sucks. You wouldn’t be here right now living in comfort and modern conditions if it wasn’t for these whites who suck

    So do you also think blacks suck and you don’t give two shits if they die out?

    How about Asians? Do you also think they suck and don’t give two shits if they die out?

    You sound like you have mental issues

    Why do you not give a shit about white babies in the future?

    Anti-racism is just a code word for anti-white
    meawhiterabbit 16 minutes ago

    No I don’t care if any race dies out, it’s just a skin tone.
    ubertuber3d 11 minutes ago


    So you do not care if African babies die out? Thats pretty sick. I am sure a lot of black men would kick your pathetic ass if they heard you say that

    What do you have against black African babies? You sound like a seriously nasty piece of work.
    meawhiterabbit 7 minutes ago

     LOL, I didn’t mean they will literally die Einstein, it just means their race will become the minority.
    ubertuber3d 1 minute ago


    Back tracking boy, back tracking. You sure are a weird little anti white fruitcake.

    Good day to you.
    meawhiterabbit 1 second ago


    I submitted this comment on several youtube ‘UK negro insurrection’ vids:

    Enoch Powell’s “River of Blood” speech criticizing the UK’s immigration and anti-discrimination policies in 1968 is now coming to fruition. The stupidity and anti-white attitudes and laws of our ‘WW2 Generation’ grandparents are now destroying a country our ancestors took over a thousand years to build.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



    You might want to post the link in the Bugs Swarm / Mantra thread

    Bugsters patrol the links for any anti-Whites that pop up.


    On the Alex Jones you tube I have a live one trying to sell me on the Muslium Religion. This makes my day: Here is the link:

    While there have been some bantering between me and this clown here is where I believe he his trying to make the sell:

    @ioannessenatoris I’m sure I said something to “vite” people known of colonialism. That’s a known fact. There are two different things, the colonialism is nationalism, the white supremacy, Aryan myth came later. The nationalistic colonialism was like anything before islam, barbaric. What it developed into was something even more vile.

    I hope you’re nothing thinking like an atheist, ie unable to make connection with basic points. Maybe we can talk about what changed with islam?

    faro0485 4 hours ago

    Here is my latest response:
    You anti-whites can come up with a 1000 reasons to justify the process of ethnic cleansing of white children and white race. Let’s start with yours:

    1. Whites are responsible for colonialism

    2. Some pseudo-science that a daddy professor created in the 18th century that has been blown out of the water with genetic testing.

    3. Some Sob sister history about an Aryan Myth.

    4. Now you want to bring some moon god religion in to the mix.

    Anti-racist is code word for anti-white.

    ioannessenatoris 1 sec ago


    I thought I’d share some recent anti-white comments left on my YouTube user channel. I must have touched a nerve.

    GoddessOfCats(1 hour ago)
    Your a god damn hypocrit! If you truly believed in what your saying, then you would give America, South Africa and Austrailia back to their own people! Thats why people don’t listen to you. Your so quick at telling immigrants to get out, yet you woulden’t budge from the land your ancestors stole from another race. What about the genocide against Native Americans, South Africans and the Aboriginal people, huh? You didn’t think about them, did you? TOUGH!! People are accepting different races. Deal with it! Or better yet..FOLLOW YOUR LEADER AND PUT A BULLET IN YOUR BRAIN BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES IT FOR YOU!

    WHITEFREAKSOUT(3 hours ago)
    May the genocide of you stinking white parasitic freaks continue. Although cancer should ensure you’re wipe off the face of the Black man’s planet for good.

    BRING ON THE CANCER to take the CANCER of WHITES off the face of the planet for good.


    GoddessOfCats aka Game Girl also posts on Stormfront as Game Girl.

    You can see some of her YouTube comments here –

    Daniel Genseric

    Analysis/criticism from fellow BUGSters will be welcomed :

    @harj2009 You’re just calling me ignorant and bigot because I am White. No one looks to History for “sins of their fathers” when a non-White points to racial injustices. Of course not, ONLY White children are being targeted for genocide through illegal immigration, assimilation of the third World into ONLY White countries and non-White/White intermarriage.

    But when a White points to these crimes, they are Racist!

    You like to call yourself anti-racist. What you are is anti-White.
    TheGenseric 1 second ago

    @harj2009 There aren’t any “flash mobs” comprised of solely White people roving the streets looking for non-White victims.There aren’t any news stories being edited in order to hide the identities of White criminals in the name of Political Correctness.There aren’t any non-Whites crying about their children being beaten and worse by a bunch of blood-thirsty White people.These liberal wieners and their Conservative Respectable counterparts claim they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White
    TheGenseric 1 second ago

    No one says Africa needs more diversity.

    No one says China needs more diversity.

    No one says a Mexico needs more diversity.

    They are already 100% diverse.

    All white countries (England) and only white countries always need to be More Diverse.

    White neighborhoods only stop needing to be More Diverse when there are no more White people left.

    Diversity is a codeword for white genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White. Why must White children be the victims of genocide? WHY?
    TheGenseric 1 week ago 4

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    @TheGenseric u mental case, this was no white genocide, u dont know the meaning of word genocide , this was a protest by blacks,whites,jews against the police killng a man
    harj2009 1 week ago

    @harj2009 Said the man who can’t see past the end of his own nose. Stop adopting such a provincial view on things.Look at the bigger picture, if you dare. Or maybe you are too afraid.

    You’re just calling me “a mental case” because I’m white and care about the existence of White children and their future. You wouldn’t dare say these things to a non-White with similar views. People like you fashion themselves as anti-racists.What you are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    TheGenseric 1 week ago

    @TheGenseric ooh wow , you think colonisation and the invasion of Libya,HAiti,Vietnam and Iran actually helped those countries LOLAHAHAH

    wow white children, no you are a bigot and ignorant,white children are not under some strange threat apart from perhaps being locked up for rioting in manchester and liverpool.i didnt call u mental coz ur white, u see on racist to do that. anti racist is not a code word for anything, u ppl thing all theese worlds have secret meanings they dont
    harj2009 2 days ago

    Daniel Genseric

    Here’s another one still submitting what it thinks are cogent arguments to me. Here’s how it went down between myself and something that calls itself halashet. As always, criticism is welcome and warranted as you see fit.
    Every white country on earth is told to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country is expected to end its own race and end its own culture. No one asks that of ANY non-white country. Immigration and intermarriage is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries.

    Anti-whites call themselves anti-racist, but their actions lead to the disappearance of one race and only one race, the white race. The true goal of anti-racism is to wipe out the white race.

    It is genocide.
    TheGenseric 1 week ago (26 thumbs up/top comment)

    @TheGenseric dude there are more whites than any other race, they will never be extinct don’t worry..chill out..and also.. many whites dont want to marry or breed outside their race,.speculating that the white race will be extinct is farfetched..
    halashet 1 week ago

    @halashet DUDE, is China on your map? Is Mexico or mestizo Central and South America on your map? How about Africa?

    In 1900 my people, white people, comprised 33% of world population, today we are at 9% and dropping like a rock. Not only are we a minority in the world but because of immigration & assimilation in EVERY white country and ONLY white countries our children are poised to be minorities IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES within a few decades.

    This is genocide. This is evil and this must stop!
    TheGenseric 1 week ago 2

    @TheGenseric everyone is doomed to be mixed, accept that reality, especially in america..
    halashet 1 week ago

    @halashet What a defeatist comment meant ONLY to demoralize White people.

    You liberal wankers and your Respectable Conservative counterparts sing this sad tune in hopes that it will one day come True. YOU call yourselves anti-racist. What you are is anti-White. Your programs lead to the genocide of ONLY one thing. White children.

    Why do you hate White children SO MUCH that you justify genocide through a numb and blissful decree of inevitable indifference?

    WHY are you pro-White genocide?
    TheGenseric 2 days ago

    @TheGenseric dont get me wrong, im not from america, and im not going there..regarding me being pro-white genocide, where in the hell did you get that idea? im completely against genocide of any type..maybe you should tell your white brothers to quit marrying outside their race so that your race will be preserved forever..
    halashet 2 days ago

    @halashet Yeah. Okay that’s all well and fine. But how do you explain that:

    Asia is for the Asians. Africa is for the Africans. And White countries are for everybody?!

    Do White children not deserve a HOME?!

    No one says a neighborhood that is 100% Black needs more diversity.

    No one says a neighborhood that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.

    No one says a neighborhood that is 100% Mexican needs more diversity.

    They are already 100% diverse.

    ONLY white counties need to be More Diverse.
    TheGenseric 1 day ago 2

    @TheGenseric i dont know about there in america but here in asia there are a lot of whites, almost every where i look, there are whites, and we dont have problems with it even if they left hundreds of thousands of fatherless amerasians,. they were all here for a very long time since the colonizations.. im sorry if our existence bother you,.why dont you open that issue to your government or make a rally perhaps,.maybe your government will hear you out..
    halashet 1 day ago

    @halashet You’re dense. hundreds of thousands of Whites where there are over a BILLION people!? Talk about a piss in the ocean?! Cease and desist with your ignorance. PLEASE! We have tens of millions of illegal immigrants in America and many times that in Europe.

    The simple truth is that every White country and ONLY White country has been targeted for massive third-world immigration. THEY WANT WHITE CHILDREN (8% of world population) GONE! That’s Genocide.

    Get it?!
    TheGenseric 1 day ago

    @TheGenseric tell that to your president, its your country anyway..there is no need to offend anyone sir..
    halashet 5 hours ago

    @halashet We did. He isn’t listening.

    But, you wouldn’t know that since YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN. Go troll somewhere else! If you are offended, that’s your problem.

    No one says “Stop with the illegal immigration! It’s offending (genociding) White Children in their own countries!”

    No one says “Stop with the affirmative action! It’s OFFENDING White unemployment and White Children are starving in their own countries!”

    Offended?! Get over yourself. White people and their children ARE offended.
    TheGenseric 2 minutes ago


    Notice how it doesn’t make effective use of the SPACE alotted to it with each reply? Since we are so limited on YT, I try to use EVERY last character in every reply. I view it as advertising space for pro-White activists and White children.


    You Are Forgetting the Basics

    One commenter asked how to answer the “whites took their land” bit.

    We have been over that dozens of times here.

    First of all, any argument of that sort is JUSITIFYING genocide.

    Am seeing a lot of this in BUGS, with anti-whites getting away with the simplest things.

    For example, I do not see anti-whites who complain about our repetition getting what this sets them up for:

    We won’t stop saying it until you ADDRESS it.

    We can’t have an adult discussion with you until you stop outlawing and desboting what we say.

    You have only a small window of opportunity, and it makes me sick to see you forget to follow up on them.

    And, for the hundredth time, all nations are nations of immigrants.

    All nations are created by immigration.

    All nations are destroyed by immigration.

    Too many of you are beginning to sound like respectable conservatives, only there to answer THEM.

    Maybe we could use some reminders here by someone besides me.

    The instant anyone brought any of the points you have such trouble with, I would just tell the truth: “You are justifying genocide.”

    Get with it, gang!

    James C

    A couple of us have been fighting it out over here, and doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself.

    Going into enemy terrotory, picking a fight, and sending the smarmy little anti-whites running to the hills is a lot of fun. Everyone should try it!

    Anti-white: And you have yet to answer my question. What makes white people different than black people? Why do races matter to you?

    Me: Each race is different from every other race.

    Why do you support White Genocide?

    Anti-white: How is each race different?

    Me: Each race is different in a multitude of ways. That’s why they’re DIFFERENT races.

    If you are actually curious about the subject, go read a book on racial anthropology. You’re not paying me to be your personal tutor.

    I could ask you the same question. What’s different about whites that that makes you support White Genocide and ONLY White genocide?

    Anti-white #2 (in response to above):
    This made me lose faith in you. I actually thought I would give you the benefit of the doubt. I actually believed for a minute that you actually had these strong opinions and wanted to discuss and defend them.

    Me: I’m sure you wanted me to go into some kind of Hollywood Nazi tirade about blacks being stupid and such. Sorry to disappoint you.

    Anti-white #2: But no. That was a personal attack based on no evidence. Simply because someone disagrees with you does not make them a supporter of white genocide. How did you even draw that conclusion? Because she doesn’t believe that skin color should determine race? That makes her in favor of white genocide?

    Me: Disagreeing with me doesn’t make a person anti-white, unless you disagree with the statement that white people deserve to exist.

    Justifying White Genocide makes a person anti-white.

    Anti-white #2: I’m done with this thread. If you had something worthwhile to say, I would love to have a discussion with you about immigration, racial mixing and solutions to interracial problems. But no, you actually have nothing that is worth discussing. I disagree with you completely, yet I can form better arguments for your cause than you can. You could’ve discussed how white countries are the most advanced and have the best standard of living in the world. If you took the top 10 best countries to live in, I’m guessing at least 8 of them would be white majority countries.

    Me: The fact that white countries are nice places to live is irrelevant, unless of course you think that blacks deserve genocide because of the problems that many black African countries have.

    I don’t need to justify my right to exist. No other race is forced to justify THEIR right to exist.

    Anti-white #2: You could’ve discussed how immigrants often feel the need to skirt around laws that apply to native individuals, for example, some races who choose to arrange marriages for their children.

    Me: The fact that other races may have customs that I don’t agree with is irrelevant, unless you think that only the race with the most superior customs has a right to exist.

    If that’s the case then you might support genocide against Africans who practice female circumcision. But I’m not interested in justifying genocide against other races.

    I’m interested in preserving my own race.

    Anti-white #2: Yet you disregard these facts. You feel that you do not need to defend yourself with anything more than a loud voice and insults hurled at those who disagree, in order to shame them into agreeing with you. The fact that you think every single person posting in this thread is pro-genocide is a testament to your lack of intelligence.

    Me: I HAVEN’T BEEN POSTING IN ALL CAPS, so I don’t know what you mean about a “loud voice”.

    Self-proclaimed “anti-racists” have been shouting racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews to silence their opposition for decades now, but that doesn’t seem to bother you, Mr. Fairnessandreasonabledebate.

    You are right about one thing, I do believe justifying White Genocide is shameful. It’s not just shameful, it’s downright evil.

    Anti-white #2: I’m so done with this thread. I had hope and it was lost. Sorry, but even if you’re well meaning, you’re just a bunch of trolls.

    (Now go ahead and pick out the one sentence that you want from this paragraph and respond to it only, calling me pro-white genocide and an anti-white. Go ahead, I won’t be offended.)

    Me: I’m really going to miss you, but as a going away present I’ve responded to every single thing you’ve said. Happy birthday


    @emmettk, People talk about the RACE problem, and how the RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country. They say the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” with all those non-whites. It’s really just the final solution to the white problem. It’s genocide. They say they are anti-racist, what they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    @AusGael, There IS no race problem, you idiot. We have many races of people in my neighbourhood and (better sit down)….. MIXED COUPLES (shock, horror) who actually have beautiful mixed children. The only ones whining about any “race problem” are stupid white nationalists like you.

    @NativeSupport, Most people already know how anti-white you are, Theo. Your YouTube user page and your website is dedicated to supporting the rights of non-white people to exist as a group while you cheer on White genocide (non-white immigration and assimilation for ALL White countries) then you deny that it is even taking place. To some this may seem like a double standard, but most people know that for anti-whites like you this is routine. You want White genocide.

    Daniel Genseric

    No one is in Africa handing out all the FREE bananas in the World in order to attract all the non-Africans they can get to land on their shores.

    No one is in China handing out all the FREE won-tons in the World in order to attract all the non-Chinese they can get to land on their shores.

    No one is in Mexico handing out all the FREE bean burritos in the World in order to attract all the non-Mexicans they can get to land on their shores.

    Immigration is ONLY for White countries!
    TheGenseric 17 hours ago

    @TheGenseric No one is in America handing out all the FREE Big-Macs in the World in order to attract all the non-Americans they can get to land on their shores.

    No one is in Europe handing out all the FREE Es-Cargo in the World in order to attract all the non-Europeans they can get to land on their shores.

    ihavemonkeysinmybutt 17 hours ago

    @ihavemonkeysinmybutt No. Of course not. We have educational programs, social welfare programs, and items of REAL WORLD VALUE to attract them here.

    Massive third world immigration is for White countries and ONLY White countries. They say it is anti-racist to import non-Whites into White countries. It is genocide. And they are criminal anti-Whites for promoting it.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
    TheGenseric 17 hours ago


    Allow me to introduce my self. I’m 100% White East European (Slavic&Hungarian). I live in Croatia. I moved from the little town I grew up in into my capital Zagreb to study social sciences. I was surprised to find out that all my professors there are Jews, marxists and liberals and that some of my classmates are jews and gays. I’ve never even met a Jew in the real life and have only read about them on the Internet. But where political and intellectual elites are formed all of the sudden I have Jewish professors and Jewish classmates. It spooked me. They often point out how this all-White ethnic state is not natural and how we need immigration. Now as it is we have very little black immigrants. I have only one brown muslim turkoid student in my class (I really hate his guts because he attacks Christianity by pretending to be an Atheist Commie while at the same time he is objecting to the anti-mosque referendum in Switzerland). Our ex-commie political elites are identical to Western elites and they cooperate with Western liberal elites.

    Probably the weirdest conversation about race I have experienced was at my university when I tried to point out to my professor the genocide of South Africans. It happened when they killed Eugene Terreblanche, “far right” leader. So my professor pointed out to me that they killed Terreblanche because he was so obviously a nazi and that one can see that easily from his photos with a nazi-like flag. But I did not wanted to speak about Terreblanche’s tragic death to begin with but about horrid massacres of White farmers there. (I was not aware of Mr. Whitaker’s mantra back than but I was racially conscious and Jew-aware thanks to the Internet).

    So here is the interesting part of this conversation:

    When I used the word “White farmers” this professor was outraged and there was a silence in the classroom as if I said some obscene word. How can I use mantra when I cannot even mention the word “White”? The very mention of “White” (bijelac, bijel) has made me sound racist and nazi.

    Perhaps for this part of Europe (ex Yugoslavia) and probably in Eastern Europe some other words should be used. Words like “Europe” and “Europeans” do not cause such an outrage because they are associated with pink elitster rabbits of EU.

    For example: “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, European countries for everybody sounds good as well.

    Please help with some advice or suggestion.


    I hate the comments section on videos like this. I’m white and I am not a member of an “endangered species” that needs “protection”. There are over half a billion white people on the planet. If you can’t find a suitable mate with half a billion people to pick from… then sorry to say… it’s not them that have a problem, it’s you.

    @MsColdCanada, The media often run articles predicting when whites will be the minority in white countries. Genocide is defined as “any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” Why don’t white kids deserve protection from mass non-white immigration and “assimilation” policies (genocide)?

    @AusGael, Equating being a minority with genocide is an insult to logic. The “problem” you are proposing does not have it’s root cause in modern immigration. It began when white people via colonization practices spread themselves out to more nations than we could reasonably hope to populate. In areas, such as North America, the white “majority” is already a false construct of mass migration. Also immigration is not equal to assimilation.

    @MsColdCanada, Logic? You do know that Africa is almost entirely black!? The reality is that Africa doesn’t have a policy of mass, forced, non-black immigration, integration and assimilation. Japan is almost entirely Japanese. Japan doesn’t have a policy of mass, forced, non-Japanese immigration, integration and assimilation. EVERY White country has mass non-white immigration and assimilation policies. Are you saying that white genocide is justified because of colonisation?

    @AusGael, I’m saying that if white people would cluster back to one continent instead of trying to inhabit a minimum of three continents then we could easily continue to be the majority in that area of the world and all your crying and hand-wringing would be for naught.

    @MsColdCanada, Are you kidding? White people aren’t allowed all white anything! EVERY White country MUST have non-white immigration and assimilation in order to become mixed, brown countries. If any white person objects to this genocide they are considered a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Everybody knows that.

    @AusGael, Your reply doesn’t have anything to do with my comment. One billion people live in a country the size of China and one billion live in a country the size of India. With half a billion people who are white on this planet we cannot possibly expect to occupy all of Europe, North America and Australia as the majority into the future. So cluster.

    @MsColdCanada, You don’t understand. I’ll say it again. Whites aren’t allowed an all White anything! Whites aren’t allowed to “cluster.” It’s forced integration and assimilation. What you’re saying is: Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody. Don’t white children deserve protection from mass non-white immigration and “assimilation” policies (genocide)? Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    @MsColdCanada, It sounds like your saying that White genocide is justified because of overcrowding in some non-white countries. The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan should bring in millions of third worlders and “assimilate” with them. Name a non-white people and justify their genocide, as you do for white people.

    @AusGael, Belgium is only as crowded as Japan because since 1945 over a million Europeans of other nationalities have immigrated there. I’m becoming completely disgusted with speaking to you. The way you keep tossing the word genocide around is ridiculous. Again there are half a billion white people on this planet and immigration does not equal genocide. You bore me by making me repeat myself. If you don’t like your country’s immigration policy contact a politician.

    @MsColdCanada, The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948, defines genocide as “any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” Don’t white children deserve protection from mass non-white immigration and “assimilation” policies (genocide)? Name a non-white people and justify their genocide, as you do for white people.

    @AusGael, Again you repeating yourself. Immigration is not equal to genocide as I have already stated clearly. You have worn my patience thin with your ridiculous trolling. Since you cannot formulate an original thought and your regurgitation is boring me to tears I will be going now. By the way, personally I find you an embarrassment to my race.

    @MsColdCanada, First you tried to justify White genocide because of overcrowding in India and China. You said Whites “cannot possibly expect to occupy all of Europe, North America and Australia as the majority into the future. So cluster.” Now you’re saying that white genocide is not happening at all. If you don’t think genocide is taking place, why did you suggest that Whites “cluster?” You’re just anti-White. Name a non-white people and justify their genocide as you do for white people.



    Hmm. I kind of feel you need to go into everything full bore. Liberals love to insinuate things, it’s one of the ways they keep conservatives on their leashes. The mantra doesn’t leave much room to make those kind of insinuations; you’re hitting them too hard and you’re making it clear that you’re not going to mince any words. Liberals have real trouble with people who aren’t scared of their sacred cows.

    Remember: anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white. If someone calls you a “racist”, do what Horus does, and reply with “In your opinion I’m a racist; you’re just saying that because I’m white. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.” (The early episodes of Follow the White Rabbit have a lot of good debate tactics, actually, as do Horus’ Truck Roy interviews. If you haven’t listened to them, and you have the time, I’d recomend them.)

    Attack, attack, attack, we owe nothing to these people. They owe an explanation to US, and we’re going to get it.

    Well, those are my thoughts from the United States, using English, and debating people who I don’t have any sort of power-relationship with. If my advice doesn’t sound like it work in your circumstances, you certainly shouldn’t use it…

    (By the way, these posts would probably fit better in the “Debate advice and style” section.)

    Daniel Genseric


    If your course is held in Hungary, then use “Ethnic Hungarians are being touted as the next victims of genocide as the global elite are NOW championing their immigration measures here.”

    If your course is held in Croatia, then use “Ethnic Croatians are being touted as the next victims of genocide as the global elite are NOW championing their immigration measures here.”

    If you want to debate about White Boer Farmer Genocide, then use “Boer Farmers are the victims of a coordinated plan of genocide as the global elite have championed and turned a blind eye to MURDER and VIOLENCE there. The anti-White establishment and the Mainstream Media have ignored their plight from East to West. The progressive liberals and their conservative respectable counterparts say turning over the government to Black South Africans was the Anti-racist Thing to Do (Right Thing to Do). Now they find themselves contemplating mass exodus in their own country. What they are is anti-White. THAT is genocide, ladies and gentlemen.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White”

    Of course, this is assuming you shy away from using White as your preferred adjective. You can EASE them into it by using these more socially acceptable terms; these more politically correct terms. You could do that, but I wouldn’t.

    I would hit them with WHITE FARMERS again. Calling the Boers ‘European’ almost does them a disservice. It’s almost as if you are saying “they don’t really belong in Africa anyhow, but since they are there they have been victimized.” The anti-White elite will quickly attempt to segue into how “Boers are evil, Apartheid was evil, Whites don’t even belong in Africa, and the ill effects -GENOCIDE- White Farmers (Boers) are feeling is JUSTIFIED.”

    Don’t let them off the hook. Call it what it is.


    Those of you who frequent YouTube might remember Theo van Rossum (NativeSupport). For a time, he was hounding us, trying to debunk the Mantra.

    He even uploaded a video on the subject where he fails miserably (in order to buy what he’s peddling, you have to believe that race isn’t real).

    Today, I was thinking that I haven’t heard from him in a while. As it turns out, he deleted his account.

    I wonder if we shamed him into doing so? It’s nice to think that an anti-White was shamed because of his anti-White beliefs for a change.

    An exchange with NativeSupport can be found on AlbusLepus’ page. It’s very amusing.

    Daniel Genseric

    Check out this rather lengthy exchange with multiple multiple bogeys. The admonition at the very end is couched in a dismissive and cold-hearted way, yet it’s and admission nonetheless. Victory!

    A white person who loves their race and wants to see it survive into the future is deemed a “hater” “racist” “white supremacist” by the anti-white Establishment and its supporters.

    Meanwhile,the anti-white Establishment and its supporters are doing their best to eliminate white people via non-white immigration and “assimilation” yet they call themselves “Anti-racist” “tolerant” “benevolent” “moral”.

    Who can deny any of that? An anti-White might try

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
    TheGenseric 1 week ago 27
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    @TheGenseric through what means are you proposing “whites” or the white race will be exterminated? America is and always was a nation of immigrants.
    YoungTon22 1 week ago

    @YoungTon22 Africa 4 Africans. Asia 4 Asians. White countries 4 all

    Immigration of the third world into Every White country and ONLY into White countries.The people who claim they are ‘okay’ with this do so mostly because they want to prove they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    Liberal Pro-Choice Abortions = Genocide for unborn White children

    Liberal Anti-Death Penalty Legislation = Pro-Life for Murderers and Rapists

    Got Contradiction?
    TheGenseric 6 days ago 2

    @TheGenseric go to congress and have them change our countries policies then. Americans 4 americans includes every race because every race is and can be american. how do you propose whites will be exterminated? you still havent answered.
    YoungTon22 6 days ago

    @YoungTon22 Just look at the immigration laws which are NOT enforced. They don’t enforce them because the goal is to eliminate White children in White countries. No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and saying ‘Breed yourself out of existence.’ No one is flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans and saying ‘Breed yourself out of existence. No one is flooding Mexico with millions of non-Mexicans and saying ‘Breed yourself out of existence.’

    Anti-racist means anti-White
    TheGenseric 6 days ago 2

    @TheGenseric okay thats what i wanted to hear. you anti-white=anti-racist people are all the same. you are claiming genetic genocide! lmao! we arent forcing you to fuck outside your skin tone. if there is no privilege to being “white”, what do you think youre holding on to?afterall youre talking about something that would occur naturally. what are the perks of future generations being “white”?
    YoungTon22 6 days ago

    @YoungTon22 No. Not ‘genetic genocide’ (whatever that convoluted phrase means). ACTUAL genocide. Go look it up. The UN and the International Criminal Courts have a whole host of definitions and lists of what constitutes genocide under International Law.

    Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians. White countries for Everybody!

    Why don’t you support a homeland for White children?

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    TheGenseric 6 days ago 2

    @TheGenseric you arent forced to have sex outside your race.this is not genocide by any definition. and like i said, by staying “white” what do you think youre holding on to?
    YoungTon22 6 days ago

    @TonTon YOU are missing the point.

    That’s just part of a three tiered program of genocide aimed ONLY at White people and ONLY at White countries(intermarriage/assimi­­lation/immigration)

    No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians.

    No one is flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans.

    No one is flooding Mexico with millions of non-Mexicans.

    Immigration is for EVERY White country and ONLY for White countries.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White. No genocide! Not even Whites!
    TheGenseric 6 days ago 14

    @TheGenseric Whites: We agree!

    Native Americans : ….Sigh.
    quocdarock 3 days ago

    @quocdarock Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians. White countries for Everybody!

    Why would you attempt to JUSTIFY genocide using Amerindians as a reason for wiping out White children?

    Does “History” REQUIRE that White children must be wiped out in their own countries?

    Does “History” REQUIRE that White children be denied a White homeland?

    Why don’t you support a homeland for White children?

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White. No genocide! Not even against Whites!
    TheGenseric 1 day ago

    @TheGenseric America belongs to the Native Americans bitch. Every country is for every body. Every race has it’s shit and every race has nice people.
    quocdarock 1 day ago

    @quocdarock Would it be okay with you if a politician said “China is for Everybody. Let’s move tens of millions of non-Chinese there in order to PROVE ‘Every country is for every body?”

    Would it be okay with you if a politician said “Africa is for Everybody. Let’s move tens of millions of non-Africans there in order to PROVE ‘Every country is for every body?”

    What if they ACTED on it? Would that be okay with you? Why is it okay to genocide White children?
    TheGenseric 19 hours ago 2

    @TheGenseric how is this genocide to white children? i don’t get your logic. genocide would involve murder with actual weapons. moving other races into other countries is simply multiculturalism. also even though i’m vietnamese i wouldn’t care if people started moving to vietnam. learning about other cultures is good for the modern world.
    quocdarock 12 hours ago

    @quocdarock ACTUALLY, it is genocide. The UN and the ICC have very strict def’s. Genocide is ANY of the following:

    (a) Killing members of the group;

    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    B thru D apply.
    TheGenseric 1 hour ago

    @TheGenseric i think this video is an example of “b” and “c”, but it goes both ways. the kkk (white extremist group) and black panthers (black extremist group) are both none for having been violating b through d. i don’t get how “d” is being done anyways. this isn’t the trail of tears.
    quocdarock 19 minutes ag

    Daniel Genseric

    Left him this parting shot:

    “@quocdarock The fact that you can understand it at all means there is still hope for you. Genocide is a serious international crime. I wouldn’t ask Blacks, Asians, Mestizos, etc… to institute a program of self-imposed genocide against their own children. So, Why should any White accept this genocide program for White countries?

    Immigration, assimilation, and non-White/White intermarriage is killing off 9% of the World’s children.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
    TheGenseric 1 sec ago “

    Daniel Genseric

    Regarding: adiosucks123 and his channel which limits free speech for pro-Whites.

    Video is of the NSM rally that took place in West Allis. This piece of shit posts anti-White shit. Then he gets pissed when you call him on his behavior. NOW he wants me to CAN it?! HAHAHAHA

    Just received this gem. Received it after posting the lengthy exchange below. Apparently my freedom of speech has been revoked on the following user’s channel.

    “TheGenseric I stated to other racist moron on here (but maybe you did not see it so I will give you a chance) that racists like you are not to post here anymore. I’m not debating you because you do not follow logic and you ignore points that you made. I will not have your racist and reactionary comments on my videos. No free speech for fascists and racists. Do not comment anymore (that includes responding to this) because if you do it will just get deleted and you will get banned. Fuck off.”


    There is no SUCH THING as equality! Wake up, Sheeple! Trying to make something equal which never was is futile!





    Pro-White= Ah-ah! Not so fast, Whitey!
    TheGenseric 1 day ago 5
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    @TheGenseric Woah there let’s set your extremely over-simplied “argument” to the side for a bit. What you call “Pro”-Black/Hispanic/(insert other oppressed group) is actually pro-equality for those groups. It is pro-national liberation for those groups. What you call “Pro-White” is pro-white sepremacy. Being what you call “Pro-White” is actually racist and reactionary. Being what you call “Pro-(oppressed group)” is progressive, revolutionary, and anti-racist.
    adiosucks123 1 day ago

    @adiosucks123 There is no such thing as Equality. it is a social construct invented to make people of different races less animus. Everyone can see right through you and your ilk call an anti-racist agenda. What it is is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Why don’t anti-Whites like yourself want to flood China or Africa with tens of millions of non-Chinese or non-Africans? Why are you promoting genocide for White children?

    Why are you pro-White genocide?
    TheGenseric 1 day ago

    @TheGenseric Part 2 of my response- How is national liberation for oppressed groups “White genocide”? Your whole talk of “white genocide” is just more proof of how race is a social construct, by the way. Reproducing is not genocide (quite the opposite in fact). There is also no one forcing you to reproduce with anyone who is not of your social constructed “white” race. You have absolutely no solid argument.
    adiosucks123 1 day ago

    @adiosucks123 Then explain WHY the White part of YOUR social construct has been targeted for termination; aka White genocide.

    No one is immigrating tens of millions of non-Chinese into China.

    No one is immigrating tens of millions of non-Africans into Africa.

    No one is immigrating tens of millions of non-Mestizos into Mexico.

    You still have NOT answered my question: Why don’t anti-Whites like yourself want to flood China or Africa with tens of millions of non-Chinese or non-Africans? Why?
    TheGenseric 1 day ago

    @TheGenseric Targeted for termination? I lol’d so hard

    There are actually many people who immigrate to China. I think you meant “non-Asian” and there are asians and non-asians who move there.

    People don’t want to live in Mexico or Africa because they have been so completely fucked by American and European imperialism that they are almost uninhabitable. American and European colonialism, neo-colonialism, and imperialism have devasted places like Africa and Mexico. Those immigrants are refugees.
    adiosucks123 1 day ago

    @adiosucks123 You are just LAUGHING because it is White children who are being targeted for genocide. All semantics aside, no one laughs in South Africa where the minority White Boers(farmers) and Arikaners ARE IN FACT being killed, raped and murdered because they’re White. The people who shout down anyone who points to OVERT atrocities say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.Anyone who opposes them is a RACIST!Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Why do you justify genocide?
    TheGenseric 10 hours ago

    @TheGenseric I stated to other racist moron on here (but maybe you did not see it so I will give you a chance) that racists like you are not to post here anymore. I’m not debating you because you do not follow logic and you ignore points that you made. I will not have your racist and reactionary comments on my videos. No free speech for fascists and racists. Do not comment anymore (that includes responding to this) because if you do it will just get deleted and you will get banned. Fuck off.
    adiosucks123 3 hours ago

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