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If There is No Race There is no Genocide

Posted by Bob on December 5th, 2011 under Coaching Session

I mentioned this before, but some of us are still having trouble with “There is no such thing as race.”

One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur.

Think about it and try it out.

  1. #1 by herrMajor on 12/05/2011 - 6:33 am

    Well bob it’s deeper than that, but you make a great point.

    If there is no race, then there is no congregation of men and women.

    If there is no race, then there is no such thing as a nation.

    If there is no race, then gorillas are just like chimpanzees.

    If there is no race, there is no difference between fish and birds.

    After a few seconds of thinking about this, its really absurd and laughable the thought that race is false is the stupidest thing on earth.

    How would it be if all the Great White sharks said, hey dolphins, sea lions, and whales. We are just like you! Here let us bring a few of our friends into your mating grounds and congregate with you, there is no difference between us, right?

    Hehehe, I think I stay up too late writing and thinking about this kinda stuff. You should do more porchtalks about it when you have the time.

  2. #2 by shari on 12/05/2011 - 8:11 am

    Every idea pushed for the last 50yrs is connected to this. There is no male or female. There is no normal or perverse. There is no beautiful or ugly. There is no right or wrong. There is no good or evil. If Whites are genocided, it means evil wins period.

    • #3 by Genseric on 12/05/2011 - 9:47 am


      We are asexual, One-Race-Fits-All denizens of the Politically Correct Multiverse.


  3. #4 by Genseric on 12/05/2011 - 9:43 am


    So race “Doesn’t Exist” in your world, eh? Tell me, do you think the Jews agree with you? Do you think the Jews agree with you that the Holocaust was NOT genocide because “Race Does Not Exist” in the anti-Whites’ version of our World.

    You’re not a genocide denier are you? Then why are you denying White genocide?

  4. #5 by Simmons on 12/05/2011 - 10:27 am

    In our matriarchal society we embrace failure if it salves us temporarily, think of the mother who gives her brat a sweet treat to shut him now and causing rotted teeth later.

    “Race is everything” It is all blacks have. It is all that jews have. Asians might not know.

    Some whites are out on a mission of Racial Abolition and they are failing.

    Hence we have Bob’s Mantra and we are destroying the last remnants of the Abolition movement.

    I don’t even think the respectable and semi-respectable conservatives who are paid to quibble the details can save the anti-white abolition movement.

  5. #6 by Gator61 on 12/05/2011 - 11:04 am

    Damn that makes me feel good. Great minds think alike. I posted almost those exact words a few days ago.

  6. #7 by Gar5 on 12/05/2011 - 12:03 pm

    If race doesn’t exist then you’d have no problem if Africa was flooded with millions of Chinese people and assimilated with them, causing a future where Black people no longer exist?

  7. #8 by James C on 12/06/2011 - 12:36 pm

    I’ve said virtually the exact same thing in a couple of arguments. the enemy had no response.

  8. #9 by Scrivener on 12/10/2011 - 6:18 pm

    Posted in the Tram discussion thread on YouTube:

    @adamclark1972uk If you say race is not real, you are also saying that no genocide can occur and that no genocide has ever occurred. Are you prepared to make this statement?

    Or are you only arguing that MY race is imaginary, fully prepared to scream “racist” at me if I argue that Blacks or Asians are not real.

    Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.

  9. #10 by Harumphty Dumpty on 12/10/2011 - 7:48 pm

    @ #4 by Genseric:

    Your suggestion has to be the MOST vivid way of making the point!

    I can’t resist the urge to tinker…I’d omit your second sentence, since I think readers might misread it as your being about to attack Jews. And I’d shorten a couple of other parts:

    So race “Doesn’t Exist,” eh?

    Do you think Jews agree with you that the Holocaust was not genocidal because “Race Does Not Exist”?

    You’re not a genocide denier are you? Then why are you denying White genocide?

    Ha! I want to see what the anti-White reaction to that will be! I imagine surprise and confusion that one of their most reliable clubs has been suddenly snatched out of their hand and they’re being beat over the head with it!

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