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Twitter Talking Points on 'White Privilege'

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Twitter Talking Points on 'White Privilege'

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  • #102986
    time for freedom

    Here are 7 of the talking points that I use on twitter for ‘White Privilge.’ I was hoping to get some examples of what you folks use on twitter for this. Much appreciated.

    #antiwhites say Whites are born with #whiteprivilege. Their solution: Stop Whites from being born, ie, #WhiteGenocide

    ‘White Privilege’ is the #antiwhite’s HATEFUL codeword for White self determination in White homelands,which they HATE

    #antiwhites say Whites are born with #whiteprivilege, They say to end #whiteprivilege, Whites must stop being born, that is, #WhiteGenocide

    #antiwhites say Whites are born with #whiteprivilege. #antiwhites say the solution therefore is to do away with Whites, ie, #WhiteGenocide

    ‘White Prifilege’ is the #antiwhite’s HATEFUL codeword for White existence, which they want to destroy, hence, #WhiteGenocide

    The term ‘White Privilege’ is the #antiwhite’s latest attempt to justify their #antiwhiteism and it’s hideous outgrowth: #WhiteGenocide

    It’s clear that some Whites are born with privilege. The #antiwhite’s solution: force #WhiteGenocide on all White kids


    I really like linking their attack on White Privilege with an attack on White Existence. Because that’s what it’s really about.

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