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“Just So Studies”

Posted by Bob on October 18th, 2015 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

A former Emory professor likes to quote people referring to him as “the disgraced Emory professor,” because he lied about gun ownership in early America so flagrantly he actually got caught and fired.

But, a he smilingly points out, he is doing just fine, thank you.

Two black reporters who made up reports for the New York Times and the Washington Post are doing just fine, thank you.  The reason they were caught was they were being given prizes for their articles.

An article from China blows the “Out of Africa” bit:

But emails between two Oxford environmental experts made it very clear they were lying and changing anything that didn’t fit.  photo happyending.jpg

You have heard this before. People are always screaming about how totally corrupt any politically sensitive study is.

But, as usual, those people are AMPWs.

They don’t go to the subbasic.

They quote other studies by the SAME “Intellectuals!!!!!”

I had a lot to do with grants, and the first rule in getting a grant is that your research will come out Politically Correct.  Anyone with a history of getting grants has a history of Just-So Studies.

Like fairy tales, his “studies” always have a  Happy Ending.  They all come out Just So.

And the AMPWs go ahead and QUOTE them!

One of the Genome founders gave his share of the prize money to the Black Panthers.

If he had given it to the Klan. it would have been reported.

Do not quote people who consistently lie to you.

People are supposed to learn that before age ten.


  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 10/18/2015 - 6:22 pm

    We pass laws to ensure that football teams, companies & and tv shows etc… are NOT too white. But we are also told that a future world with NO White folks is simply a NON event.

    How much “Educating” does it take to a person this dumb?

  2. #2 by Jason on 10/18/2015 - 8:57 pm

    Can’t stop laughing at the graphic BBG picked. It’s a kind of genius to pick just the right one.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/20/2015 - 7:15 am

    Tuesday morning if you hurry to Drudge he links to a WND that mentions white genocide as related to the Star Wars movie

    Of course it is a WND and they have slightly less cred than the NYTs especially with the Cucks but white genocide did make the top by line of Drudge or at least the phrase “anti-white.”

    Now I told you and the AMPWs that the phrase “anti-white” would eventually go nuclear, but I imagine that the intellectuals at AmRen still refuse to use it.

  4. #4 by Jason on 10/21/2015 - 1:16 am

    This isn’t the best place to put this comment but I have wanted to say: I don’t think the public likes martyrs.

    This is why the BUGS model of anonymous activity worked so well. When people see someone’s life destroyed because of their beliefs, they do NOT feel sympathy for them or the cause. Their survival instincts kick and say “get away from that infected person”.

    Institutions often take up a martyr and praise him long after he is dead. But during his life everyone ran from him (after loudly condemning him).

    • #5 by Tom Bowie on 10/21/2015 - 11:10 am

      You’re correct and even the rare exception proves the rule so-to-say.
      The rare exceptions require extra ordinary conditions to occur at just the right time and are not possible normally. Even then, all cases I know of have started with somebody who’s friends and associates became outraged and the emotional response spread to others.

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