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Reality and Mommy Professor

Back in the old days, the Great Wisdom was that if you wanted to make money, you went to where the money was.. The immediate conclusion was you went into banking.

In the real world, money, the real money is often back in the sticks. Sears Roebuck was declaimed by many because it was going out to the sticks. It came back in the form of sticks sold gold.

But Sears Roebuck had a product, thousands of products. What do you do when you have absolutely nothing to offer but need to make a living?Photobucket

You go where the money is. There is more money being handed around by redistribution than Sears ever imagined.

And the agents get PAID.

In every other industry where money goes the immediate question on everybody’s mind is: Cui bono? What capitalist exploiter is fattening on that government contract?

But that question never comes up when other government expenditures are involved.

Almost every student who makes good grades wants to be like Mommy Professor: Never to leave school. He wants to spend his entire life where he is good at something.

Mommy Professor never has to grow up. He has NEVER left school.

Everybody expects industry to oppose taxes and regulation. Every person in an industry is expected to have a giant idea of how important that profession is.

Except Mommy Professor.

And, unlike people in other industries or occupations, there is no discussion of any bias in Mommy Professor’s industry.

That is a simple Mantra-like explanation of the fantasy world college graduates have made for us.



Fred’s List

Fred Richthoffen sent in this check list as a comment on my article on “Slipping.”

I wish we all kept it to check with.Photobucket

“This is my check list so I don’t lock my keys inside my car or start “slipping”. After I have completed my argument…

✓Did I mention open borders, forced integration, and assimilation?

✓Did I mention anti-racist is a code word for anti-White?

✓Did I mention RACE and GENOCIDE in caps to make them uncomfortable and draw attention?”

All of us who have been here for a while remember when the standard attack on the Mantra in Stormfront was that we were just sitting in our rooms writing on the net while they were going to go out and take the streets.

It’s kind of funny that now the standard and packaged attack on the Mantra is that we are ruining the wonderful reputation for logic and stability and just plain admirability that white nationalists now have.



My Reply to Jared

“I cannot believe that Jared doesn’t know that our problem is white self-hatred.

“The fact that whites applaud when told whites will soon be a minority in their own countries is the problem.Photobucket

“A lot of anti-whites have used Jared’s argument. But the fact that it is whites who seek the destruction of their own race does not make white genocide healthier, it makes the whole thing sicker.

“Jared says that so long as whites are destroyed by whites, things are okee-dokee.

“A lot of anti-whites have tried that tactic against us, and they got squashed every time.”

My reply, needless to say, is “under moderation” at



If You Won’t Work for Us, the Other Side Can Use You

One thing you should keep realizing is how points made here seem to tell the future.

For example, it looked a little funny to some people that, when I was concentrating on race, I had a lot of space on the nature of institutions. Now we are running into a situation where American Renaissance must be understood as an institution.

We certainly LIKE American Renaissance, but the danger is that it will go the Republican/respectable conservative route.WFB Campaign Poster

In the early 1960s the very idea of a conservative getting air time was intolerable. All political discussions on national TV consisted of two liberal Democrats and one or two liberal Republicans.

Two SEPARATE things happened. First, conservatives stopped being purely defensive and began to denounce the shibboleths of liberalism openly. By 1968 Nixon and Wallace had an overwhelming majority of the vote.

This was undermined, not by a Conspiracy meeting in Lower Broscupal or somewhere, but by a natural tendency. Liberals, who owned the media both literally and figuratively, chose conservative “opponents” they felt comfortable with.

The result was surprisingly effective for the left. Conservatives survived professionally if they looked like all-out opponents to their own featherheads but gave the other side what it needed.

Respectable conservatives have taken on a role as RATIFIERS of liberal policy. No one denounces “reactionaries” and “racist” as loudly as the professional right. But this obedience is not the big thing, the ratification.

Leftist policies go through many years of being denounced by professional conservatives. But, inevitably, the day when they can say, “Even conservative columnist George Will” or “even William Buckley now agree that…”

This means the policy has now become that of “both sides,” and there is no room for further debate.

Anyone who listened to part of the debate Jared was part of in Canada can see how this could easily happen to pro-white institutions. From the first word, Jared conceded and conceded and conceded, not by statements but by silence.

And silence is the other side’s weapon.

If there is a policy in place to wipe your race off the face of the earth and you join with the other side in refusing to mention, that it is too radical, it is ratification. I have no suspicion that Jared and friends are doing this on purpose.

They are just politically naïve.

I have been in the midst of things while politically naïve conservatives became the best friends leftism ever had.




Like other guerilla operations that have to develop their own program, we have evolved our own terminology. It is one hell of a lot easier to say “Tailgating” than it is to keep repeating the whole story, that we have found, in action, that if you keep trying to answer the crap that is thrown at you, you stop killing effectively.

There are other terms we have developed that only occur here.

One phenomenon that wastes a lot of time to explain is an error Lord Nelson made and INSTANTLY CORRECTED, which in itself is as much a lesson as anything else. But every time I talk about it I must go on to explain that the important thing was not Lord Nelson slipping into it, but his instant recognition and correction. Photobucket

The first couple of times I mentioned it I explained all this, but Lord Nelson came back with another apology, which can wear you down and, more important, gets off the subject.

LN finally got the point that he should not apologize, but the fact is it gets us off the subject to talk about that original correction. WE need a TERM for that.

What LN did was to attack immigration as genocide. He left out assimilation. This is a VERY easy error to commit, and pro-whites do it all the time. It makes one’s path far, far easier, because the same people who will scream anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews if you criticize interracial marriage will discuss immigration with you as if you were human.

Hannity heard that David Duke opposed interracial marriage and said “You really ARE a Nazi!” He himself opposes open borders. So it is easy to slip into this groove, because it is so much smoother, and you haven’t realized WHY it is so much easier.

So from now on let’s call this almost unnoticeable slide into respectability “Sliding.”

Some of you are finding, IN ACTION, what works. Before the last few years, I had no chance to cut the Mantra.

The reason for that was that every time I brought it up, the people who discussed it were just discussing it. They had never USED it. So none of that helped me at all.

On the other hand, I really learn from BUGS reports, because they are REPORTS, not theorizing about what “people” can understand. So you have isolated what WORKS by itself in the Mantra.

You have developed mini-Mantras, a term which, justly, would have had me blowing my top five years ago.

Now you have been IN there, you have USED the Mantra, you are not talking about what theoretically might lead to something, but, from hard experience, what WORKS.

IN every subject, the instructor beats the basics in, but he is trying to get his students to the point where they can begin, very carefully, to make their own rules, their own contributions.

Please go ahead and do it.

But DON’T Slip. One person was talking about his success, but I looked over what he said, and everything he said had to do with “culture.” He impressed people, but in the end he didn’t SAY anything. He forgot to look at the message he left, not at how impressed others were.

If you win easily, be sure to check back and see if you didn’t just Slip.
