Archive for January 2nd, 2006

The Last Extinction, the Next Extinction

We thought we had it solved. What happened was that 65 million years ago a giant asteroid hit the earth and formed Yucatan Peninsula.

However, it had a couple of other effects besides forming Yucatan.

The asteroid was the size of Mount Everest and hit the earth at about 36,000 miles per hour. The result was a blast several million times greater than all the nuclear weapons in the Cold War exploding simultaneously, which was supposed to destory mankind.

Not to overstate the case, it was a biggie.

So that was when the dinosaurs went extinct, and for a couple of decades that answered the whole question. So we started looking for asteroids to explain all the other extinctions the way we looked for the orgin of everything in the Middle East for centuries.

But it does make a difference that this is the Information Age.

Anthropologists began to note that dinosaurs were on a steady decline ten million years BEFORE the asteriod hit. They were dying out.

This is important to us because we and the USSR had already begun to make plans to counter an asteroid hit on tha basis. A leftists’ dream movie was made where the asteriod was stopped and the USSR was the hero of the the US.

All these things go into the political grist mill.

The old myth had the dinosaurs as slow, cold-blooded reptiles. They have now been found to have feathers and hot blood and speed.

But the one thing everybody agreed on was that, until the asteroid hit and the dinosaurs bought it, the only mammal was a “tiny, mouse-like creature.” We see those little things at the end of every documentary about the dinosaurs.

In China, they just found a mammal from 80 million years ago, 15 milllion years before the asteroid, that weighed thirty pounts and ate tiny dinosaurs. There have been movies about dinosaurs eating mammls, including Racquel Welch, as definite a mammal as ever existed.

But this is the first time a dinosaur has been found in the stomach of a mammal.

Though, if those who believe birds descended from dinosaurs is true, you are a mammal who has eaten lots of them.

Grass was suppposed to have appeared for the first time ten million years AFTER the asteroid. Now the Indians have found dinosaurs with grass in their tummies. The estimate now is that grass appeared about hte same time as that 30-pund mammal, 80 million years ago, fifteen million years before the asteriod.

But there was very LITTLE grass found in the dinosaurs. Grass is very hard to live on, and no dinosaur has been found with the adjustments needed for it.

So far.

Flowering plants began to appear, according to anthropology SO FAR, about a hundred million years ago.

So the entire fauna of Planet Earth experienced a revolution in the last part of the 160 million-year period that dinosaurs dominated the earth. Flowering plants, fruits, grass, that’s a lot of new.

Big dinosaurs, like elephants today, at whole trees. But even elephants can’t eat pine trees, which was the dinosaur’s stapel diet. In fact, the palmetto tree was a delicacy for them.

All our social science consists of huge, apparently solid castles built on history as we know it. Marxism was built firmly on the everything-started-in-Egypt model. Old Testament fanatics desperately need for everything to have started in Palestine. As a matter of fact even the Old Testament takes place largely that area. But they need it to have started in their Holy Land.

The Holy Land of Political Correctness is also the Middle East. They have to prove that the chain of Nordic mummies in China, Zoroastriansim in Iran, white Indian numerals and aquatic rice, constant northern invasions in tot he Middle East bringing down old and bringing up new civilizations, doe snot mean that human history is Aryan-Indo-European.

Political Correctness and the Old Testament fanatics are getting desperate. They are beginning to stand back-to-back with knives in their hands to prove the Middle East is where everything started. Mulitculuturalism and Jehovism have to prove the same thing.

But they must stop the digging. They must stop the digging in CHINA, not an easy place to get a handle on. They must stop the digging in India. They must stop biological research in Japan and China.

Jehovists and Political Correctness stand side by side in fighting for history as they want it to be.

But Thomas Paine, who was as vital to the American Revolution as Washington or Franklin, said,

“An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot.”
~Thomas Paine

So can information.

The telescope was a major factor in bringing down Medieval tyranny. The fax helped bring down the USSR.

Hydrocarbon dating, advanced technology and the good old fashioned shovel may bring down Political Correctness, the established religion ofhte The Last Remaining Superower.



Made in China

When I was little, we learned in school that dinosaurs were huge, slow, stupid creatures. I heard that one of them had two brains, both golfball size, one in the head and one in the back.

We also learned that Vikings landing in America was a myth.

We have since learned that dinosaurs were warm-blooded and fast. We have found feathes on some of them, and there is no way of knowing hte ones we don’t find hair or feathers on DIDN’T have either. It is a classic case of proving a negative.

It is very convenient that it now turns out that mankind origniated in Africa, just in time for Political Correctness. I watch out for coinkidinks like that.

But China has a population of 1.2 billion in an area smaller than the United States. They are also the PERFECT kind of people for the detail work of digging and finding.

If that weren’t enough, China has another advantage countries where things “originated” ALWAYS have. Nothing ever “originates” in territory that is presetnly in use. Everything “orginiated” inthe Middle East because 1) That’s where bibilical scholars and almost all ancient historical research were anyway and 2) the bleached bones of dead vivilizations in the Middle East are out in the open.

If the pyramids had been in Europe, they would have had all the stone stolen for building by now.

So, since the ancient researchers were already in Palestine and the bleached bones were right there, it was a happy accident that everything began inthe Middle East, just east and west of Palestine. It would have been north and south of htere, too, if it hadn’t been under water.

I notice little coinkidinks like that. Several centuries of scholars never even mentioned it.

But, as I KEEP pointing out, most of China was never conquered by CHINA. China at its most powerful stayed within shouting distance of its two great rivers. Once they got aquatic rice from India, the uplands were abandoned.

China has always been like hte United States if it had not moved beyond the Mississippi. So most of China is the perfect place for everything to have begun. It’s empty now, and things only began where things are now empty.

The caucasian mummies were one of the earlier discoveries in our generation. But up in Mongolia most of hte line of whal descent, since they were walking on land, was found.

Now some more dinosaur-date history is being found.

In order to tell you about it, I will have to recap what we thought we knew about dinosaurs. They were the last great extinction, so it is of some importance to many people to know why those earlier extinctions occuddred, since we are about due for another.

I will start a new peice for this.




One of many blessing of diversity is the interesting new diseases we have pouring in.

I am in the middle of a dandy. My sister had it. It feels just like a cold and sore throat but it debilitates you for about four weeks. In DC I had everything that came in so I’m becoming a poster codger for flu.

I must add, though, that I was NEVER sick outside the United States. When I reached a new environment, I would have one lucid day and a day and and a half in a coma and half a day dazed. Apparently my body automatically threw everything off. The fourth or fifth day I was fine.

Anyway, I got a lot of comments for a couple of days and none today.

Poor, sick old man!

Not that I’m complaining.

Like the Greatest Generation, I’m too rough and tough to say how hard I had it and how everybody else owes me.
