Archive for June 24th, 2010

Simmons and AmRen

You have to be my age, and have a memory, to realize how totally the gun control argument has changed.

I remember when any discussion of crime on the networks went, without a pause, into how hard it was to get effective gun control laws. That was the ONLY crime control measure liberals approved of so no one expected any other to be mentioned.

The whole change has been the one we have been trying to effect. The Corporate Culture of the NRA was the corporate culture of respectable conservatism. All the NRA talked about was the Right to Hunt.

I am NOT kidding you. That was IT.

FINALLY, some “radical” pro-gun organizations started talking about self-defense. Only when the competition got fierce did any conservatives, least of all the NRA, start to MENTION self-defense.

You see, if they mentioned self-defense, liberals would make fun of them. As soon as they started liberals began saying that the NRA wanted to hand out submachine guns to grammar school kids. This made them LOOK bad to the only people who mattered to them.

Which takes us right to Simmons blasting at AmRen. When the NRA would not mention anything but hunting, they had no effect at all. While AmRen takes up all the publicity space and never mentions assimilation and immigration are only for white countries, they take up space and LOSE.

After a decade or so of being forced to talk about self-defense instead of hunting rights, the first response of a majority of Americans to mass shootings has been to give the heave to anyone who demands more gun laws and to point out that one person with a gun could have stopped the maniac.

But as long as AmRen and the BNP take up all the space for argument and avoid the effective ones, this breakthrough will not take place. At least half of he 22,000 gun laws in the US can be laid directly on the old NRA’s doorstep.

Simmons is right on target. The only way to have a decent society is NOT to have a safe, kept opposition group.

AmRen, respectable conservatives, mealy-mouthed “National” parties. They are more costly than outright enemies.

We have very, very little chance to respond. The last thing we need is for that space to be taken up by wimps.
