Archive for June 11th, 2010

Political Correctness = Religion is a BEGINNING or You are a Moron

The advantage of seeing Political Correctness as an established religion is that it follows the continuum of history. A person who is a complete temporal provincial sees what is happening in his own time completely out of context.

It took a long time for commentators to see that the dichotomy between Modern Marxism and Middle Age Religion was totally bogus. Marxism was imposed on Christian countries exactly the same way Christianity was imposed on pagan lands.

Christianity came as the Gospels, the Hope, the Salvation and Good News. It offered hope to the poor who had nothing. It was represented by poor men taking enormous risks out of a pure love of their fellow men.

Once countries were converted, the Old Testament, the Laws and the Prophets, and the burdening of heretics began. Kingship began in Northern Europe along with bishoprics. Two thousand years before Aryans had invaded southern Europe and brought various forms of government, all republican, from Greece’s democracy and the vicious equality of Sparta to Rome’s Republic.

Roman history began with the overthrow of the Tarquinii Etruscan kings.

Christianity brought kings to the North. Iceland was settled by people running away from Norway’s first King, and first Christian ruler. Regular historians always described Iceland as INVENTING a parliament. But the Iceland’s elected legislature was simply a continuation of northern government as usual.

History got it backwards because “king” was the “old” form and democracy the “new” form.
Marxism came in the same way Christianity did, with Idealists giving Hope to the common people. Once it took power, its kings and bishops came in and the Inquisition began.

This is, at long last, fairly easy to see. But you do not understand history IN THE LEAST if you do not see its CONTINUITY. You have seen people ALMOST get a point and then ruin it by showing they did not get the REAL point.

The way you completely miss the point made here is to say “Marxism (Political Correctness, no one but Marxists ever used the term) is a new twist on an old theme.”

It is emphatically not a new twist. It is EXACTLY the same old theme. That is the reason everyone, including people RAISED in Marxist countries, did not realize Political Correctness was the same old thing. One man raised in a Marxist country told me they called it “political rectitude” in his language. “Political rectitude” is an exact synonym for political correctness, but he was so used to having everything spelled out to him he didn’t RECOGNIZE it!

And if you think Marxism is a new twist, you are being as dense as someone who has lived under Political Correctness all his life and doesn’t recognize it.

There is no “new twist” in Marxism.

Political Correctness is familiar to anyone who has read Marxist letters. But they cannot attach them to this world. This sort of cowlike absence occurs when someone hears “bourgeois values.” If you read at all, you know you still hear this condemnation of middle class values in one of twos place: Among aristocrat-worshipping monarchists or among Mommy Professors and their pet limousine leftists.

But hearing both, the drooling college graduate with the absent eyes sees no connection at all.

This is the only place you will see this connection written down:
The “bourgeois” is the group which presumes, with no royal title from the Old Regime and no Doctoral Degree from the group that fools the herd by calling itself a New Order, to own its own property and make its own rules.

But when a person hears hippies using the term and the French Old Regime using the same term, they may as well be hearing from different worlds.

Thinking is making connections. When you’re six it is all right not to realize that if three plus three plus three plus three equals twelve, then four times three makes twelve. But if you become an adult and STILL not do make this connection instantly, you need help.
