Mike says,
“It is hard for someone who has spent a lifetime learning erroneous information to give it up, otherwise they would have to admit to wasting all of that time.”
That is profoundly true.
There has always been a weird alliance between preachers and atheist history professors. It happened this way:
All the scholars went to Palestine to find Biblical history. Then as secular history developed, historians and archeologists used the materials the religious students had found. They found that all history did not happen in Palestine, but they found what they were looking for where they were looking, the Middle East.
So historians traced all of history to Egypt and Mesopotamia, which were studied because they were in Bible.
On the old university library at the University of South Carolina, McKissick, there is emblazoned the motto, “Ex Oriente Lux”, “Truth Comes From the East.”
That was the motto of ATHEIST historians! That is what history is built on. Historians try to trace everything as being “invented” in the Middle East.
So do Bible-believers.
As I said, it is a very odd alliance but a very solid one.
#1 by Don on 04/15/2005 - 8:53 am
The Bible-believers need to pay more attention to those they are in bed with.
#2 by Don on 04/15/2005 - 9:01 am
Unless they are willing to sell their soul to the devil.
Or their birthright for a “mess of pottage.”
Falwell and Robertson, can you quit whoring around with the enemy long enough to listen?
Or is the “love of money” your dominant motivational theme.
I am sure Jesus would be so proud of you!
#3 by Don on 04/15/2005 - 9:56 am
A whoring we will go
A whoring we will go
Falwell and Robertson
A whoring we will go
#4 by Don on 04/15/2005 - 9:59 am
I have a question for Falwell and Robertson.
Why do you hate the truth so much?