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  • in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95457

    So, you can’t explain your own comment …thought as such.
    Look JPO let me help you again with something Bob said:

    “On the other hand, in order to be allowed to speak on any of our thug-controlled campuses, you must declare that the US Army that invaded Normandy was a Nazi Army. There was not a single black man in it.”

    Nothing about “Hitler” …hmmm. The point is the hypocritical “double standard” of anti-whites and the selectiveness of their attack (kind of like yours).

    I don’t usually post the address of my comments, since like many other Bugsters I’ve had trouble over the years with TROLLS. But I do think it’s important that I show my support and comment on results when possible.
    If you have a problem with that, too bad fellow,(chastise all the other Bugsters who don’t follow your standard, if you are of a fair mind). We at BUGS give what we can and it is not up to you to judge.

    Here are some Bible verses for you to consider since you purport yourself to be a Christian:

    “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1)

    “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:5)

    That book certainly has a way of hitting home from time to time, doesn’t it JPO. lol

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95453


    I appreciate the time Laura, seapea and others take to put together this site and now spread the message on PalTalk. I haven’t had time to listen to the last session in its entirety –does that mean I get a demerit from the self-appointed thought police. LOL

    Instead of criticizing just to criticize, which is worthless, try making constructive comments. You can start by citing and explaining what you believe Bob meant by, “We fought a war to end genocide against Hitler …” because that doesn’t make sense to me …so explain it and cite its location, so not just me but others can benefit.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95452

    JPO, you were incorrect when you said, “Jacob is also a Christian patriarch, so careful where you go with biblically based smears.”

    I took the time to correct your error and I don’t even get a thank-you for my time but a tirade from you on “jewish, jewish, jewish” and how evil Catholics are.

    Also, JPO if you took the time to read my first post on this thread, (that started the misguided antics of this discussion), you would see I quoted a “commenter” who pointed out Wise was a jew.

    Is that Naming the jew to you …to quote someone else? If it is then too bad, the word jew is not forbidden here. What Bob doesn’t want is Bugsters to dwell constantly on jews and turn “them” into a central or important subject; which can distract from the more important issue of white genocide.

    My concern is also about the real possibility non-whites, to include (blacks, jews, asian etc etc) may again take charge of our destiny, after the revolution to free our people from white genocide –so I mention this concern in my post.
    If you don’t like that and think awareness of non-whites who want our heads on a platter in J&N, then again, too bad.

    My fight is against all anti-whites, irregardless of race, creed or color …and so should yours.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95442


    Jacob was one of the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, but at times he was also a schemer, liar, and manipulator.

    God established his covenant with Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham. The blessings continued through Jacob’s father, Isaac, then to Jacob and his descendants. Jacob’s sons became leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. ( Christianity) website.

    The Patriarchs of the Old Testament, when narrowly defined, are Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac’s son Jacob, also named Israel, the ancestor of the Israelites. These three figures are referred to collectively as the patriarchs of “Judaism” not Christianity.

    The head of Christianity is Jesus Christ and that story begins in the New Testament. The Old Testament law was given to the nation of Israel, not to Christians.

    In place of the Old Testament law, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95440

    Benjamin or Levi, you have lied again. I have posted many times over the last three years under this name and another.

    You do not get a prize on this site for posting the most nor are you given authority over others because you posted more than someone else. That is just silly childish rot.

    Again, name calling is the last resort of anti-whites who’ve been found out or beaten, so please continue to expose yourself.

    Now answer Carloman’s question.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95439

    Benjamin, I never said genetics was pseudo science, you got it wrong yet again. I gave you two reports that contradicted your OPINION that jews are the same as white people.
    To clarify …your interpretation of one study that you did not cite IS pseudo science at its worst, since it does what every anti-white tries to do and that is spout the garbage that we are all the human race and that white people are not a unique race.

    Read the Mantra.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95434


    Non-white is used in the MANTRA. You may want to review that document since it is the basis of this site and of our mission.

    “Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95433

    Your definition is exactly the type used by anti-whites trying to prove that White people don’t exist.

    The fact that your pseudo scientific babble has been refuted by other studies doesn’t seem to bother a judeophile like yourself.

    Answer Carloman’s question.
    And answer my question: Why are you trying to co-opt the Mantra for the tribe?

    We are here to fight against white genocide, not have you change the definition of white people to suit your own anti-white agenda!

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95414


    COOP should be CO-OPT: defined as– (to divert to or use in a role different from the usual or original one.)

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95413

    JP asks a good question:

    “What should we BUGSers say when asked about whether or not Jews are white?”

    My response is:
    Are asians from China white?
    Are blacks from Africa now white?
    Should mestizos from Mexico now also be considered white?

    The answer is of course NO.
    And we should NEVER allow any other non-white group (i.e. jews) to COOP and tailgate our fight against White Genocide.

    Our Mantra’s purpose is to end White Genocide …not end white genocide AND remember the holocaust, or stop white genocide AND end racism.

    To all cryptos and marranos posing here as Bugsters who believe they can add the holocaust or black rights or (fill in the blank) to the Mantra, then you need to go back to your buddies at the ADL and B’nai B’rith and tell them you failed.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #95400

    The NON-white, anti-white Tim Wise is at it again.

    Champlain College (a predominantly white liberal college in Burlington VT), is lead by a black “Diversity Officer,” into the realm of how White Genocide will fix the race problem in America.

    Tim Wise a horrible NON-white, anti-white has spoken in all 50 states and on more than 800 colleges and high school campuses with little to no resistance from the white people this (anti-white Non-white) wishes to destroy.

    Tim Wise is the antithesis of “AntiRacist Hitler;” which is why that video is so powerful.

    When we do final free ourselves from the anti-white genocidal maniacs, we must be sure that our new countries Leaders are NOT from this (self-chosen tribe) or any other anti-white group (PERIOD)

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #94875

    Uh-oh, I smell a mole!!!

    Time for Freedom,
    WretchedWhiteRabbit, and
    Secret Squirrel … I not only agree with your assessments but believe them to be absolutely BUGS correct.

    Benjamin, I believe: “thou does protest too much.”

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #94846

    Whoa there Benjamin…

    The following is a ‘discussion only’ comment and not something necessarily important to BUGS in general:

    The point I conceded was we should refrain from bringing up the giant joooish elephant in the middle of the room but group all anti-whites into the same group …as Anti-White (NOT that they are white, they aren’t).

    Here are just two interesting links that contradict your assertion:
    Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People
    By Harry Ostrer
    Studies Show Jews’ Genetic Similarity
    Now I’m not into all this ‘what gene determines what’ stuff but I do know that SCIENCE is not static or a religion. Science is a self correcting discipline that changes as facts change. Also ONE STUDY does not make something a LAW of Nature. You need many studies, testing the hypothesis, done over a period of time …so your correctness is only based on ONE study by some researcher who analyzed facts available to him NOW (today). Not a good foundation to rest your argument on.
    Finally read this from Bob’s post titled: “Why We Can’t Ally With Jews”

    “If you treat everyone around you as an Evil Enemy you will soon find that everybody around you IS your enemy.

    Jews are unlike other groups in that their determination to survive is a SECONDARY motivation, and it always will be.

    Their FIRST motivation is the assumption that any loyalty that is not to Jews must be destroyed. This primary drive is too deeply entrenched to be cured.”

    Benjamin, you do bring up an interesting point about who is and who is not white. But that’s a slippery slope that has been addressed rather well, by other Bugsters, not by me …so I submit to their explanation.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #94832

    Yes Benjamin, point taken but by your definition Obama would be considered white since he is (1/2 white). As for the genetic record; it seems to vary from study to study (so southern European today, south American tomorrow) –if you catch my drift …but still non-white.

    The point you are trying to make is valid and I stand admonished, but non-whites pushing white genocide is still very irksome to me and I will slip occasionally.

    in reply to: Anti-White Tim Wise Writes Rebuttal to the Mantra #94827

    I thought this was an interesting comment from a non-Bugster to a Tim Wise clip:

    “This guy is confusing his rich ivy league Jew privilege with white privilege, he should grow up poor like me and see how privileged he feels. The only reason he says this sh*t is because he knows a rich white guy saying the things he says will get a lot of attention and book sales, despite his lack of talent.”


    It is good to see the Mantra being spread by such a white-hating ‘non-white’ as Tim Wise. I just hope it creates cognitive dissonance in our people, and causes them to question why a jew (or any non-white / anti-white) is blatantly allowed to destroy a people he is not a part of.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94567

    Good job Ben, unfortunately my german is too rusty and high schoolish to offer a proper translation –in fact I still have trouble with die, der and das.

    in reply to: "Chasing Down" mini-mantras #94565

    BenNewells, I listen to Bob and his advice but I use ‘white children’ and ‘white woman’ in arguments since it brings the argument home to basics.

    Chasing down whites to the very last white “child” is a horrid, immoral, genocidal scheme, condoned by only the most evil of people.
    Your responses to anti-whites are very good and to give you the greatest compliment I will now borrow several as I post.

    I agree you should keep posting this for feedback.

    in reply to: My Latest Youtube Video #94422

    Ahhhh, I like the pro-white, mantra and UN definition of genocide graphics but I’m still not sure about the news topic of blacks raping white woman as the key motivator. —the rape and abuse of white woman by blacks is heinous and sickening but I still have to think about it as a ‘prime background’ for convincing others of its MAIN purpose: White Genocide.

    good first effort.


    Good video Patrick.

    It shows the true meaning of Diversity.

    in reply to: FORUM TECH ISSUES TO KEYMASTERS #93568

    Another work-around for the Mac, YouTube problem:

    Youtube/google have altered the page code, and it no longer works properly with Safari 5.1.10.

    A work-round is to enable Safari’s develop menu from Safari – Preferences – Advanced… & then use Safari – Develop menu – User Agent & choose Internet Explorer 9. This needs doing for each tab or window that you open, so is far from ideal.

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