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Southern Californian Town Fighting White Genocide

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Southern Californian Town Fighting White Genocide

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    Americans make a human barricade to stop buses from transporting non-Whites into their town.

    White’s finally standing up for themselves.


    A few years ago there would have been an anti-White counter protest but now, normal White people are starting to wake up. Did the Mantra affect this or was it because normal White people can see whats happening around them with their own eyes?


    Did the Mantra affect this or was it because normal White people can see whats happening

    We’ll never know for sure. There is still so much work to be done, and the Mantra still has a long life-span of usefulness. Possibly longer than “Ol’ Bob”? We will have to see about that last bit, but it is good to see Mr. Murdock (A.K.A. “Horus”) getting into the spotlight for some of the latest happenings.

    Best regards,



    Well, I think anti-Whites and pro-Whites both know the atmosphere is changing very quickly. Its quite evident in the recent backlashes… Rick Perry is one example, a few years ago he was very anti-border, even comparing putting up a border to the Berlin wall. NOW if you look at him he is demanding Obama to close up the border… we both know he is anti-White but he’s trying to appeal to the masses… normal White people. Another example is when I swarm, I noticed normal White people thumbing up my posts… I get at least 2 thumbs up on youtube from non-BUGsers, just last year I had to count on getting my thumbs up from other BUGsers. That’s HUGE. I think there is still hope.

    Ice Knight

    Yes I think the Mantra has already played a significant part and many people are being consciously and subconsciously influenced by our message.

    That said, we still have a lot of work to do. We have definitely increased the numbers in our camp, but the main message I am reading on the anti-illegals threads is that “I’m not racist and legal immigration is OK, but illegal immigration should not be allowed”.

    They need to connect a few more dots, like this is happening in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries.

    I went through a similar stage myself before becoming pro-White, so I’m confident if we keep pushing we’ll eventually get the masses on the Mantra message as they are becoming more receptive. When we do it will be GAME OVER for the anti-Whites! 🙂


    The underlying resentment by Whites is obvious. But they aren’t quite ready to mention RACE yet. There are still some psychological barriers left. But you can see things moving that way IF we keep pushing hard.

    Tom Bowie

    I’d say the fact is the Mantra did contribute even if not directly.

    Every act of rebellion sparks the idea that it can be done. A Meme need not be heard to have a secondary effect. If they can, so can I; spreads faster than the message at times.

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