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My Cynicism

Posted by Bob on October 24th, 2004 under Bob, Law and Order

Everybody agrees that the Norsemen wrote only a few inscriptions on stone, while the Romans were literate. This means that the Norse and Germanic peoples wrote nothing except when they produced perfect runic script on stone.

All the preachers agree that almost the entire Jewish population in 69 AD was in Israel. Their entire attitude about Jews is based on the idea that all the Jews were driven out of Israel in 69 AD and that someday the Jews will come back to their homeland.

There were six million Jews in the Roman Empire. The total population of Israel, Samaritans included, was a couple of hundred thousand.

When I point out facts that, I show that the professors and preachers are just plain silly.

Nobody says I’m wrong. They say I am being “cynical.”

A cynic makes fun of the people he is criticizing. In almost every case, when you expose the absurdity of today’s accepted ideas, you cannot help but make fun of the people you are criticizing.

The Supreme Court strikes down laws made by Congress because the Supreme Court is the Constitution. But that same Constitution cites only one reason for the United States Government to exist. That same Constitution also cites only one authority:

“We the People of the United States of America … and OUR Posterity.”

Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter got sick of cynics like me a long time ago. Justice Frankfurter declared:

“To say that a law means what it says is a case of PERNICIOUS oversimplification.”

People like me are not just cynical. We are just plain mean.

  1. #1 by Mike on 10/24/2004 - 8:11 pm

    The 'big lie' tactic, trying to legitimate an absurd statement with the 'big adverb'. "if yer gonna tell a lie, make it a whopper!"

  2. #2 by Mike on 10/24/2004 - 8:37 pm

    The ‘Big Lie’ tactic, attempting to legitimate an absurd statement with the ‘Big Adverb’.

    I believe ‘simple’ was what the founding fathers had in mind when writing the constitution. To protect us against ‘Pernicious’ wordsmithing by villainous critters in the wrong places.

    I’ve heard it said, “if yer gonna tell a lie, make it a whopper!”
    They seem to be playing that one for all its worth and then some!

  3. #3 by HORACE on 10/26/2004 - 10:55 am

    Felix Frankfurter was one of the greatest we have had. Fortas was wonderful and Ginsburg is superb.

    I can only hope that our esteemed political establishment will select Ignatiev and Dershowitz for future positions on the High Court.

    This is as close to Moses as we will get.

  4. #4 by Mike on 10/26/2004 - 8:37 pm

    I like good sarcasm πŸ™‚

  5. #5 by joe rorke on 10/20/2005 - 9:21 pm

    I have been studying law for 41 years. I no longer refer to any judge as “justice.” Judge so-and-so is the best they will do by me. Imagine! “Justice” Scalia, “Justice” Ginsberg, “Justice” whoever. What do these people have to do with justice? Hogwash! What nonsense! They’re lawyers and nothing more. OK, they’re political actors too. But justice? Please. I’ve obtained a lot of justice in a courtroom. Not because somebody gave it to me but because I took it. I made it happen. Judges. That’s what they are. Judges. Justice has nothing to do with it. Calling a judge “justice” so-and-so is just another way to foist yet another lie upon the people that have no idea what goes on in the courtroom.

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