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If You Believe Your Land is Stolen, Get the Hell OFF of It!

Posted by Bob on November 15th, 2014 under Coaching Session

I wrote this after I had submitted the article below.

Someone suggested that using this point might distract from concentrating on the Mantra.

It was an excellent point, but, for me, it was wonderful to hear it.

Now I have, after almost twenty years of effort, a cadre that can MAKE a criticism like that!  photo aztecs.jpg

Can you imagine anyone in the maze of argument and “somebody ought tos” I spent all those years in saying “That might distract from THE point!?”

For me, the fact that it is a valid criticism is totally buried in the sheer joy of this little team of professionals it took so long to develop.

In my own case. I have used this truth, you can hardly call it just an argument, when it was a good lead in to the whole subject, as when some idiot at a cocktail party would start blubbering about how we stole the land from the Indians.

I think it is a good point, but BUGSERS have to make sure they don’t waste precious time dragging it in. But at the right time and place, it really puts some crocodile-tearing, loud-mouthed fashionable anti-white in his place.

So here it is:

Whenever White Genocide is discussed, there is the chorus about how whites stole the land.

Grant that. What is the FIRST obligation of any receiver of stolen goods?

Is a person who believes his property has been stolen from others obligated, first and foremost, to denounce the OTHER people who committed the robbery?

No. Any sane person knows that, IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE STOLEN GOODS, then your first obligation is to RETURN them to whomever you insist is the RIGHTFUL owner.

The first obligation of an Australian who really believes Australia was stolen from the aborigines or any American who honestly believes America was stolen from the Indians is TO GET THE HELL OUT!

Every adult knows that you cannot hold onto stolen property while denouncing the OTHER thieves.

No Indian or Abo would be happier than I would be if these crocodile-tear-shedding, “The White man STOLE America!” types were to hop on a boat and go elsewhere.

  1. #1 by -backbaygrouch- on 11/15/2014 - 2:18 pm

    To advocate returning the Southwest to Mexican Amerindians is an endorsement of human sacrifice.

    • #2 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/15/2014 - 9:06 pm


      Ha,ha,ha, BBG.

      “…Aborigen (aboriginal/native) is used in Argentina, whereas “Amerindian” is used in Guyana but not commonly in other countries.[22]”

    • #3 by Jason on 11/17/2014 - 9:40 am

      BBG is so right, yet this is exactly what is happening. This all happened under the watch of the WWII Generation and the Weakest Generation.

      They had an entire continent when they were born. 90% White. And as they leave the earth, the majority of children under the age of 5 are non-White.

      They LOST an entire continent on their watch. In just a few decades. Biggest loss of any group in world history. I don’t want to hear how “great” and “cool” they were.

  2. #4 by Carloman on 11/15/2014 - 8:31 pm

    When somebody says that, I usually come back with “And how does White genocide benefit the American Indians? Stop pretending to care about the Indians. You’re not pro-Indian, you’re simply anti-White.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.”

    It avoids arguing with the anti-White and brings it all back to White genocide. Of course, if the anti-White is actually an American Indian, then I simply post the first sentence.

  3. #5 by Undercover Lover on 11/15/2014 - 8:43 pm

    I usually go with

    First you condemn what happened to the natives then you justify doing the exact same thing to whites. It’s genocide. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

  4. #6 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/15/2014 - 9:20 pm

    A nice appetizer, with mantra main course, polished off with desert of “You`re justifying genocide”.

  5. #7 by Fellow Aussie on 11/16/2014 - 6:50 am

    This might be off topic but when Anti-Whites say.
    Multiculturalism is our greatest strength!
    I just say
    Yes I agree…So when are we going to make all the aboriginal communities Multicultural?

    Then I sit back and watch the mental gymnastics.
    It’s so funny. When the anti-whites turn themselves inside out I just finish them off with

    Multiculturalism is for All and Only white countries
    It’s only intended to get rid of white kids
    Multiculturalism is just a code word for White Genocide

  6. #8 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 11/16/2014 - 6:08 pm

    @Fellow Aussie They still use “multiculturalism” in Australia? Lol we’ve pretty much destroyed that terminology here in the US, the anti-Whites in the US use “diversity” so now I bash “diversity” instead of “multiculturalism”. Expect the same thing to happen in Australia after you guys destroy their terminology Lol.

    When anti-Whites cry about the “natives” or “aboriginals” I usually go with “How is massive 3rd world immigration and forced assimilation going to help the natives? You anti-Whites dont care about the natives, you anti-Whites only care that we continue with White genocide”

    • #9 by Fellow Aussie on 11/17/2014 - 3:01 am

      You are right ElectricRabbit we have a long way to go in Australia. But today the manager of a coffee shop told me that she thinks the history books are manipulated because there are no black achievements in them. I just ran a few mantra routines and she cornered me at the door begging me to tell her what we can do about it in front of her customers. Australia is ready for the Mantra more then ever. It’s catching on.

      • #10 by Daniel Genseric on 11/17/2014 - 10:50 am

        They caught Mommy Professor dealing from the bottom of the deck.

        They have got him by the collar and they’re looking at us like, “Are you going to take ’em outside or do I have to?”

        The whole white world is ready and The Big Flip is coming.

  7. #11 by Jason on 11/17/2014 - 9:48 am

    It took Indians 300 years to fully lose North America. It only took the Greatest Generation about 50 years.

    But they had learned it was pointless to fight city hall, that you had to submit to FedGov, and then they convinced themselves they were macho for groveling before the likes of Ted Kennedy.

    • #12 by Carloman on 11/17/2014 - 12:16 pm

      I wish you had put the word “Greatest” in quotation marks. Calling the generation that grew up racially aware, yet fought on the side of Stalin and did practically nothing to stop integration and non-White immigration “Greatest” ranks second only to insulting Aristotle on the list of things that make me really upset. Well, make that third, as White Genocide makes me more upset than either of the other two.

      Besides, the G******* Generation is an anti-White meme, and we shouldn’t be spreading anti-White memes. Personally, I’d call them the Stalin Generation.

  8. #13 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 11/17/2014 - 2:37 pm

    I’ve noticed the anti-whites have been bringing up the natives/aboriginals more than ever now. So now I like to accuse the anti-Whites of using the natives/aboriginals as TOOLS for justifying White genocide.

    Here’s what I said to one anti-White who brought up the aboriginals.

    “How is White GENOCIDE going to help the aboriginals?Stop using the aboriginals as TOOLS to justify White GENOCIDE.”

    Haha this is just a slap in the face!

  9. #14 by Undercover Lover on 11/18/2014 - 12:24 am

    I just wrote up a new little mini-response but I’d like some suggestions on the first sentence. I don’t like the term “interbreeding.” Anyone have any better suggestions? White mixing? Browning out?

    The conditions that LEAD to interbreeding ARE being forced. That makes it genocide. It’s not like they’re setting up little multi-ethnic states where people who want to can go. “Diversity” is being imposed on ALL and ONLY white countries, communities and families. This isn’t happening to Blacks, Arabs or Asians. Natives are explicitly allowed their reserves. We’re not even allowed those. We can’t White Flight ANYWHERE. “Diversity” means CHASING DOWN the last white people. It’s genocide. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

  10. #15 by Carloman on 11/18/2014 - 1:06 am

    How about “blending us out of existence”?

  11. #16 by Laura on 11/18/2014 - 9:26 am

    I have noticed over the past few days since Bob posted this article how anti-whites have been RUNNING from this simple truth.

    If you believe your land is STOLEN, then YOU should get the HELL OFF of it! But you’re just anti-White and use “Stolen Lands” to JUSITFY White Genocide.

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