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One-Way Generosity

Posted by Bob on September 3rd, 2005 under General

During the short session of watching television about the New Orleans disaster I mentioned below, I saw a black man I assumed was the mayor of the city cussing the world out about how badly things are going down there.

He was behaving exactly like the head of a third world country would behave. He was demanding money and lots of it from everybody.

Please remember these are impressions from a news story I do not want to look at. I am retired now. Really retired. I did not force myself to watch.

In that short period of watching I saw something absolutely unique.

For the first time in my lifetime, other countries were offering aid to US in a disaster.

These offers of aid were at the top of the news, but I may be the only person who noticed how totally novel they were. No one in the media ever noted before that no forieng country ever even thought about giving aid when we had a disaster, like Hurricane Huge here in South Carolina, in the United States.

When Clinton and Bush appeared jointly on ads on national television for aid to tsunami victims in Asia, it was routine. Herbert Hoover was in the Ukraine about 1920 organzing a giant and successful
American effort to get food there to deal with famines during the Russian Civil War.

Private citizens in America have always been there for emergencies around the world throughout my long memory and long before. They were NEVER there for us.

No one in the media ever mentioned that. So no one mentioned how unique these offers of aid as they were headlined. Our generations of aid to others is forgotten.

In the latest tsunami and in every other crisis in the third world, all we ever got for it was the local dictator cussing about how we weren’t doing enough or doingit fast enough.

So I was watching something you will see a lot more in the future:

A part of America that has slid into the third world is now reacting exactly like any other third world area.

And what is left ofthe first world is now pouring aid in to the part of America that is now the third world.

New Orleans was much poorer in earlier days, and coped with many a disaster. They were always grateful for any help outsiders gave and they NEVER blamed everybody ELSE for their problems.

But that was before Social Progress got there.

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