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White race is a social construct…

Home Forums BUGS SWARM White race is a social construct…

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  • #102124
    Benjamin Newells

    “White race is a social construct” is a code for “the White race does not exist” – anti-white myth used to justify #WhiteGenocide

    For Twitter this can be condensed down to:

    “Whites are social construct” is CODE for “Whites don’t exist” #AntiWhite #WhiteGenocide

    Fred R

    You do not need to argue whether or not race is a social construct.
    Religious groups are a social construct, but wiping out a religious group is genocide.

    Even social constructs are protected under International Law.
    You are justifying #WhiteGenocide

    International Law protects identifiable groups.
    Anti-Whites can identify us.
    They know when an area is “too White” or “diverse.”
    “Diversity” is a code word for #WhiteGenocide

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