Don is writing his own blog here. Don writes a LOT.
But wait a minute, Bob, isn’t this Bob’s Blog?
It certainly is, and Bob’s Blog is about getting you people THINKING. I am not interested in just sitting here talking to myself.
I got Don to thinking and writing. I would like to get YOU to thinking and writing.
I take credit for what YOU write. I take credit for what my book team does because they wouldn’t have done it without me.
I take credit for the Hubble Telescope because it wouldn’t be up there if it wasn’t for me. I take credit for the fact that the INS was stopped from imposing racial quotas on private schools thirty years ago because I USED other people to stop it.
And they appreciated my go-ahead.
I take credit for many, many ideas that I got started.
That is what power, real power, is. I have changed the world in more ways than I can count.
In his autobiography Ben Franklin said that, if you want something done, be sure someone else gets the credit for it. They deserve it. You can spend your life on doing one thing, or you get the ball rolling and find other people to do the job better than you can.
The only thing that worries me about Don’s comments is that he is the only one who is doing it. I come here twice a day to moderate comments. What really depresses me is when I see “Comments to be Moderated (0).”
Which seems to mean that what I said didn’t hit any buttons in your mind.
I think what I say should get you to THINKING.
Keep it up, Don.
And as for the rest of you, I’d like to kick you in what you seem to think is your brain.
#1 by Mark on 04/12/2005 - 7:48 pm
Perhaps people don’t respond because you say all that needs to be said…sometimes. Afer all, God didn’t require the Hebrews to engage in philosophical debates over the ten commandments with Him, did He?
#2 by Bob on 04/12/2005 - 8:13 pm
Mark sure knows how to deal with somebody who has an ego like mine.
#3 by John on 04/12/2005 - 11:15 pm
Yes, Mark is right. I generally agree with you, in which case nothing more needs to be said. But . when I don’t, I just keep my mouth shut. Either way, I guess I don’t say much.
#4 by Don on 04/13/2005 - 12:33 pm
Thanks Bob.
Come on, Mark, you’re a bright guy filled with ideas. Just pretend you are in a restaurant with good friends and surrounded by people your wife doesn’t want to overhear what you have to say. Then say it.
John. See above.
#5 by Don on 04/13/2005 - 12:38 pm
RE: I take credit for the Hubble Telescope because it wouldn’t be up there if it wasn’t for me. I take credit for the fact that the INS was stopped from imposing racial quotas on private schools thirty years ago because I USED other people to stop it.
And well you should. For the rest of you, let’s help Bob make a profound impact on the lives of many young people.
Why Johnny Can’t Think
#6 by Peter on 04/13/2005 - 1:16 pm
“Which seems to mean that what I said didn’t hit any buttons in your mind. I think what I say should get you to THINKING.”
We’re thinking, “You’re right Bob, my thoughts exactly. No one can word it better than you. You are thegreatestwriterthateverlived.”
But we already wrote that.
And we mean it.
#7 by Peter on 04/13/2005 - 1:19 pm
Further, some of us aren’t writer-specialists.
We do lots of things. Sometimes we head out to the backyard and pull up poison ivy, so we can become immune to it. The world keeps us busy fighting.
#8 by Bob on 04/14/2005 - 9:11 am
Peter, are you about to ask me for a loan or something?
Good old poison ivy. I was raised in the sand hills. Nothing grew there but poison oak, poison ivy, three of the four kinds of poisonous snakes in America, sandspurs, red ants, black ants, and mosquitoes.
The old saying was, “Ain’t nothing grows in the sand hills but sandspurs and pickannies.”
Oh. And stunted pine trees and scrub oaks.
My love of Nature is not exactly boundless.
#9 by Peter on 04/14/2005 - 6:27 pm
Loan? Hmm…
I have a tendency after I come in from the poison ivy to rub my eyes, when I wash up. Ever seen a clam-shell?
#10 by Bob on 04/14/2005 - 8:56 pm
Peter, it could be a LOT worse.
Some people who grabbed some leaves to use as toilet paper accidentally included a few bits of poison oak in it.
Now that’s what you can really call a pain in the ….
Um …..
#11 by Peter on 04/14/2005 - 9:15 pm
Once out West, I had ridden alone into the pristine middle of nowhere.
I found a rock…