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The Point of A Gun Is to Up The Ante

Posted by Bob on April 26th, 2005 under How Things Work

I have had to use M-15’s and 16’s, Kalashnikovs and I probably spelled it all wrong. I don’t know a thing about them. I don’t know the difference between the British M5 and M6, and I’ve been chased by both of them.

I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned a gun. I know I field stripped one once, but I don’t remember how I did it. The thing was jammed and I didn’t have a hell of a lot of choice.

It’s only a matter of time before some Army geek will develop a weapon that no longer goes by the only rule I know: You point the hole in one end the other way, (No, Bob, you do NOT put that against your shoulder!) and you put your finger in the little ring and pull back the little pully thing.

Thus endeth our Weapons Training Program for today.

A Real Army Man will tell you that the idea of an armed militia as a defense against tyranny is absurd. You can’t fight the Modern Army with civilian weapons.

What the government calls “assault weapons,” the ones civilians are not allowed to have because they look mean, are weapons no soldier would take into real combat, into a real assault. The guns civilians can have are not combat weapons.

The Military Man will say there is no point in civilians being armed.

What his military training did not teach him is that that is not the point.

Until the World War II Generation took over, one of the staple pictures in magazines and newspapers was an old lady sitting on a porch with a shotgun on her lap. She was waiting on the bulldozer that was going to destroy the house she had lived in all her life.

Grandma with the shotgun didn’t have much book learning, but she knew very well that she couldn’t defeat the entire United Sates Army.

Her point was not, “I can fight the whole army.”

Her point was, “If you want to take my home, you’ll have to kill me to get it.”

Since the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation took over after four years of Obedience Training in the Second World War, old grandma with her shotgun is considered silly.

Now grandma is supposed to use Civil Disobedience.

But, unless the media is one your side, Civil Disobedience is Obedience.

That is why so many right-wing demonstrations are pointless. Civil Disobedience is only covered by the media if they want to cover it.

The media won’t cover grandma sitting on a porch with a flower in her lap. But if she’s got a scatter gun she gets attention, and lots of it.

If the media can disarm you, they can ignore you.

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