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Home Forums BUGS SWARM #whitegeNOcide

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  • #39484
    Peter Cottontail

    The #whitegeNOcide tag is being used overwhelmingly by the News and Nazis types. Be sure to use the tag often on Twitter or risk losing the tag to the N&Ners.


    If you can.. slip it into your twitter profile also.

    Henry Davenport

    I don’t know the first thing about twitter, and I need to start learning. If I sign up on that page that Peter linked, I assume I’ll receive at the email address I give further pages like that one, that exhibit further tweets that anyone makes using the hashtag “#whitegenocide”?

    Will the email address I give be private, as when you sign up on a website, or will it be displayed to the public or to tweeters in some way?

    I’m told that although I don’t have a mobile phone, I can “tweet” also from my computer, and could send out tweets with the tag “#whitegenocide” when I put up new articles at White GeNOcide Project for example.

    I imagine that’s not hard to do, and if anyone would care to give me the few pointers I need to know in order to do it, I’d appreciate it.


    If you sign up for Twitter, they confirm the email you use, but it is not displayed.  Of course, you can just create a another yahoo or gmail account if you like to use with it.   It’s not displayed in tweets.

    Just get an email address you want to use, and then go to this page:

    From there pick a name and password.  You will have to confirm it through the email.

    That’s it.  Think before you tweet – don’t say anything that might get you in trouble in a tweet to some gov’t official!

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