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Joe on Genetic Morality

Posted by Bob on January 16th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Joe read my piece below and gave it some thought.

He wanted to comment on it and he began by saying, “How will I put this?”

He answered his own question well enough so that I insert his whole comment below as part of my own Blog:

“How can I put this? The people who raised me were born in 1888 and 1895 respectively. They were good people. Germans. They talked about something called “stock” all the time. I didn’t really understand what they were talking about until later in life but there were certain implications that I think I understood. They did their best to raise me. I learned to love them. Still do. At least the memory. Nobody ever talked about the environment. A good many years later, after I left that home and had a heap of experiences, I managed to slip in a college door somewhere. That’s when I learned that environment was everything. I studied it, believed it, lived it and only many years later discovered that it was a confidence game. While I was a Marxist I didn’t know it was a confidence game. It all seemed to make sense to me. My circumstances were such that it made sense to me that it should make sense to me. Their game is much more concentrated and consistent than the “Christians” game. The “Christians” game only gets played for a couple of hours a week. The Marxist game gets played every day all day long. That’s the way it seemed to me anyway. Gives a certain purpose to life that the preachers can’t give. Till you find out it’s a con game. Then I began to understand the importance that genes plays in the life of a person. The Marxists I dealt with did mention genetics in passing but it was always at the bottom of the list of factors influencing human behaviour. In later years, as I became an older and more experienced man, I decided to put genetics on the top of the list as opposed to the bottom of the list where the Marxists had placefd it. This, too, is simple. But it requires the courage to see it and, perhaps, proclaim it or at least allege it. In the final analysis, they’re not going to get away from the truth of genetics. It’s a confidence game that is pretty easy to see through and the evidence for it is everywhere. ”

Comment by joe rorke — 1/15/2006 @ 8:40 pm | Edit This

  1. #1 by Peter on 01/17/2006 - 12:19 am


    You have used the term “confidence game” again. You have used it at just the right time for me and it has improved my thinking on certain matters. It really sums a lot up. Thanks!

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