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"Until the last White child is born"

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  • #93951

    I really like this line, it really does have lots of potential. We should come up with a list of minis using this line. I like to keep them short and sweet.

    Mass immigration and FORCED assimilation until the last White child is born is GENOCIDE.
    “Diversity” is a code word for White genocide

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians but White countries for everyone, “diversity” is used to chase white children until the last White child is born.
    “Diversity” is a code word for White genocide

    Black people don’t chase their children with “diversity” Asian people don’t chase their children with “diversity” ONLY White people are stupid enough to chase their children with “diversity” until the last White child is born.
    “Diversity” is a code word for White genocide

    Anti-Whites believe that no countries should be left White, no neighborhoods left White, no schools left White, no child left White. Anti-Whites chase White children with “diversity” until the last White child is born
    “Diversity” is a code word for White genocide


    I like country fried steak.

    You might like the line you came up with but does it work? Have you tried it? What results did you get when you used the line?

    Sorry for being harsh but this is very important information.


    I’ve just started using it. Anti-Whites reply with their same old same old. “Skin colour doesn’t matter” and blah blah blah. but I believe it would strike the audience much more when you bring their children into it. And its true, White children are being affected by White genocide.


    No white child will escape diversity.
    Diversity will leave no white child behind.
    White children need more diversity.
    Diversity,ensuring there are no white children left.
    Detroit and Camden are already diverse.
    In 1950 America was 90% white,now its diverse.


    Ive used it in this video and the results are awesome! I almost… ALMOST turned another non-BUGser into a Mantra beast… but unfortunetly he/she slipped up and mentioned the ZIOOONIST.

    I am 14jstorm. Replied to Tommy Watts (anti-White)


    They gave your line silence. That’s a good sign. Keep using the line.

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