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Genetic Morality

Posted by Bob on January 6th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Has there ever been a book with this title?

According to all the “moral” teachers, there is no such thing as genetic morality.

There is a lot of disagreement on how much human life is influenced by our genes. Right after World War II the dream world of social science was science. That is, all human life was entirely a product of environment.

Hitler was for heredity so the World War II generation went to colleges that taught that the future was entirely a product of education, sociology, political science, historial determinism, in other words the social sciences.

Thirty years ago I pointed this out in detail in my first book in my own name.

Environment IS social science. Leaving heredity and environment to social scientists is exactlyt like leaving the price of steel up to the Steel Trust. So the Weakest Generation, fresh from obedience training, was trained that heredity was nothing.

To every church that I am aware of, the term “genetic morality” is an oxymoron. If you are intelligent, you should spend your time on theology, not on having or raising children.

Chilren are a byproduct. You are not responsible for helping better people pass their GENES on, genes future generations will desperately need.

The first rule of post-World War II thinking is that there is no moral dimension whatsoever to genetics.

The discussion begins and ends with “some Hitlerites would say one should have BETTER children, WHATEVER “BETTER” Means.”

This is supposd to get rid of the whole argument and get us back to social programs and adopting the third world into the United States.

But when it comes to social science, there is never the slightest doubt as to what “better” means.

Look at the person who tells you, “Looks don’t matter.” How much do their clothes cost? Are they only wearing a minimum regardless of fashion or how the clothes look. I had a woman once tell me looks don’t matter but she had to end the conversation because she had an appointment at the beauty salon.

You see, the social scientists HAS to know what is “better” or he will not be able to make a living teaching students how they can achieve that “better” by putting money into social programs.

I am sure the lady who runing the beauty salon will tell you that looks don’t matter. I am sure the high-end cloting store ownders are putting money into programs based on the premise that there is no such thing as “better” looking children.

O’Reilly demands that test scores and not race should be the determinant of who gets into school. But, since his degree is in education, he will also tell you that no child is innately smarter than any other child.

He SAYS that!

It isn’t true.

I am not speaking of theory here. I am speaking of MORALITY.

My morality is still Odinist. That which is not true is evil.

So Bob has a genetic morality.

That is why I object so strongly to the word “aristocracy” as used today. Aristocracy means rule by the best. It has nothing to do iwth naciocracy, which is rule by birth.

Even social scientists now have to admit that heredity is important. Anything that is important to humanity has a MORAL dimension.

We are perfectly willing to restrict any human freedom to improve human beings by ENVIRONMENTAL means.

Except for libertarians. They just say they have no responsibility for anything.

I do not respect what passes for morality today because it has one blind eye. Everyone except extreme libertarians agree that businessmen do not have the right to do anything they want to to increase profits and they are perfectly willing to back the restrictions that are needed by force.

But anyone who is too irresponsible or unintelligent to keep down their number of children has a right to dump them on the rest of us. If countries can’t control their population, they have every right to dump them into vacant space left by white people.

But the critical point is NOT that this is not RIGHT. The point here is one no conservative and very few others have the guts to make.

The critical point is that this is IMMORAL.

No one dares to face down the screaming priest or preacher with this IMMORALITY.

If you do not have a genetic morality, you are an immoral person.

You can whip yourself in a Trappist Monastery or hold revivals or hold a professorship in Ethics at Harvard University. But you an immoral person if you do not have a clear-cut GENETIC morality.

On Judgement Day, I doubt seriously whether you will only be asked about your morality on one aspect of life and never questioned on the other.

The hungry will have to be fed in future generations. The naked will have to be clothed in the future. Only a genetically healthy society can do that. You can sacrifice and whip your skin off in this generation, but it won’t do the future any good.

All they will have is their genes.

There are only two excuses for ignoring a genetic morality:

1) The future won’t happen or

2) Genes really don’t matter.

Joe, I don’t think ANYBODY believes either of those things except those who expect Judgement Day in the near future.

But the environmentalists, whose whole program is based on the future, have no genetic morality at all.

This is jnot just wrong. It is immoral.

All the churches disagree. But they will not avoid being judged on the Golden Rule.

You can go to Hell straight through the church door.

All the philosophies and pretences at Ethics in the world and all the incantations of “HITLER!” cannot protect you from your moral obligation in this world or in the next.

  1. #1 by Derek on 01/06/2006 - 8:56 pm

    Nietzsche wrote a book called the “genealogy of morals”. He was fairly anti-Smetic, but anti-Christian as well. He did write “the anti-Christ”.

    The Anti-Christ, in my opinion, was more against the people’s use of Chrisitianity than Christianity itself. It turned me off to Christians but not Christ.

    Nietzsche was an intellectual that slipped into a coma after going crazy. I think that the lack of real labor helped him into the situation. You can’t spend all day with your nose buried in a book without going a little bonkers, huh?

  2. #2 by Mark on 01/06/2006 - 11:50 pm

    “But the environmentalists, whose whole program is based on the future, have no genetic morality at all.”

    I find it intersting that environmentalists will work very hard to make certain a single race of animal not go extinct, and then turn a blind eye to the extinction of the white human race, or better yet, deny that our race is even worth saving from extinction.

  3. #3 by Derek on 01/07/2006 - 11:30 am

    I had another thought that was inspired by this entry. Kind of random, but here it goes: feeling guilt is not the same as being moral.

    We all make decisions that are supposed to be good or moral. A lot of times, as we are humans, we choose to do the wrong thing and feel guilty about it later. But in a small way, in my opinion, feeling guilt could be the chance to learn to make better, more moral decisions in the future. At least you can recognize a moral opportunity when you see one.

    It seems to me that most anti-white liberals never feel guilt, nor do they have morals.

  4. #4 by Elizabeth on 01/07/2006 - 12:19 pm

    The invisible-to-the-media component of the Catholic church encourages Catholics to
    get MARRIED and MULTIPLY if they’re not bound by religious vows. I’d love to get
    married — I just haven’t had any offers — and I’d love to multiply, but I doubt
    that’s going to be possible. I want children desperately and I’ll adopt to get them
    if I can’t get them any other way.

  5. #5 by Elizabeth on 01/07/2006 - 12:23 pm

    I remember, back in the mid-1970s, hearing about the “poor baby seals.”

    I thought it was _interesting_ that there were all these public tears
    and all this public agony over these animals while it was open season
    on baby humans — and still is.

  6. #6 by Don on 01/09/2006 - 2:18 pm

    RE: You can go to Hell straight through the church door.

    It would be good if most ministers would join the Red Suit and Pitchfork Society so we could have a little truth in advertising.

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