Archive for June, 2010

Ugly 2

The first thing any human being thinks of when someone brags about having mulatto kids is how UGLY they are. When Tiger married that Swedish model he was destroying what he appreciated. Her kids will look like any other mulattoes.

It is immoral to destroy what you appreciate. The Wordist say if Tiger wants blonds you should learn to appreciate whatever results.

Where does that kind of Morality end? It doesn’t. You have to build more and more on other lies to cover that one.

A major part of our economy goes to making things beautiful. I once laughed my tail off when a suburban woman sitting under a her dryer told me, in regards to race, “Looks don’t matter.” Neither she nor anyone else understood what I was laughing at.

A Latin on SF Opposing views was saying to another Latin that she was considered white in her country but it didn’t matter. I pointed out to her that Latins are notoriously ugly for exactly that reason. They choose TV announcers who look, as one columnist said, “as if David Duke had picked them.”

To me, doing something that others have to pay for, like ugly children, is immoral. I don’t know of a single Moral Leader who takes their feelings into the least account.

So I don’t know of a single Moral Leader.

I am an opponent of interracial breeding for the same reason I oppose circumcision. No priest is going to consider the agony of a child when it comes to circumcision. He does not oppose abortion because of the child.

The product of miscegenation is generally ugly children and a dead society.

No pro-lifer could care less about the life that a child will have to lead than a leftist does. When a terminal patient is screaming in agony from terminal spinal cancer, they are lighting candles to the Glory of keeping that person breathing and screaming.

I see this and I call it evil.

Our whole Evil Genius crap blinds us to the fact that Mommy Professor could not have invented the perversions he uses. He is using distortions we have abandoned when we actually saw them, like the self-torture of the Trappists and Paul’s ambition to make all Christians sterile.

But there is a giant difference between seeing our people outgrew stuff and saying they never believed it. Wordism says that one never outgrows anything. No one takes a second look and a third look. The Wordist is at home in colored lands where the Word never changes, is never examined.

Mommy Professor’s World. Not considering what children have to pay for Tiger’s preferences is evil. The Church has made it Doctrine that if one is in an emotion the right psychiatrist or romance novelist says is Love, he can do anything to the next generation he feels like.

No. Not just he “can.” It is God Will for him to do so.

The Church had much the same attitude on child molestation. The psychiatrists told them this was an emotional problem and a priest should take counseling and be shifted around to prey on different kids until he was cured. I have absolute contempt for those who tell me this was not the case. The bishops SAID that’s what happened.

The fact that leftists don’t like the Church is no excuse for the Church being evil and stupid. The history of the Church is OUR history, and refusing to see evil is an evil in itself. Few leftists like dog crap on their shoes, but that doesn’t make it smell any better.

“All I see when it is a mixed couple is two Children of God together.” What I see is a couple who don’t give a damn what the kids have to face in the mirror every morning.

That’s why Latin Americans are regarded as ugly and unmixed Swedes are regarded, by everybody, as beautiful. In the Swedish Embassy they have a huge photo of a beautiful A Scandinavian girl and a law that says it is illegal.

Every thing I have just said is demanding the straight truth. No Wordism can make me do my best to see ugly as beautiful or two plus two as other than four.

I am told that it is not evil because it was general thinking at the time. But how much longer can anyone who knows ANY history use that excuse?

I think that if there is a Judgment Day, Temporal Provincialism in the age of the Internet will be less excusable than it was.



Simmons and AmRen

You have to be my age, and have a memory, to realize how totally the gun control argument has changed.

I remember when any discussion of crime on the networks went, without a pause, into how hard it was to get effective gun control laws. That was the ONLY crime control measure liberals approved of so no one expected any other to be mentioned.

The whole change has been the one we have been trying to effect. The Corporate Culture of the NRA was the corporate culture of respectable conservatism. All the NRA talked about was the Right to Hunt.

I am NOT kidding you. That was IT.

FINALLY, some “radical” pro-gun organizations started talking about self-defense. Only when the competition got fierce did any conservatives, least of all the NRA, start to MENTION self-defense.

You see, if they mentioned self-defense, liberals would make fun of them. As soon as they started liberals began saying that the NRA wanted to hand out submachine guns to grammar school kids. This made them LOOK bad to the only people who mattered to them.

Which takes us right to Simmons blasting at AmRen. When the NRA would not mention anything but hunting, they had no effect at all. While AmRen takes up all the publicity space and never mentions assimilation and immigration are only for white countries, they take up space and LOSE.

After a decade or so of being forced to talk about self-defense instead of hunting rights, the first response of a majority of Americans to mass shootings has been to give the heave to anyone who demands more gun laws and to point out that one person with a gun could have stopped the maniac.

But as long as AmRen and the BNP take up all the space for argument and avoid the effective ones, this breakthrough will not take place. At least half of he 22,000 gun laws in the US can be laid directly on the old NRA’s doorstep.

Simmons is right on target. The only way to have a decent society is NOT to have a safe, kept opposition group.

AmRen, respectable conservatives, mealy-mouthed “National” parties. They are more costly than outright enemies.

We have very, very little chance to respond. The last thing we need is for that space to be taken up by wimps.



From Scrivener

Multiculturalism MEANS Multiracialism

Today, I stumbled across an article about how the American far Right hates soccer. The content of the article is unimportant, but the author concludes that soccer is becoming more popular in the United States because the United States is becoming more multicultural. He then goes on to list a number of NON-WHITE countries from which a new generation of soccer fans immigrated.

That’s when it hit me. It’s something we’ve known all along; after all, it’s all over OUR media (as distinct from the MSM), I just haven’t seen it put directly. Multiculturalism does not MEAN multiculturalism; it MEANS multiracialism.

People who advocate multiculturalism always speak in the context of people moving from non-White countries to White countries. Having a Danish neighbor doesn’t make your neighborhood multicultural for their purposes.

They SAY they are for multiculturalism, but they MEAN multiracialism. If we took them at their word, Theodore Roosevelt (having Dutch and Anglo-Saxon heritage) should be just as “multicultural” as Barrack Hussein Obama. But he’s not; at least not by their yardstick.

When I was in school, special “multicultural” curricula involved teaching the habits and history of non-White peoples, despite the fact that the folkways of Sweden are sufficiently different from Anglo-American folkways to qualify for multicultural study. They SAY they are for multiculturalism, they MEAN they are for multiracialism.

They SAY multicultural, but what they DO is multiracial.



Mantra Thinking LAUGHS at Temporal Provincialism

I have said that I like historical fiction much more than establishment history because it is MUCH more accurate. The writer has several hundred thousands history buffs checking what he says. History students couldn’t care less and they couldn’t KNOW less.

I am going to write one such hisfic writer about an incident in one of his books. The year is 1775. A black walks into an exclusive London club. He says, “Is this because of my COLOR?! Like modern Brits, everybody there goes into fetal position and starts weeing on themselves.

All one Brit in 1775 would have done was say “Well, DUHH!!” or its equivalent.

Real Brits were known for their dry sense of humor, that is, for telling the obvious truth. Other countries didn’t do that an more than modern Englishmen do and for the same reason.

I hope this clown will get more than one criticism of this crap.

This was an exercise in Temporal Provincialism. Sheri described something as Temporal Provincialism but I think she was describing historical DISTORTION, a very different thing. If we cheapen the term Temporal Provincialism as a standard insult it will lose its bite.

Temporal Provincialism is certainly a great EXCUSE for historical distortion and it is A, one, cause of such distortion, but it is one of our special terms in BUGS, so it should be understood very clearly here.

No room full of Englishmen in ANY age before ours would have peed on themselves fro the room going quiet when the first black in its history walked into an exclusive club. In fact historical fiction by definition consists of historical distortion.

We certainly don’t mind if a Bill Jones who never existed is described as walking in London. In 1850 We DO mind if said fictional character is walking across Olde London Bridge in 1850 because by then Olde London Bridge no longer existed.

We don’t mind a fictional black man walking into that club is what is called a work of historical fiction. We DO mind if the room full of eighteenth century Brits goes into the fetal position modern Brits do. A writer of historical fiction is expected to get his fiction and his fasts clearly separate, unlike the BBC or Oxford.

That’s one reason I like it. Margaret Frazer writes about people in the fifteen century following the old wisdom of washing out wounds with wine so they didn’t infect. They only stopped that when Mommy Professor medicos showed that it was not part of the True Roman Theory of Humors.

Vikings didn’t get scurvy. It was not until medicos got the filter-down from Intellectuals that that crap happened. But you won’t see any of the real medicine practices in the Middle Ages mentioned in any Oxford History book. You only see this kind of thing mentioned accidentally by people who actually know something about the time.

Historical provincialism is the Brit who was terrified of Political Correctness. Historical Provincialism is the writer who says nobody ever cured anything until the Renaissance showed them how, as a recent BBC did. Historical provincialism is a BBC showing I Claudius and showing his Yard covered with gray, featureless statues of the kind people dug up after they had been in ground for two thousand years. The Renaissance gave us those.

A person really raised in classical times would laugh his ass off at the US Capitol claiming to be “classical” building. The “Rome” films show would look to him like Spanish Harlem on a bad day.

These publicly financed jerks claim to TEACH us! This is not political distortion. This is silliness. This is IGNORANCE.

Historical distortion can be practiced by knowledgeable people. Temporal Provincialism is NOT.

When in God’s name will we ever get over this crap of portraying our opponents as Evil Geniuses?

We will only get rid of them by laughing at them.




I find reading recent comments exhilarating.

A verb occurred to me that would only be understandable by a person who has been a regular member, even if is not commenting but auditing the course carefully.

That verb is “porching.”

I sit up and take notice when people begin to tie things together. I sit up and notice when people are talking about what they DID, like Truck Roy and White Rabbit, how they HANDLE actual experiences with our way of defining our message, developing out own way of thinking, and at the same time introducing different kinds of people to THINKING.

There are words like intellectualizing and preaching and so forth, but porching, among us, does a lot to explain itself. The family on the porch is listening to old wisdom and children who are not afraid to give their opinions.

Sure, most of what young people have to say will seem obvious to them later on. But even in a normal family each person is not afraid to go ahead and say it. They say it in terms which have been worked out inside the family, inside the SOCIETY.

Porch talk, among other things, is not from Mommy Professor, but from LIVING.

Parkinson, of Parkinson’s Law fame years ago, pointed out that Karl Marx’s basic problem was that he had no one near him to say “Balderdash!” That is, of course, Mommy Professor’s problem too, and that Marx is underneath all Political Correctness, left AND right, is not coincidental.

But none of the words like over intellectualizing and so forth really lead to what we might call porching. If I could give you a clear explanation of what porching is, we would just have another Wordism.

No, I want you think some about that verb. It is the essence of a real society. It is the essence of what the family group can give that the media take away. It is THINKING. It is trying things out. It is saying “Balderdash!”

I have said repeated that what I feel I have to offer is a WAY OF THINKING. That cannot be defined, but you can sure as hell tell what it’s NOT. But really just the word itself is what I have to offer here, since we all have a clear idea what “porching” is, and only we do.

I will give one example of what “porching” is NOT. It is NOT Family Values. That is simply a way to indoctrinate your children against the ruling indoctrination. A healthy family raised on porch talk can have members who end up on the right and the left, and most of them will freely admit they don’t give a damn about a lot of stuff.

I think mantra think on the verb porching is worth one of our thousands of articles here.

After all, the whole point of Mantra thinking is that I give you things to chew on, not that I teach you some rigid doctrine. I am not Mommy Professor. I am not Family Values. As long as you clearly understand what the traps of Wordism are, you will have to proceed to build your own world view.

Here as on the porch, The Old Man’s job is to give some good ideas on how to follow your own path. I can give you invaluable practice is seeing what is just plain silly. Then you can start off clean and fresh and go out like we did from the porch, happily thinking the other is way off tilt on a lot of things.

But we are learning here what is just plain silly. Since porching went out of fashion, no one else seems to have a way of doing that.
