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New Orleans: Personal

Posted by Bob on September 3rd, 2005 under Bob

I was doing a heart test and while I waited between parts of it, I watched the TV coverage of New Orleans.

Let me say up front that I don’t LIKE disasters. I’ve seen too much horror up close to want to see it or hear about it.

It is hard to believe today, but the group that now calls itself The Greatest Generation was known for over a decade after World War II as The Silent Generation. Almost every one of them wanted to talk anything EXCEPT their time in the War.

Now I know why.

A generation later, it was hard to get them to shut up about the War. Now it is impossible. By now, it is a distant memory, and a lot of them know more about it from the documentaries than they actually remember and FEEL today.

My disasters, personal and general, are still too recent. I keep thinking I should keep up with it, but I have tuned it out.

I have sent a little money to people with the short note, “The government gives you a handout. Your friends give you a hand up.”

I’ll do anything I can. But this is not entertainment for me.

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